The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • November 24 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Quick Thought – Why Haven’t the Stanford Trustees Asked This Simple Question …

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-24 13:00 +0000

I was flabbergasted at how large that overhead number really is (emphasis mine). “HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: More Employees Than Students at Stanford: Give Each Student a Concierge!


“Specifically, there were 15,750 administrators, 2,288 faculty members, and 16,937 students. The paid help of 18,038 (administrators plus faculty) outnumbered the customers (students) by 1,101. That gave me an idea for a stunning administrative reorganization: give each student a paid concierge—an academic butler, if you will—to help navigate the pain of collegiate living in Palo Alto.”

Faculty members would be DIRECT labor – they actually DO what higher education is supposed to do: knowledge transfer.  That’s it – that’s its main purpose. Sure, there is research, and some of that is profitable, but that can and does translate to the next generation of knowledge transfers (or academic “spinoffs” in terms of startup incubators).

15,750 / 2288 = 7.9.  Impressive overhead.  Thanks, Mom & Dad.


The post Quick Thought – Why Haven’t the Stanford Trustees Asked This Simple Question … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ignorant or Dishonest … Does It Really Matter?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-24 11:30 +0000

So here is a tweet from some NH-Democrat State Rep demanding “gun control” in response to the Monterey shooting. Needless to say, the gun in question is already illegal in California. So either this Staes Rep is ignorant or dishonest. It really doesn’t matter which. Whether it is ignorance or dishonesty, this State Rep has no business being a State Rep or serving elected or unelected in any government position.

The voters would be to blame … except this person represents Durham. So it is New Hampshire’s rigged election scheme, which allows out-of-State college students to vote in New Hampshire, that is to blame. And UNH, which like the rest of so-called “higher education” has as its mission the grooming of students to be America-hating Communists, is to blame.

If only we could elect a Republican Governor and Republican legislature to defund UNH and end the grooming of students to be America-hating Communists. Oh wait … we do have, or supposedly do have, a Republican Governor and Republican legislature. So it’s their fault too that someone like this is a State Rep.

And, by the way, this person’s Twitter-bio says she is a former teacher:

Safe bet that her idea of “teaching” is grooming America-hating Communists.

It is an embarrassment and a disgrace that someone like this serves in State government. New Hampshire absolutely deserves to lose FITN.

The post Ignorant or Dishonest … Does It Really Matter? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Has Bothered Me For A While: NO, Patrick H. Wood, “Housing Is Not a Right”

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-24 02:30 +0000

The actual LtE title: Patrick H. Wood: Affordable housing should be a right, not a privilege

Sometimes I hang onto things far too long. Like I’ve said in the past, when  GraniteGrok first opened up, there were FAR fewer “things” to write about as the pace of such things were:

  • Much slower than they are now
  • More people, especially with social media and bloggers, are reporting on things. Couple of orders magnitude more

More folks like me end up with “FOMO” – Fear Of Missing Out.  And for me, it’s a constant reading of posts/articles on the idea of “THIS is interesting but should the NEXT one have precedence over it?” – and I don end up writing about what caught my attention. So right now, I have about 400 tabs open in my browser of stuff “I want to write about” – not writer’s block but “priority failure”.

But this one I kept and it’s time to unload it (or is it “unload ON it?”). Now, Wood and I have known of each other since the early 2000s. We’re not friends nor acquaintances – we just know each other (barely?).  And he’s a lawyer so I hold him to a higher standard in what his “I’m running for State Rep” letter than what I would someone “just off the street”.  So, a bit of a fisking as while the House bit caught my attention, there are a couple more:

I am running for state representative from Laconia. This decision was not easily made as I am really enjoying retirement.

Actually, if one is retired and not doing anything else in particular, it would be an easy choice. It IS great to be able to decide, within some boundaries, what one is going to do that day unencumbered by other responsibilities – job, kids, other hobbies. But serving as a rep IS a HUGE time suck, so there’s that.

However, after the mass killing in Uvalde, Texas, I could no longer be only an observer. I believe safe gun ownership is a civic responsibility, not an infringement on rights.

And right off the bat, this lawyer (who should know FAR better) gets it absolutely wrong.  The Right to keep and bear arms (noting that the Second Amendment NEVER talks about what KINDS of guns which the Left is always harping over) is a Constitutional Right that SHOULD be beyond Legislative attempts to restrict it. Heller and now Bruen have made it clear that the Left (and Wood is a hard Democrat) have been wrong about this for years. No longer a “secondary” Right, the courts are now recognizing it as a first rank Right along with all the others.

Sure, keeping your arms safe is a responsibility but one that is personal. As we are raising the Grandson, I take the time to make them secure – he’s too curious and too willing to “experiment” on his own. But that is on ME – it is NOT a “Civic” responsibility that I “owe” to anyone else outside of my home.

And any legislation to the contrary (as many Democrat-run cities and States are finding out) means getting sued.

As a member of the Laconia Housing Authority, I am acutely aware of the need for more places to live for the people who live and work here. Affordable housing should be a right, not a privilege.

Good for you for getting involved. However, as a lawyer, you KNOW what a Right is based on the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. A Right is an inviolate part of someone simply for being human.  I have the Right to Free Speech – Government can’t stop me and it doesn’t mean YOU have to listen to me, but I can speak, write, create a video or a poster and express my thoughts.  It costs you NOTHING.

I have the right to my own religious beliefs and Government is restrained from forcing me to believe what it “allows” (a national church, for instance, although the Left, via Government, is trying hard to institute “the National Church of Secular Humanism, IMHO).  My beliefs do not mean that you must also accept my beliefs. My free expression of my beliefs cost you NOTHING.

So, going back to the definition of an inalienable Right (as opposed to a “legal right”) as recognized by our Founders:

Inalienable rights, or “natural rights,” are those rights that humans can innately enjoy. These are rights that cannot be taken away through laws created by man. Inalienable rights are different from legal rights, which are rights provided to an individual by the legal system, such as the right to an attorney and the right to remain silent.

They are a part of you, as I said, just for being human. And these Rights do not affect others with respect to exercising them.

So, how does “Housing” fit that as a Right?  Are we born having a Right as an innate part of being human?  No.  Is it a Constitutional Right?  No – there is no mention of it.

Someone has to create that Housing.  Someone has to expend time, talent, and expense to “give you” a “Right to Housing”?  I don’t think so and Wood should know better.  Remember, a Right places no obligation upon anyone else to provide ANYTHING for you to exercise an inalienable Right.  Again, the Right to Assembly is also counterbalanced with the Right to NOT assemble with others with whom one does not wish to associate with.  You cannot force me to attend either a KKK meeting or an Antifa/BLM meeting or those that cavort over abortions.

Making Housing a Right means that someone else must be involved – and that’s not part of a Right.  I cannot proclaim that Grokster Steve and Ann Marie (to pick on two Groksters) MUST build me a house.

Neither can Patrick Wood. And the adjective “affordable” makes it even worse.  And I’ll go to that next step – I don’t believe that Government should be taking my private property (via taxes) simply to give it to someone else.

