The Manchester Free Press

Friday • October 18 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Revisiting the San Jose Doctrine

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-19 22:30 +0000

The city of San Jose, California, is about to begin fining gun owners for not carrying the liability insurance that the city requires them to have.

That makes it a good time to revisit where this leads.

Spoiler: Taken to its logical conclusion, the reasoning behind the ‘San Jose Doctrine’ leads directly to the end of programs like Medicare, Medicaid, public schools, Social Security, government-guaranteed college loans, and so on.

As the saying goes: Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it — good and hard.



The post Revisiting the San Jose Doctrine appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Brittney Griner May End up in a Russian Labor Camp

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-19 21:00 +0000

One of the problems with being the party of “Democracy,” as Democrats claim they are, is mob rule. Democracy is the tyranny of the 50.01%. That’s why we live in a Republic which Democrats hate. They’d rather be more like China (or Russia), and speaking of Russia, Britney Griner might be in for more trouble.

Griner was busted, arrested, tried, and convicted of violating the laws of Russia. I’m sure that’s a very selective process, unequally applied, with the same filters applied to progressives here in the United States. Laws are for little people if you have the right last name or party affiliation – and you have not embarrassed leadership. Hunter Biden comes to mind.

Brittney Griner is not little. She’s quite tall but” little” enough to Russia. And despite her disregard for the American flag or our national anthem after a career criminal died of a self-induced overdose in police custody, Russia decided to enforce a law. Traveling into the country with a hashish oil vape nestled in your designer luggage is illegal.

She was “tried,” convicted, and sentenced to nine years in some form of detention, which may now include a Russian labor camp. They are not nice places if the travel literature is to be believed. And no path to freedom appears forthcoming.

The party that promised to elevate our standing in the world is not presently on speaking terms with Vladimir Putin. We’re sort of kind of at war or on the brink of nuclear war with Russia, which predecessor Donald Trump, while often accused, never managed.

The likelihood of a conversation about a prisoner exchange seems thin.

Griner’s wife is despondent, but you have to admit it’s ironic.

Griner got a reputation for hating America for celebrating a drug criminal who overdosed, and here she is, a drug criminal, in the People’s Republic of Putinstan, at risk of detention in a forced labor camp.

I wouldn’t wish it on anybody, including someone dumb enough to bring hashish into Russia but wouldn’t it be ironic if they made her clean up debris from those “peaceful protests” put on by the Russian military in occupied Ukraine?

It’s just a thought.



The post Brittney Griner May End up in a Russian Labor Camp appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s Crunch Time and the Left is Sucking Wind

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-19 19:30 +0000

This campaign season has been a gruesome and dirty event. The process has become more personal and untruthful in the last decade. Still, Biden Democrats have nothing positive to campaign on, so the attacks, lies, and misinformation have been barraging us in the mail, texts, and media ads. Abortion and personal attacks are all the Dems have in their quiver, and they are out of arrows. If this election is not a significant gain for Republicans, we may need an investigation.

One of the issues that may haunt Republicans is the quality of some of the candidates. Hershel Walker is a cult hero for sports fans in Georgia, but that does not equate to a strong candidate. Maggie Hassan should have been an easy gain for the Red, but General Bolduc was low on funds, and it took weeks after the primary before we saw Bolduc ads on the tube. Hassan had tons of money and an equal amount of lies and mistruths. The race is a draw, and the stretch run should be interesting. The one extremely frustrating race is the Pennsylvania Senate Race. A stroke victim with many communication challenges may win this critical seat. Dr. Oz has had to spend too much time defending himself, which took away from the issues. The attention to Fetterman’s health and criticism of anyone mentioning it has masked the Fetterman policies, which should have been enough to disqualify him from the Senate.

This election should have been a test of Biden’s first two years which have been dismal. The focus should have been on the economy, crime, and the Border. The Democrats did all they could to stay away from the key issues. Instead, they wanted to make it about Women’s Rights, LGBTQ Rights, the Climate, and gun control.

NextGen PAC released the following statement. It outlines the issues that are paramount in the minds of Gen Z:

“We are dedicated to investing in efforts to help elect these candidates and fighting against the extreme agenda of the GOP, which would end access to abortion, block gun safety legislation, reverse climate protections, and endanger the LGBTQIA+ community. Every seat is critical in the upcoming election and we will use our collective power to elect lawmakers that truly reflect and represent the most diverse generation in American history.”

Democrat insiders are bracing for defeat. They claim they peaked too early, spending far too much money on the abortion issue. Even in Blue New York, there are projections of Republican wins for House seats. This is not an election but a core change. The Democrats are realizing that they have gone too far with their Progressive policies and the Republicans know they better come out ready to govern. It is time for candidates on the Right to get specific. They rolled out a vague plan for America, but now it is time to bring the meat. 

The Democrats have given Republicans a golden opportunity. By allowing the Radical Left to become too powerful and electing an old, feeble, and ineffective President, they played their hand and came up bust. 

One thing is for sure, we have to repair the divide first because repairing the country will take both sides. Joe Biden did his best to dismantle America. How long will it take to put the pieces back together?

The post It’s Crunch Time and the Left is Sucking Wind appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Newborn-Killing Dems Pivot on “Women’s Health Care” and End Up Under a Different Narrative Bus

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-19 18:00 +0000

The Left’s all-in abortion argument is about killing newborns. That’s what they are running on (at least, here, in New Hampshire). The right to kill a baby at birth. But almost no one but the far Left thinks abortion should be permitted in the third trimester and certainly not during birth. So, the Dems are pivoting…into a hole.

Related: NH Democrats Confirm Support for “Post-Birth Abortion”

To Democrats, women’s health is about conception to live birth abortion. Anything less is you or the government getting between women and their doctors. But you don’t need a doctor in New Hampshire to perform an abortion. Hairdressers are more highly regulated. Almost anyone can do it, and there are no reporting requirements to document who did what to whom. Oh, and you should pay for them!

We could easily say that Democrats don’t want the government to come between you and your landscaper, plumber, accountant, hygenist, nurse practitioner, or anyone, and health care. But that’s another lie. They want the government to come between you and everything except (they say) women’s health care (also a lie)

But here we are (in NH) with a reasonable 24-week drop-dead date for abortions that most of the world embraces, if not sooner, and the Dems are ranting about how extreme that is. They won’t stand for anything less than abortion up to birth, but no one agrees with that, so they must couch the details in a lie.

Hello COVID!

Yes, we’ve traveled this well-worn road before, but this is essential stuff. When Ann Kuster, Maggie Hassan, or Chris “Norovirus” Pappas flap their yap about extremism and health, it is immediately negated by their behavior during the so-called pandemic. And it is up to us (yes, you) to push back.

When they say Republicans are extreme on abortion, ask them, so as a supporter, how do you think live birth abortions should be performed? Hey, if you’re good with this, what’s the most humane way to end it? Chemical execution like they do with condemned criminals or pull a Kermit Gosnell and cut their spinal cord at the neck?

What are your thoughts, Mr. Ms. Ze or whatever Democrat Abortion supporter?

I’m expected to explain my support for capital punishment. How is this any different, except for the lack of evidence, criminal charges, a trial, and a verdict of one’s peers?

What if they were born that way, but you sanctioned their execution ala abortion? Does that qualify as anti-gay bigotry? Are you guilty of a hate crime? Is the mother eligible for reparations? Are you going to make me pay them?

When the coming between doctor and patient rears its two-faced head, ask why that doesn’t apply to doctors who think FDA-approved drugs are best for their patients with COVID. How come the government can get between women and their doctors then? Why isn’t that hypocritical or contradictory, and now more than ever, after two years of human test trials on hundreds of millions of recipients?

There are better ways to protect and treat people, but the government keeps getting in the way.

They might swear and call you names or change the subject, but you keep them on point. And make sure, especially if this is on social media, to screengrab things regularly as they are likely to disappear or you are likely to get banned or blocked.

Nothing says tolerance like a Lefty bailing on an argument they can’t win, especially regarding women’s health care and abortion.



The post Newborn-Killing Dems Pivot on “Women’s Health Care” and End Up Under a Different Narrative Bus appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-19 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***

And please do check out my latest at Tommy Robinson’s Urban Scoop:

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 3) – Urban Scoop








Elie Wiesel, the noted Holocaust survivor, said “When someone says they want to kill you, believe them”.  Also recall, from 2015, this video (also embedded in my post about depopulation; Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok):


Time and time and time and time and time again, they’ve talked about depopulation over decades.  Now, finally, they’re getting serious about it.  And remember, they will do it with a clear conscience because they believe they are doing good.