Now, if Counselor Wood wants to make “Affordable Housing” a reality, he should stop being lazy. Get off that quasi-Government agency called the Laconia House Authority and either join up with Habitat for Humanity (certainly Wood is of the age to remember Jimmy Carter) and work in the charity space to raise the private funds to create the housing he believes everyone should have.  Or start his own charity (note that I’m not calling it a non-government organization – they are ALWAYS looking for Government provided money).

But alas, I doubt that’s his mindset – for the Left, ONLY Government can do good works.  Even if it shouldn’t be doing it.

Not only that, how often do you hear the Left saying that “THIS is a Right and THAT is a Right and that thing over there is a Right” and you go “I don’t remember that in our Constitution(s)”?  It’s deliberate – the Left has shown, over time, that ANY thing should be a right AND that Government will provide it to you.

Which isn’t, then, a Right at all.

Like Thomas Jefferson, I believe a robust public education system is essential for the preservation of our democracy. Having served on the Laconia School Board I learned that teaching is not only one of the most important jobs, but it is also one of the hardest. The schools need our support, not our political interference.

And a quick rebuttal: public education MONEY should follow the child, under the guidance of their parents, in providing publicly funded education.  A building, or a set of buildings, in a given zip code, should not be entitled to that public education funding.

Let them earn and compete for that money. But that’s not how the Left works either (especially where teachers’ unions give quite a lot of that “money transfer” back to Democrat elected officials.

I would greatly appreciate your support and your vote in November.
Patrick H. Wood

And no, he didn’t make it.


Now, if someone tells him about this post, tell him he’s welcome to write a rebuttal.


The post This Has Bothered Me For A While: NO, Patrick H. Wood, “Housing Is Not a Right” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Making of and Dealing with Jihadists

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-24 01:00 +0000

Bewildered by what fanatic Muslims do, some conclude that Muslims are brainwashed. Otherwise, how can their totally illogical belief system and barbaric behavior be explained? But the notion of “brainwashing” that is bandied about is the stuff of science fiction and Hollywood movies such as the Manchurian Candidate.

The human person arrives in this world with his brain already washed in the sense of being what John Lock called tabula rasa, a clean slate—ready for an experience to imprint its script on it. John Lock was only partly correct. The brain also arrives with numerous predispositions already in place. It is a combination of life’s influences and a person’s own decisions that determine which of these dispositions develop and which ones fail. It is through this process that a unique human being is formed.

Many animals have already in-place programs that automatically run much of their lives. Birds’ migration, mating courtship, and thousands of other complex behaviors are instances of this type of specific programming. A catchword for this type of behavior is “instinct.” As a general rule, the higher the organism, the less its rigid pre-programs and the greater its latitude to exercise choices.

Making choices depends on what there is to choose from and to what extent a given choice appeals to the person. And the human newborn enters the arena of life without the means of being other than a passive recipient of “things” already chosen for him.

It is like the old joke by Henry Ford, who reportedly told his customers that they could have the choice of color for their car as long as it is black. Things are almost as bleak for the new arrival. He didn’t have a say in choosing his parents, his socio-economic condition, his environment of birth, and much more. All are already in place, and he is to start in life from the context of his birth.

The development of a newborn in any family is influenced by many factors, among them how hands-on the parents are, how religious they are, and how severely they micromanage him in an attempt to make him not only a good person but also a person better-one than they themselves.

Parents tend to live vicariously through their children by programming them the best they can so that they become or achieve much of what they had failed to become or accomplish. This attitude covers all areas of life, such as giving the child the education they didn’t have, helping him with fame and fortune, nurturing him to become a top-notch athlete, and so forth.

It is a fact that early influences play a cardinal role in shaping a person. For this reason, for instance, the overwhelming majority of Muslims have been born into Muslim families, Catholics into Catholic families, Hindus into Hindu families, and so on. It is also a fact that the degree of religiosity ranges from mild to strong, with most people falling somewhere between the two extremes.

Interestingly, two siblings raised by the same set of parents under the same influences may end up at the opposite extremes in their religious views and practices. Here, the human dynamic of freedom of choice comes into play and steers one to one extreme and the other to the other extreme. Occasional extreme deviations notwithstanding, the great majority of siblings of a given family end up with various degrees of that family’s overall religious and other values. The same general principle of subscribing to a set of common values exists in all human groupings, in some cases with broad flexibility and inclusiveness while in others with rigidity and exclusivity.

In order to enjoy the privileges of belonging to a group, the person must also pay his dues of membership.

The very young human faces, beginning with the minute he can make some sense of the world, a bewildering array of mysteries, challenges, and enticements. There are questions at every step, fears, and hopes entangled with the need to survive and possibly thrive.

Who am I? What is this world all about? What’s the purpose? What am I supposed to do, and how? Where am I headed? People die. Where do they go? And on and on and on. The information booths available to him in the fairground of life provide him with answers that may help relieve his innate existentialistic anxiety. And it is here that religion plays a critical role and holds a great appeal. Religion provides a surefire answer to those who are willing to take it on faith.

And Islam is a powerful magnet for the masses that are unable to deal with the uncertainties of life and death on their own. It is from this population, many already thoroughly indoctrinated from birth, that the majority of diehard jihadists emerge.

It is the bargain the jihadist makes. He surrenders totally to the religion of surrender in exchange for blanket security. Islam gives him all the answers he really seeks for dealing with this world and promises him a lush and eternal paradise of Allah once he leaves it. And leaving this world in perfect submission as the foot-soldier of the paradise’s creator gives the faithful unimaginably glorious sensual eternal reward in his next life. It’s a bargain that some buy in whole, some in part, and some refuse and seek other means of dealing with their questions and the unrelenting existentialistic anxiety.

The great majority of jihadists emanate from the ranks of those born into the religion of Islam simply because they are the ones who are most thoroughly indoctrinated and influenced by the Islamic dogma in their most receptive early years. Yet, there are others who embrace Islam in adulthood on their own and enlist themselves as devoted jihadists for the same rewards that Islam offers them.

Islam has a great advantage of the first call on the new arrival. It is an omnipresent system with masses of believers, mosques,  madrasahs, and a host of other social and economic organizations that overpower the person and steer him into the same fold; it is a sea of people who seem to know what they are all about, what life and death are all about, and what one must also do.

Within this sea of surging humanity composed of some 1.5 billion Muslims, each individual believer—a drop—through a combination of choice and forces beyond his control, ends up in one of its many waves. It is the jihadist wave that is highly attractive to the deeply indoctrinated and poorly adjusted in dealing rationally and independently with life. Here, he finds the iron-clad perfect solution to his anxieties and perplexities.

To a jihadist, death is nothing more than casting off a shell of the worthless earthly existence and donning the suit for winging joyously to the life of bliss promised by none other than Allah’s beloved final emissary, Muhammad.

The eradication of jihadism is a daunting task since Islam is a virulent persistent pandemic disease. Massive education efforts, combined with a resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote this deadly philosophy, hold the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction of humanity.

In addition to the family, places such as mosques and madrasahs, Islamic associations and charitable organizations, prisons, and the like are incubators for jihadists. Massive efforts are required, on the one hand, to drain the breeding swamps of the Islamic virus while, on the other hand, helping Muslims adopt an alternative perspective of life that addresses their perplexities and offers a degree of comfort that religions dispense without pitting one segment of humanity against another.