Slip-Sliding Towards Hell with a Good Conscience – Granite Grok

















Pick of the post:



For the sheer laugh factor!





We HAVE TO get the youth or, long term, we lose.  The problem is not the content… as Bill explains in an earlier video, it’s the packaging:





Palate cleansers:









The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Priceless: Kari Lake Has 150 Examples of Election Denial by Democrats and the Media (Which She Shares with the Media)

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-19 15:00 +0000

We’ve shared a few highlights from Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake. She’s a priceless gem in the GOP field and fearless. She doesn’t pander to Left-Wing narratives like some Republicans we could mention. Today’s installment is a gut shot to the Left’s “republicans are election-deniers narrative,” and it’s brilliant.

Related: AZ Gov. Hopeful Kari Lake DECIMATES Democrat Wannabe Liz Cheney

She’s running for governor so much like the 2016 presidential election, the media must cover it. Kari is not wasting the opportunity. She uses these events and moments to poke holes in the approved narratives and to expose the elites for who they are – hypocrites and liars.

And she makes it look easy (which it is), so why do so many Republicans struggle to expose the progressives for who they are? In most cases, it means they want to be like them or liked by them so they can get a seat at the kiddie table in the Dems DC.

Ms. Lake has no such aspiration…yet. It’s early, but her career appears bright should she win the governorship in AZ.

Here she is, taking down the Dems on election denial.


The post Priceless: Kari Lake Has 150 Examples of Election Denial by Democrats and the Media (Which She Shares with the Media) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

"Anthony will help you learn how to be journalists."

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-10-19 13:39 +0000
Kari Lake The best I've ever seen at dressing down Lib — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) October 18, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Parasites and How the World May End

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-19 13:30 +0000

This is how the world ends. This is how the world will end. This is how the world is ending. Not with a bang but an Oh well.

My elderly friends — and myself, for that matter — are ready to take “the demise pill.” We don’t see any chance for improvement. We remember a good life with scads of hope in it. We assumed our progeny would have an even better world, but now it seems there is no chance. It’s gone (or rapidly going). We are saying, “Oh well.”

It appears to be impossible to turn things around. How can one alter a situation when one can’t contact the hidden monsters who have wrecked the place? We can’t even have an honest chat with our fellow sufferers, as they appear to be in a trance! Darn.

I was lucky today to peruse a September 6, 2022, article written by Colin Todhunter, which rehashed an article by Michael Hudson. Let me summarize it third-hand. Those two critics hypothesize (actually, they out-and-out declare) that the US hegemon does all kinds of things to maintain world hegemony. Currently, the US is undermining the strength of Europe and Russia to keep them from moving toward China. At every citizen’s personal expense, of course.

The US impoverishes the Third World also by giving it the means to increase the output of agriculture via machines and chemicals that then become more expensive. And those crops are for export! Nations, and individuals, are now hopelessly in debt — to a few banks and the IMF. And let’s not forget the way local police worldwide are becoming militarized. Hmm.

I mention those particulars only to convey the fact that it is difficult to compete with the Big Guys who operate with great coordination planetwide and who control the militaries of most countries! My purpose here will be to inventory various ways of knocking down this hegemon. As I said, it feels hopeless, but I am conversant with the intellectual approach, so let’s run it.


Sociobiologist EO Wilson defines “parasite” as a predator that eats less than one unit. Not like a bird that kills a mouse and consumes it, but like a parasite in your stomach that lives off your innards. “Hegemon” is a Greek word meaning leader; it’s used to indicate one nation dominating others — subtly or blatantly.

For his 1985 book, The World Order, Eustace Mullins gave the subtitle “A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism.” His book is about the great heist accomplished by bankers circa 1910. He says they are parasites. I will adopt that concept here. So just as a doctor might try to figure out how to get the parasites out of your stomach, I will inventory any “medicines” I know of that could relieve us of the bank crowd’s hegemonic fixations.

Remember that I am operating today with a personal eye on the demise pill. So the following is (allegedly) just a heuristic exercise.

Imagine ten ways that we could kick the parasites off the throne. I mean, out of our stomachs. Or whatever. The first two ways can be disposed of in one sentence each since I’ve elaborated on them many times elsewhere:

Ten Ways

1. Get’em by applying the law — both to punish them and to stop their activity.

2. Get them out of our legislatures, where they put clever details into laws that enable their big schemes.

3. Don’t do anything. Let the forces of man and nature work it out. (Presumably, this will entail much cruelty and destruction.). That will frustrate the parasites as soon as they realize their prey are becoming scarce.