In the monumental task of dealing with jihadism, every individual, group, and government must combine their resources and energies to prevail. The destiny of civilized life hangs in the balance. It is an unpardonable act of shirking responsibility for anyone to adopt the attitude of “let George do it.” George is you. George is I. George is every enlightened human being and organization that values human liberty and dignity.


The post The Making of and Dealing with Jihadists appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking News – NH GOP Keynote Speaker: President Donald Trump

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-24 00:57 +0000
NHGOP Announces Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker


January 23, 2023
CONTACT: ‍Maya Harvey

Concord, NH – New Hampshire Republican State Committee announces former President Donald J. Trump as Keynote Speaker at 2023 Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 28.

Chairman Stephen Stepanek stated:

“We are excited to welcome President Trump back to the Granite State to be the keynote speaker at our 2023 Annual Meeting. President Trump has long been a strong defender of New Hampshire’s First in the Nation Primary Status and we are excited that he will join us to deliver remarks to our Members.”


Due to increased security and venue capacity, the 2023 Annual Meeting is open only to credentialed State Committee Members and invited guests.

Credentialed Media is welcome to attend. For all press inquiries and to confirm attendance, please email Maya Harvey.


10 Water Street, Concord, NH 03301, USA

The post Breaking News – NH GOP Keynote Speaker: President Donald Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Notable Quote? A “Go Woke, Go Broke”? Blogline of the Day? Or a Lack of Cultural Awareness? Or All Wrapped Into One?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 23:30 +0000

Background: “As previously covered by RedState, M&M’s marketing team decided to take the beloved characters and begin changing up how they act and behave.”

Related: What if My Bag of Limited-Time “All-Female” M&M Candies Identifies as Male?

While Red and Yellow were left alone, Green was defeminized so that she wasn’t so obviously a woman, which was offensive to the hard left for some reason. Moreover, they began adding other colors for the various flavors coming out, but they were attached to social messaging in the “modern audiences” vein.

Sorry for that last phrase in the title – there are times I just want to batter the Left with its own words. In this case, that gawdawful phrase pertains to “cultural sensitivity.”  The only thing wrong with me using that phrase was not putting “Traditional American” as the required modifier – but that’s the sense of it I wanted to portray. After all, the Left NEVER cares what OUR “cultural sensitives” may be – their point is to destroy it by blaming us for not “caring” about other cultures.

My response to that is my usual “Up Yours!”. I’m tired of being told that I’m in the wrong all the time, and if you’ve noticed, I’m now the living embodiment of “Network” where I’m mad as hell and I’m not taking it anymore. Nor should any of us. The problem is that the Left, having cowed most of us on the Right into silence and quietly acceding to their demands that we adopt and affirm their moralities, they believe they own us lock, stock, and barrel.  Who can blame them – not enough of us stand up and get in their faces and do it in a way that they are intellectually sliced and diced with measurements using nanometers.

I am glad to report that almost a critical mass is being assembled and is making a difference in telling Mars to stuff it. Certainly, Steve has had fun with M&Ms and their gender-benderness in trying to appeal to a micro-slice of the Left (here, here, and here). Their problem is in trying to be inclusive, they’ve antagonized, alienated, and insulted a huge percentage of their chocolate-loving base that simply want to see M&Ms as candy instead of some anthropomorphic work spokesters.  We hate the idea that the Left had sown chaos into Society by demanding that, like King Nebuchadnezzar, that we all bow down to their Sexuality God whose form and purpose is forever changing on a whim. 2+2=5 and don’t believe our lyin’ eyes as to what we see right in front of us.

Let candy be candy!  And stop bothering there rest of us, eh?

So this from RedState absolutely encompasses my view on how the Left has been hijacking traditional American icons (like the Velma “reboot” who is black, gay (and actively acting all that out), and Scooby and Doo have been written out of the script in order to take a silly, lighthearted cartoon to be yet another “social justice messaging platform).:

So, all of the below could be the Notable Quote.  That first bolded line could be a Blogline of the Day on all its own.

The legitimate anger from America came with the modernizing of characters to appeal to a group of people who continuously antagonize everyone else with their attempts to be social dictators. It began warping and eliminating the femininity of certain characters, which is a problem we see all around our society to the point where women have been pushed out of their own spaces

And I’m tired of how Mars has, like other companies have decided that EVERYONE has to be Woke and go along with them. And NO ONE can be left alone by the Left:

Moreover, these new characters and changes to the old ones were clearly done for political purposes and all of them catered to leftist sentiments. Of course, that wasn’t going to sit well with half of America, and it’s odd that M&Ms seems surprised to the point of offense that it did.

Like everything else that woke culture touches, the candies had to obey certain rules and these rules sapped all the personality out of them. Then it proceeded to sexualize them by making two of them gay.

It’s absolutely annoying that nearly everything has to be this politicized nowadays, and people are getting sick and tired of always having it shoved in their faces. Moreover, it’s a story that’s been repeated dozens of times from company to company. M&Ms is apparently one company that didn’t learn the lesson.

Maya Rudolph isn’t going to win those people back. They missed the point of the anger, and if that’s the case, then they’ll definitely make this mistake again.

Er, what’s a Maya Rudolph and why should I even care that I don’t know who she is? Oh, I looked her up – and I don’t care.

IT’S CANDY, you NITWITS! And yes, you suffered adverse financial results (Yay, GO BROKE!). It’s worth reading the RedState piece in toto. Then go over to Twitchy and laugh evilly as well.

Seriously, “spokescandies”??


The post A Notable Quote? A “Go Woke, Go Broke”? Blogline of the Day? Or a Lack of Cultural Awareness? Or All Wrapped Into One? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Gavin Newsom Exposed The Lie That Got us ObamaCare.

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 22:00 +0000

Democrats didn’t need to lie to pass Obamacare. They had a majority in both houses of Congress. But they lied anyway, often, and the media helped. They said they would bring costs down and not get between you and your doctor.

ObamaCare never worked as advertised, but then it was never meant to work for patients. The goal was to sweep up as many people as possible between Medicare and Medicaid until the Feds had cradle-to-grave control of the coverage and financing of medicine. This provided a means to control human behavior, which is always the ultimate goal.

The COVID response convinced them could, and California has taken it to the next logical step. One that proves the goal has always been to get between you and your doctor to control treatment and options to control the people.

A few months ago,  “Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous and likely unconstitutional effort that other states must resist.


The statute instructs that “It shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”


The net effect is that your doctor can’t tell you the truth if it contradicts the state’s position, even if the state’s data supports it. State dashboards have proven that the young have very little risk from any form of COVID-19, but the state’s public position is different from its own evidence. What you see with your own eyes does not mean what it means.

If California gets away with this, the next step is to expand the rule until anyone wishing to practice medicine will have to abandon what they know for what they are allowed. This should cause residents concern. Doctors and nurses have been at a premium since the COVID response. Many left the profession or were forced out, leading to shortages.

Leaving California for a state with no muzzle never looked better.

That will only result in worse care for Californians, even if the new gag law never suffers from mission creep. But this is precisely where ObamaCare always meant for us to go. Newsom and his Dem majority are just showing us the end game.

And as the lies surrounding the response to COVID unravel, doctors are left not even knowing what “truth” they are allowed to practice without first checking with the State’s political officers.



The post How Gavin Newsom Exposed The Lie That Got us ObamaCare. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

State House Bill Hearings: End Prohibition of DMT, Restore Gun Rights for Felons, End Prohibition of Blackjacks, Slung shots, and Metallic Knuckles

Free Keene - Mon, 2023-01-23 21:20 +0000

Last week at the state house, liberty activists spoke on various bills in front of the Criminal Justice Committee including:

  • HB 216 – would end prohibition of DMT, dimethyltryptamine
  • HB 144 – would restore gun rights to non-violent ex-felons
  • HB 31 – would end prohibition of blackjacks, slung shots, and metallic knuckles

HB 216 – would end the prohibition of dimethyltryptamine aka DMT – filed by heroic 100% liberty rep Matt Santonastaso of Rindge. Though last year the criminal justice committee recommended to kill the psilocybin decrim bill, we once again patiently explained to them the religious use of a different chemical, DMT. Derek Januszewski, founder of the Ayahuasca church based in NH, “Pachamama Sanctuary” spoke in detail about his experience administering the potent hallucinogenic tea to thousands of willing people on a spiritual journey. Other ministers from the Shire Free Church and Church of the Invisible Hand also weighed in. The only person opposing the bill was a goon from the State Police, who trotted out the usual fearmongering about driving while impaired. When questioned by a younger state rep named Wheeler, the statie couldn’t answer to what extent any hallucinogens were involved in traffic accidents. He instead claimed he’d look into it for the state rep. Full video of the hearing:

HB 144 – would restore gun rights to nonviolent ex-felons in NH – filed by newbie liberty rep Jason Gerhard of Northfield. Gerhard spent more than a dozen years in federal prison for bravely standing with tax freedom advocates Ed and Elaine Brown. He never harmed anyone and neither have a ton of people who have been saddled with the “felon” label for the rest of their lives. Gerhard’s bill would restore non-violent ex-felons’ right to bear arms in New Hampshire. Full video of the hearing:

HB 31 – would end prohibition on blackjacks, slung shots, and metallic knuckles – filed by multi-term liberty rep James Spillane of Deerfield. Though knives and guns are legal to openly or concealed carry in New Hampshire, for some reason it’s prohibited to carry or sell 19th century weapons like the blackjack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles. Spillane’s bill would end that ancient prohibition for greater weapons freedom in New Hampshire. Full video of the hearing:

Merrimack County Republican Committee Stands Up for Vax Victims

The Liberty Block - Mon, 2023-01-23 20:36 +0000

On January 18th, freshman state representative Jason Gerhard brought forth a resolution to the Merrimack County Republican Committee that addressed what many of us have been thinking: It’s time to investigate the COVID vaccine manufacturers for fraud and wrongdoing.

The post Merrimack County Republican Committee Stands Up for Vax Victims appeared first on The Liberty Block.

Gulfstreams, Hookers, and Hot Air

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 20:30 +0000

You can not get more bloviating and narcissistic than having John Kerry and Al Gore together at the same conference. No two people have ever had a higher opinion of themselves than these two lifetime politicians.

The Czar and the Conman, you figure out which is which, took center stage in Davos, Switzerland, this week and sucked the air out of the room. Kerry was there as the U.S. Climate Czar, and Al Gore was actually invited to address the convention of tree-hugging hypocrites. The organizers settled on Gore after Greta Thunberg had detention after her arrest this week.

John Kerry has been flying his private jet around the globe for years, telling anyone who would listen that he was there to save them and that he is always the most intelligent man in the room. He addressed the gathered and proclaimed to be one of the chosen. Good God, he says it with a straight face, and his disciples nod their heads in agreement.

Al Gore was invited because most of the people at Davos were not alive when he wrote An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming. Nobody has predicted our extinction more times and obviously been wrong. The Greenies adore him, but he bombed in Switzerland like milk chocolate in the Texas sun. He went over the top, screaming to make his point. He invented new terms like “Rain Bombs” and told of the boiling oceans. Has anyone ever seen an ocean boil? Of course not, but with the hot air he spewed, we may see it for the first time.

His delivery was horrid, and his message was worse.

The organizers of the World Economic Forum will be asking for their speaker’s fee back, and no way they will validate parking for his private jet. Gore and Kerry were in good company with their private chariots as over 1,400 private jets landed at St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport (ACH), bringing stewards of our climate to the WEF. Who would think you could gather that many hypocrites in one of the most beautiful hamlets in the Alps? There was so much carbon in the air that the Matterhorn is now gray.

The messages from Davos are fear and that no one on earth should own a gas-driven car. These elites can circle the globe in their carbon-spewing jets but if you need to get to work or the grocery store, walk. As these charlatans buy or build mega-mansions on the coast, and they tell us the rising oceans will obliterate the coastlines. Such drivel, but it wins Time Person of the Year, Nobel Peace prizes, and invitations to Davos. How can these people look at themselves in the mirror, and why do we give them any attention? Kerry, Gore, and maybe even Greta are laughing all the way to the bank. They are the carnival snake-oil salespeople of our time. We cannot shut them up, but we can ignore them. That is a poison these people cannot metastasize.

The last irony of the meeting was the condemnation of Twitter for allowing so much adverse dialogue about Climate Change. These zealots want to monopolize the conversation. No debate, no contrary opinion, just their rhetoric. They know their message is tainted, but if they can yell it loud enough without contest, the sheep will lap it up. How very weak the rich and powerful are. It is pathetic to watch, but we do.


The post Gulfstreams, Hookers, and Hot Air appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bad Bill Could Ban Driving With Animal In Vehicle

The Liberty Block - Mon, 2023-01-23 19:41 +0000

“A person who operates any motor vehicle on a public way with an animal of any size on their person, or who permits an animal to impede his or her free access to and use of vehicle controls or to obstruct their vision with any animal between the operator and the operators (sic) door is guilty of a violation.”

The post Bad Bill Could Ban Driving With Animal In Vehicle appeared first on The Liberty Block.

This is Global Murder

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 19:00 +0000

If you’re looking for something to make you feel better about not getting the COVID vaccines, we’re always here to help. Sadly, we know plenty of folks who did get them or thought they had to, and this news is not great for them.

Related: Governors, School Boards, Public Health Officials, Everyone – And I Mean Everyone, You Need to Hear This…

First, a positive note. Someone gave The Wall Street journal permission to suggest that the government – Pharma – Vaccine pipeline is FUBAR, and someone needs to say that. Do you think?

ZeroHedge has some reporting on that here.


You might have heard a radio advertisement warning that if you’ve had Covid, you could get it again and experience even worse symptoms. The message, sponsored by the Health and Human Services Department, claims that updated bivalent vaccines will improve your protection.

This is deceptive advertising. But the public-health establishment’s praise for the bivalent shots shouldn’t come as a surprise.

I gather from the WSJ pull quotes that they have soft-sold the need for more accountability. Everything appears to be couched in the idea that, at some point, there were good intentions, but we’ve reached a point with the bivalents where the gatekeepers (FDA/CDC) have abandoned their duties.

There is some appropriate umbrage about The White House pushing hard to get them more Jabs on the ground ASAP. I’m sure the promise of tens of billions in immediate sales was a nice incentive on the drug-maker side. It is also safe to presume The White House applied pressure on the FDA and its review committee to approve it nearly sight-unseen, which would make for a tremendous congressional investigation.

The result is another chemical imprinting product that works like a computer virus, and you are the computer. You can wade through some of that here, but a reader sent me a comment under the ZeroHedge article, the news I intimated in the opening. Not new per se. We’ve been batting this unraveling ball of COVID yarn since late summer 2021. ADE. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement. That these vaccines* were teaching your immune system not to work correctly if you didn’t at some point have a more severe reaction, like dropping dead.

And here we are. Your immune system works fine, but the mRNA has taught it to attack you.

For those who took (or were forced to take) the original vaccine, our memory B-cells were trained to produce antibodies against the original Wuhan strain.


It is far worse than that. The covid vaccines train your immune system to attack any cell infected with one protein. And when I say attack I mean demolish with biochemical napalm.

When you are told the children’s version of how the immune system works, they say antibodies kill viruses. They don’t. Like in the viet Nam war, they airstrike villages that may be infected.

The villages being infected cells and cells around them. Your immune system can’t see a virus. It can only see cells infected by a virus (or other pathogen) then it effectively laser paints it, and the area is firebombed.

Antagonizing your immune system with one spime protein, is insane.

The immune system of people with infection acquired immunity knows a signature of 29 proteins, and only nukes cells with that profile.

The immune system of a person poisoned with the jab sees any cell infected with one spike protein as a target, and their body has been genetically engineered to produce that protein.

In response the body of the poisoned learns, if the person lives, to downregulate general immune response by making ig4 antibodies. To prevent your immune system from continually nuking spike infected cells, it minimizes its reaction to any pathogen.

This is global murder. If your body adjusts to the poison it has been genetically programmed to create, it only does so by making you more vulnerable to all other pathogens.


No one wants to admit they were taken for a ride, certainly not one that presents this risk. They may, however, be more open to accepting that the government cannot be trusted. No government can ‘cuz people. That has always been true. Those drawn to positions of power are the ones most likely to abuse it. And so they have, and you are living that history if you can’t be bothered to read the earlier examples.

Claiming they didn’t know is not good enough. Those who sounded the alarm early were shut down by the same machine that refused to see the safety signals (or chose to ignore them). Their interest in public health got them censored and, where possible, wrecked or ruined.

And the government had a lot of help. The result is that people are dying who were never at risk. So, as the commenter notes, this is global murder, but to what degree? I suppose it depends on what you knew and when you knew it.



The post This is Global Murder appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 17:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  Take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and definitely a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Overflow-Overflow.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.



Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





PSA: Super duper important about the ATF and pistol braces:

The ATF brace decision is a 2A and 5A violation – Gun Free Zone

Understand that this is not just about pistol braces.  This is about all guns – they want them all.  And they’re willing to place legal traps to get you.  Related:


SHOCKER!!! FBI & ATF Caught SECRETLY Monitoring Gun Owners!!




Government Snoops Caught Spying on Peaceful Americans (




But first, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.









I’m sorry, but WTF?



The raciest art I have in the house are some African (and one from NZ?) statues of naked people.  But they’re not sexual at all in terms of the clear intent, IMHO.  That and a charcoal sketch done by a family friend in honor of my (now late) mother’s 50th birthday of a nude woman from behind.  Note: woman, not child.  And certainly not sexual in any way.

As I view the above, and recall many of the Podesta artworks I’ve seen… I shudder.  What’s worse, IMHO, is not the mere fact of the “art” but that she felt comfortable enough having it up and in view.








Very much afraid this is true.  Like the Claire Wolfe saying:










I remember in my graduate Macroeconomics class how enthusiastic the teacher – overall a Conservative and someone with whom I stayed in contact for years after graduating – was about getting off the gold standard.  At the time I agreed with the reasoning; no longer.  Remember what economist great Milton Friedman said about inflation:


Milton Friedman – Understanding Inflation










Learning requires humility, for it requires that one might have to admit one was wrong.  Related:



And kind-of related – remember what I wrote about BETRAYAL TRAUMA (video, 11-odd minutes) a post or three back:










There’s an old Vorlon saying: Understanding is a three-edged sword.  There’s your side, their side, and the truth.




Pick of the post:



Reminds me of this Walter E. Williams quote:

“No matter how worthy the cause, it is robbery, theft, and injustice to confiscate the property of one person and give it to another to whom it does not belong”

Other quotes by this man whose autographed picture (to me!) is on my wall at home:

30 of Walter Williams’s Best Quotes on Liberty, Rights, Property, and Coercion – Foundation for Economic Education (

And his collection of essays that he kindly sent to me:

American Contempt for Liberty (Hoover Institution Press Publication)




Neil Oliver ‘…it’s a racket!’


(Video won’t auto-load, you need to click through.)




Palate Cleansers:



Every parent out there nodding their head.


I’d live there.  Happily.


The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 01/20/23: Housing, DHHS/DES, Legislative Rulemaking (er, Law)

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 16:00 +0000

This week, my committee met to hear ten more bills. HB 355, which would create a study committee on data sharing between state and federal public housing agencies, seemed to be a request for research help by the sponsor.

We want to thank NH State Rep Carol McGuire for this Op-Ed. Please submit yours to

We were not convinced that we needed to study this subject and voted unanimously to kill the bill. HB 366, prohibiting some non-compete clauses and nondisclosure agreements regarding free and open source software, was seen as interference in employment contracts and likely to inhibit software companies from growing or relocating in New Hampshire. It, too, was unanimously rejected by the committee.

HB 391, regarding a data sharing memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the departments of health & human services and environmental services, provided a learning experience on public health data collection and analysis. The departments agreed that they didn’t need a perpetual MOU, were providing each other with data that is publicly available on their website (and does not contain any individual data), and were members of the legislative commissions on environmental health. The bill went to a subcommittee to consider the end dates of the commissions and the real need for any statutory mandate on data sharing between departments.

HB 327 prohibited the state from using proprietary java scripts on any of its websites. After some education on java scripts and the concerns about them, we heard from the department of information technology on what would be involved in ensuring that none were present on the executive branch (only) 80+ websites and 270+ applications. It would be a massive, multi-year effort that would divert the department from all its other projects simply to analyze all those programs and determine if there were any such java scripts and then reprogram any that were found. This did not seem to be a wise use of resources since the dangers of proprietary java scripts were potential, not confirmed. Again, we voted unanimously to kill this bill.

HB 230 required the department of agriculture, markets, and food to use an electronic data system for all registrations. This was a request of the department since they currently do a great deal of manual data entry, and the existing systems (if any) are antiques. Setting up for the animal database we required last year brought an information systems expert to the department, who has scoped out what a reasonable system would cost and accomplish. Since the cost was easily covered by the current registration fees, the committee voted unanimously to pass this bill on to Finance.

HB 266, my bill to clarify requirements for hybrid or virtual meetings for rulemaking, had a number of questions on authority. I explained that the bill did not give anyone the authority to hold a virtual or hybrid meeting, but if they had such authority from another source, this specified the process to comply with the right-to-know laws. HB 337, requiring OPLC to provide notice and documents prior to meetings, had many questions on how it could be implemented. It went to subcommittee to work on some of the details.

HB 109, my bill on occupational therapy practice, had an amendment because the final bill was missing a few lines (my mistake in not checking it carefully enough!) and a request by OPLC to add a standard statement on exceptions for students and individuals in related professions where the scope of practice was very close or even overlapping. It, too, went to subcommittee to reconcile these points.

HB 258, establishing a certificate for animal chiropractors, had resulted in language that did not reflect the sponsor’s intent, so she had a simplifying amendment to just declare that animal chiropractic was not veterinary medicine. The veterinarians were opposed, of course; the veterinary board has been issuing cease and desist letters to animal chiropractors! People who use chiropractic for their animals (show dogs, injured pets, horses…) were satisfied with the care they received and felt a referral from a veterinarian was a needless cost and delay. So off to subcommittee it went!

Finally, HB 409, requiring the board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics to grant a license to anyone with a current license from another jurisdiction, deleted the current subjective language of “substantially equivalent.” The sponsor and several others spoke in favor, presenting data that licensing issues restrict movement and employment growth, and also that New Hampshire’s requirements are substantially similar to most other states’. We require 1500 hours of education for a cosmetologist, about average in the country, but not requiring any experience and limited testing. The board of cosmetology expressed their opposition to the bill but didn’t say exactly why. Unfortunately, some committee members seemed antagonistic to the idea. My position, after talking to every hair stylist I’ve used in New Hampshire is that 1500 classroom hours is excessive; the safety and sanitation areas are typically covered in the first third of the training, and after that, it’s all practice. The only reasonable comment came from OPLC, who noted a “current, valid” license included one that had been suspended; they suggested “in good standing” as better language. The subcommittee will have fun with this one.

To finish off the week, I presented my HB 330 to the committee on state-federal relations. This bill deletes the requirement that the National Guard enlistment incentive program and educational assistance program go through the formal rulemaking process, increases the maximum enlistment incentive from $500 to $1000, and puts fines from the military court into the enlistment incentive fund. Formal rulemaking is not required for any other function of this department, not least because they don’t deal with the general public, only the Guard and military veterans. The committee seemed concerned about the fines, but fortunately, the Guard commander was there to inform them that there are very few fines, adding up to less than $2000 most years, and they have adequate safeguards to ensure they are not “policing for profit.” After some discussion, the committee voted to pass the bill.


Representative Carol McGuire

The post NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 01/20/23: Housing, DHHS/DES, Legislative Rulemaking (er, Law) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Drip, Drip, Drip for Biden Scandal

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 14:30 +0000

More documents were found in the Delaware home of president Joe Biden. We keep being told by Karine Jean-Pierre that all the documents have been recovered and turned over. She continues to gaslight that this Administration is the most transparent in history. KJP will not sleep this weekend as she waits to be grilled by the press on Monday.

We need to get one thing very clear. Biden and his team did not turn the first batch of documents over to the FBI. They claim to have done the right thing, but that horse has left the barn. When Biden’s lawyers found the first stash of classified, they did not notify Secret Service or the FBI. They informed the Department of Archives. It was Archives that called the FBI. Why were Biden’s lawyers involved, and why did they call archives? The Biden team did not do the right thing. The Biden team is playing defense and covering up their sins. The cover-up is far greater than the crime.

The materials found today in Biden’s Delaware home are classified documents from when Joe Biden was a Senator. That means they have been held in Joe Biden’s house since before 2008. These classified documents have been accessible by anyone for at least 14 years. Joe Biden and Jean-Pierre continue to use the phrase, “the President takes classified documents seriously.” Mr. President, can you define, seriously?
No, I didn’t think so.

This situation for Biden is like a snowball rolling down a hill. It gets more extensive and more significant by the minute. As much as the Administration tries to downplay the scope of the discovery of classified documents in possession of Joe Biden, the matter gets more severe with the dawn of each new day and more records. This matter is not going away from the President, and there is no guarantee that we have come to the trail’s end. The Congress returns to Washington this week, and if Karine thinks she has been under pressure, she has not seen anything yet.

Today’s discovery is significant because the DOJ searched Biden’s home. They are no longer taking a passive role while Biden’s lawyers search for documents. The investigative parties were content to receive the information the lawyers uncovered, but the explorers were unsupervised. There was no guarantee that all documents would be transferred, and these lawyers did not have clearance to see the documents they sought.

The question I have not heard is who placed the documents in the various locations. You would have to assume that Biden did this himself. He is pleading ignorance about the contents, but these papers date back to his Senate days. He should have been the only person to see these in a secure environment. Stacked next to his ’67 Vette is not secure. Hunter has access to the garage, so this area is available to many.

Biden used the term irresponsible when asked about Trump’s issues with classified materials. How would Biden refer to his forays? At least Trump has Secret Service protection and control of Mar-a-Lago. Joe had no such protection until he was elected President. That still leaves many years of vulnerability. With each drip and as another Sunday goes by, the Dems are starting to get malicious towards Joe, and the criticism on the Sunday talk shows is heated. I do not think it is a coincidence that Joe’s Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, who many believe is running the White House, announced his resignation this weekend. There will be more to this fiasco.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Facebook Inspectors Will Assess if Exposed Nipples are Female (Bad) or Trans (Good) …

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 13:00 +0000

If you were wondering what Facebook had planned to improve the experience, get ready for approved pornography. Meta has a panel of experts who review and decide if exposed nipples are or are not cisgender.


“The same image of female-presenting nipples would be prohibited if posted by a cisgender woman but permitted if posted by an individual self-identifying as non-binary,” the board stated.

Users will be able to post pictures and videos of their nipples if the content involves protests, giving birth, and breastfeeding, reports the New York Post.

“Additional nipple-related exceptions,” the board added, will be “based on contexts of protest, birth giving, after birth, and breastfeeding which it did not examine here, but also must be assessed.”


The outcome here seems obvious. The porn industry has always been at the forefront of technology and opportunity because what’s the difference between faked female boobs and fake boobs on men besides suggesting that there might be (or once was) a penis just to the south? And aren’t the point of the ones on men that they are women we’re not allowed to call men?

How do you know what a female body even is, and isn’t the presumption a violation of someone’s rights?

And what of these experts?


The new company’s new policy proposal will reportedly involve a team of female body inspectors who will be assigned with “quickly assess[ing] both a user’s sex, as this policy applies to ‘female nipples,’ and their gender identity.”

The spokesperson added, “We know more can be done to support the LGBTQ+ community, and that means working with experts and LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations on a range of issues and product improvements.”


A group of female body inspectors can quickly assess this, but no one dares suggest that a boy who claims to be female can’t use the girl’s High School bathrooms or locker room, and it would violate his rights to ask for proof.

The same goes for grown men in a public restroom or locker room, whether they look like men or women.

So, this is a new twist.

And what if a woman exposes her naked breasts on facebook or Instagram but says she identifies as a man? If that flies, as implied above, the porn industry will showcase many “men” who fit this category.

Next question. What is age?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

150 Boston Police, 12 Protesters, One Counterprotester, and Zero Antifa

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 11:30 +0000

On Saturday, January 14, my husband and I joined Billboard Chris and several others in front of Boston Children’s Hospital to protest what they are doing to kids at their pediatric gender clinic which includes socially transitioning kids at three years old, administering puberty blockers to kids at 10, and amputating girls’ healthy breasts at 15.

We were there to highlight Boston Children’s Hospital’s bizarre criteria for what qualifies kids for these harmful psychological and medical interventions:

  • Strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that they are the other gender
  • Strong preference for wearing clothes typical of the opposite gender
  • Strong preference for cross-gender roles in make-believe play or fantasy play
  • Strong preference for the toys, games, or activities stereotypically used or engaged in by the other gender
  • Strong preference for playmates of the other gender
  • Strong rejection of toys, games, and activities typical of their assigned gender
  • Strong dislike of their sexual anatomy
  • Strong desire for the physical sex characteristics that match their experienced gender

When we stood with Billboard Chris outside the hospital a few months ago in September 2022, there were hundreds of Antifa screaming at us for hours. They eventually rushed at us to attack us but fortunately, the brave Boston Police stood in front of us and physically pushed Antifa back. We were grateful for the protection.

Related: The Boston Police Saved Us from the Trans Mob

Before his latest visit, Billboard Chris contacted the Boston Police and let them know he was coming to protest the hospital again and that he expected a crowd of counter-protesters. But Antifa forgot to show up. There wasn’t a single Antifa anywhere in the vicinity.

Nevertheless, our small group of 12 protesters was protected by 150 Boston Police officers. Police were swarming everywhere nearby, on foot, on bicycles, on motorcycles, in cars, and in vans. Even the Boston Police Commissioner was there.

I witnessed a single counter-protester standing on an enclosed, elevated walkway connecting two of the hospital buildings. She stood there glaring angrily at us and when she saw me look up, she furtively opened up her jacket, exposing a message on her shirt but before I could read it, she closed her jacket and walked quickly away making a hand gesture at me. I never found out what she was trying to convey. 

The police stayed for the entire two hours we were there. We all left for lunch and when my husband and I came back, the barricades had been removed and the police had vanished. The two of us stood in front of Boston Children’s for another hour with no supervision from the police or hospital security. 

The legacy media did not cover us this time nor were there a horde of photographers, as we had last time, but our event was covered by alternative media. 

Here Kalen D’Almeida of Turning Point USA interviews Billboard Chris and Chris explains why he is working to bring awareness of the serious harms being inflicted on children by the trans cult.

Follow Billboard Chris on Twitter at

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets – Installment #20 – National Debt

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 02:30 +0000

On Jan 19, the US reached it’s national debt ceiling (once again).  All you hear from the Democrats (and some Republicans) is that we have to raise it to borrow more money to “protect the full faith and credit of the United States” in paying our bills. And ONLY once, in 2011, was something done about the root cause of the spending – sequestration: spend more here, spend less there. And as always, the Republicans made a bad deal (and then called it “compromise”.

I have thoughts…

Got an ideathat  you want me to “meander” about?  Leave it in the comments!

Also, please consider going to our YouTube Channel and subscribe!


The post Skip’s Sauntering Snippets – Installment #20 – National Debt appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Domestic Genocide in Iran

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-23 01:00 +0000

The world’s most notorious state exponent of anti-Semitism, the Islamic Republic of Iran, is on a path to uproot not only all that is perceived as civilized but to annihilate the greatest threat to its existence, the Iranian people.

The mullahs and their mercenaries are wasting precious human life in order to maintain their power by terrorizing the population.

The Iranian people are simply hopeless and helpless. Even the UN does not come to their rescue. From its past performance, rather than its absence of performance, we know that the UN watchdog is a true disgrace to dogs since all it does is eat, sleep and look the other way. Furthermore, the dog has no teeth. The vet had to pull all its teeth before the dog became acceptable to the crafty cats that constitute the UN itself.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a unique creature—it is best described as a Theocratic Aristocracy. The “divinely ordained” rulers maintain power through an elaborate patronage system. Lucrative positions, contracts, and valued privileges are distributed by patronage. The result is that the ruling Mullahs enjoy a significant number of supporters in all strata of society—the civil service, the military, the powerful Revolutionary Guards, (IRGC), and the hooligans and thugs who are ready to unleash their vicious attacks on anyone or group that dares to challenge the in-charge men of Allah.

The illegitimate government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a quisling entity that has betrayed its people, its tradition, and its glorious pre-Islamic achievements, and is incessantly working against Iran’s national interest. Under the stranglehold and machinations of the Mullahs, Iran has been transformed, in less than three decades, to the lead perpetrator of all that is abhorrent to humanity.

The supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, Ali Khamenei, like his predecessor, Ayatollah Khomeini, whose callous disregard for human life was matched only by his consuming paranoia, allegedly has issued a decree to hang Iranian dissidents publicly in all the towns and villages with a population that exceeds 1000 people. For Ayatollah Khamenei, the dissident viewpoints represent an unacceptable threat. Anyone found questioning the Sharia Law — and many hundreds of thousands were — had to be “weeded out.”

The Islamic Republic is on a mission to end human life in Iran.  Mass public hangings, as well as secret executions in prisons, are routine in the tyrannical Islamic Republic of Iran. Recently Majid Kavousifar, 28, and his nephew, Hossein Kavousifar, 24, were hanged for the alleged murder of a hard-line judge, Hassan Moghaddas,  who also was a deputy prosecutor and head of the “guidance” court in Tehran and notorious for jailing and condemning to death political dissidents.

The victims were hanged from cranes and hoisted high above one of Tehran’s busiest thoroughfares. This “judge” had repeatedly bragged publicly that he often issued a death verdict without even examining the charges against the individual. The Islamic Republic of Iran has the dubious distinction of executing more children, those under the age of 18, than any other country in the world. Such is the plight of the Iranian people.

Iran’s ruling Mullahs are clustered around major factions such as the conservatives, the moderates, and the so-called reformists. Yet, the differences among these factions are tactical rather than strategic. One and all share the same overarching goal of defeating the “Crusader-Zionists” by any and all methods possible, bringing about the “end of the world” Armageddon, and thereby creating the requisite conditions for the appearance of the Hidden Imam, the Mahdi, to assume his rule of the world.

What is the likelihood that the ruling Mullahs will actually use the bomb, you may ask? If they remain in power long enough to have it, they are very likely to use it, in one form or another, you are told. At the very least, they will use the bomb for blackmail and intimidation in the region. How can you help to prevent this catastrophe from happening, you may ask?

Support the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom, by at least petitioning, you are told. [As for Majid and Hossein Kavousifar, they left Iran for Abu Dhabi following the assassination of the murderous judge, Hassan Moghaddas, and apparently, they both took refuge in the US Embassy where they had applied for US asylum. We have no information as to why they were handed over to the Islamic Republic authorities when they were aware that they would definitely be facing execution.

We hope that the US State Department can give us more information. In order to achieve total control, the Islamic Republic and its lackeys spawned a series of immense internal purges — beginning in 1988 and known as the “Massacre of Political Prisoners of 1988”– and have intensified their domestic terror in recent months and weeks. A society that is intense in its struggle for change has a flip side to its idealism: intolerance.

This totalitarian regime sees enemies everywhere, enemies who want to destroy the Islamic Revolution and diminish the results of its hard work of creating an Islamic utopia in the land of Cyrus the Great.  The regime seems to be panicking with hyper-suspiciousness. They have installed watchdogs in schools, universities, factories, and all offices across the country, and are urged to be vigilant against sabotage, against those who crave freedom and democracy. Many innocent Iranians are being victimized, and the saying has gone around that “when you chop wood, the chips fly.”

As with Khamenei, it was believed that some who were innocent would have to be victimized if all of the guilty were to be apprehended. In fact, they stigmatize, victimize and murder people without any due process of law. On the slightest suspicion, they arrest, convict, and execute. Few people would deny any longer that Islam and its variants mean, in practice, bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal actions, forced ‘hijabs”, fatal deportations, extrajudicial executions, show trials, and genocide. It is a widespread plague upon humanity, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the greatest threats to the stability of the civilized world and humanity at large. It continues to impose this horrendous ideology called Islam on the Iranian population.

The world must file legal charges against the leaders of the Islamic Republic’s wanton violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: for their crimes against humanity and genocidal actions against religious and political groups; for support of international terrorism; for demolition of sacred sites and cemeteries; for rape, torture, and summary executions of prisoners of conscience; for forgery of documents; for acts of blackmail and fraud; and for much more. To those misguided advocates of negotiation with the mullahs, beware.

The mullahs are on an Allah-mandated mission. They are intoxicated with petrodollars and aim to settle for nothing less than complete domination of the world under the Islamic Ummah. It is precisely for this reason that they consider America and the West as “Ofooli,” setting-dying system, while they believe their Islamism is “Tolooi,” rising-living order. They are in no mood to negotiate for anything less than the total surrender of democracy, the very anathema to Islamism. This is only one reason, but perhaps, one of the greatest reasons, for fostering democracy.

In short, we have an excellent opportunity to topple these parasitic terrorists once and for all. History will judge us all. At Munich, Chamberlain got an international agreement that Hitler should have the Sudetenland in exchange for Germany making no further demands for land in Europe. Chamberlain said it was ‘Peace for our time’. Hitler said he had ‘No more territorial demands to make in Europe. Neville Chamberlain, appeasement (1938) Hitler, our European allies, and the United States, are doing the same with the ayatollahs. [I really like to know how these people become National Security Advisors)?

The post Domestic Genocide in Iran appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“[Teachers] Want Their Activism in the Classroom. They Aren’t Even Hiding It.”

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-01-22 23:30 +0000

RedState has a post entitled “A Group of Pennsylvania Teachers Prove It Was Always About Indoctrination, Not Education” (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Public schools have become a minefield. Sending your kids to one is a gamble as winding up in the wrong classroom could put them into the clutches of an activist posing as a teacher, and as we’ve seen more and more over the years, these activists are everywhere. These activists can and will take advantage of your child’s naivete and sponge-like absorption of everything around him or her, to put ideas in their head that could harm them for the rest of their life.

While I wouldn’t do something so ridiculous as to label every teacher a bad actor — I know plenty of honest and good ones — the analogy of the jar of M&M’s is fitting here. If you had a jar of 10,000 M&M’s but even just 10 of them were poisoned, would you still eat from the jar? Your life is over, if you choose poorly. In the case of getting the wrong “teacher,” it’s your kid whose life gets destroyed.

And the School Board did the absolute right thing – schools are to be about academic subjects and not political or sexuality activism / indoctrination / turning kids against their Parents:

Recently, the school district of Central Bucks, Pennsylvania, saw the school board ban flags and banners that have political or social importance. This means LGBT flags, Black Lives Matter flags, Antifa banners, and more were not allowed to be displayed in public schools. This is absolutely reasonable, as a teacher’s personal politics should have no bearing on what the students are learning.

A teacher’s job is to concentrate on the academic subjects that we pay them to do – NOT bring their personal beliefs and worldviews on politics and sexuality into the classroom. The best teachers, in this regard, would have their students, at the end of the school year, not able to answer “what is your teacher?”. They shouldn’t have the foggiest idea of what a teacher’s sexuality is.  Nor their political outlook.  All that SHOULD matter is does a teacher have a firm grasp of the basic academics that they are being paid in transferring that knowledge to our children. Teachers should be absolutely neutral in all things – and so should any materials in a classroom or used for instructional purposes.

And what happened afterwards should have the School Board reaching for “pink slips”:

However, teachers from the schools didn’t find this acceptable and decided to protest.

Here they are, marching to be Sexuality Activists instead of teachers and quite proud to be so:

For these teachers, it’s not about education. It’s not about reading, writing, and arithmetic. It’s not about teaching them critical thinking skills. This is about indoctrination, grooming, and strengthening their own political ideals by bringing up the young in them, while they’re away from their parents.

These aren’t teachers–they’re activists–and they have no business teaching our children anything. They clearly can’t be trusted.

Trust. I’ve been trying to speak to my School Board from a Trust position.  How can I trust my child’s Principal when she won’t answer the question of “What is the Transgender Status of my child?” because the School Board has made it mandatory to lie to me (by omission or commission)?  How can I trust my child’s teachers?

I can’t. Nor can I trust the School Board members.

And the “education marketplace” is learning that lesson: homeschooling, pods, online schools, and especially Charter Schools are popping up all over NH BECAUSE teachers, staff, and School Boards have forgotten ONE very important thing: Education is a product and service. It really is a commodity. Government has had a virtual monopoly on providing that since the late 1890s. Thus, they have forgotten one OTHER important thing:

WHO is their real customer? And what do they want that they aren’t getting from Government?

Charter Schools are springing up because they understand how important the real customers are.  Government schools have forgotten that and the process has started of losing market share. This is exemplified when the “head of a Government School District”, the School Board, refuses to answer questions from those customers at meetings, there is a strong and negative message that’s sent to those customers.

The Boards haven’t learned it yet.

They, like the “American Big Three” automakers, have taken their eyes off the car customers and put it on themselves thinking “where else will thautomakersst like the Republican Party does all too automakers

For the auto makers, the answer came swiftly – the Japanese auto makers came in the took their lunch money. It took a couple of decades for the Big Three (then the Big Two) to learn that lesson. Government schools, in a lot of cases, haven’t learned that they are following in the same path.

If you click through to watch the video on Twitter, you can see some of the disparaging remarks flung back at parents who complain that they don’t want activists, they want teachers. Like:

Imagine teaching kids they should be nice to everyone.

Yeah, empathy and inclusivity are terrible qualities to instill in your kids.

SorrPARENTS’ these apologists don’t understand that those things are the PARENTS responsibilities – not schools.  After what I have seen these last few years, I think this from “j.a. midget”  is spot on:

Think this is “all about nothing”?

Some teacher had this as an instructional element of these small childrens’ day:


The post “[Teachers] Want Their Activism in the Classroom. They Aren’t Even Hiding It.” appeared first on Granite Grok.

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