4. Smoke them out. Sure, the bankers have henchmen galore. They have a henchman in every pot. But not every henchman is 100% brainwashed. Shakespeare, who had no illusions, wrote, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” Even parasite bankers have to sleep at night.

5. Build up religion. I know from Negro spirituals, which are great music that faith in God pulled the US slaves through difficult times. I envision “God” as everything we believe in, that comes under the heading “morality.” Religion also makes for a strengthener against an enemy. “God said we should do this…” Pow!

6. If it’s impossible to get at the big guys, get the low-hanging fruit. If you punish them good, this will make the uneasy crown-wearers even more uneasy. It also will also send a message to other low-hanging fruit. They will whisper to one another “Are we really in the right business?”

7. If you do get a biggie (Henry Kissinger if he is still alive), stay your hand form the paddle or the gun or anything. Just administer sodium amytal or scopolamine, aka truth serum. Or use hypnosis. “Look at this pendulum. You are getting sleepy, sleeepy…” If his lawyer says that’s against the Fifth Amendment, tell him not to worry about amendments. This is quite possibly the world’s biggest outlaw that has ever been captured. He has codes that we need to elicit. Make nice with Hank.

8. Encourage birth control, seriously. Put a moratorium on births. I say this, as a way to prevent a more violent way to kill off the tribe. It will be too difficult to live in a civilized way with ten billion individuals. We are not built for it. Be pro-life — save humanity.

9. Design a kind world. Even if it does not look practical. Maybe it’s eminently doable. Check Philip Allott’s 2016 book “Eutopia” (and Law professor Allott is, believe me, no slouch). Today we see kindness slipping away. Why? Just because some jerk parasites have to have their stupid way?

10. Meet up locally as a set of elders plus youth. Teach one another. Ask the public to say what they dream of as a good life. Then declare your authority to speak for the group.

As Terese Grinnell once said: Amen.

The post Parasites and How the World May End appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Organized the 51 Former Intel Officials?

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-10-19 12:58 +0000 — Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) October 19, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Gutfeld: Tulsi Gabbard will be Trump's VP

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-10-19 12:34 +0000
Tulsi Gabbard has broken with Democrats over the direction the party has been taking America, but where did she think they were going with it before? Democrats have aggressively pushed for this since Hillary headed up health care reform in... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

CDC Advisory Committee Considers Putting the COVID Vaccine on the Childhood Immunization Schedule to Protect Big Pharma Not Your Kids

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-19 12:00 +0000

Beginning at 8:30 Eastern Time this morning, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will meet for two days. One of the items on their Thursday agenda is adding the COVID-19 Jab to the childhood immunization schedule. Every kid would need to get the juice.

Related: Harvard and Johns Hopkins Report the COVID Vaccines are More Dangerous than COVID

I know, not ever kid, but public schools or activities or groups at schools could expect them if they are on the schedule.

But wait. The data clearly shows that kids who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine are not a vector for infection or spread. Every state has the same results. The same information tells us that the unvaccinated under 20 age group rarely needs hospitalization and rarely dies from COIVD. It’s rare.

The over-the-counter medication works fine if needed, and other FDA-licensed drugs are available if OTCs are not enough.

So why put these emergency-use medications on the Children’s immunization schedule? Liability. The FDA and CDC can never officially authorize the mRNA Covid inoculation because someone could sue them or the pharmaceutical companies if they did.

You can’t make informed consent if you are not fully informed, and they don’t want to admit that these are neither safe nor effective.

Putting them on the childhood schedule grants liability protection even against an adult who receives the vaccine.

ACIP isn’t considering this to protect kids. It is doing it to protect the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, Big Pharma, and everyone in between who hinted, suggested, cajoled, nagged, or demanded you get one.

Related: New England Journal of Medicine: The Vaxxed Remain Contagious for Longer Than the UnVaxxed!



Related: Pediatric Cardiologist Says mRNA Spike Proteins are Toxic to the Human Heart


Citizens Free Press shared contact info for the members of the advisory board.



The meeting may have started by the time you read this, but the agenda places this issue on their Thursday Calendar. If you do reach out, be polite and brief. Write some notes beforehand and stick to them.

There is ample evidence that children do not need this and are better off without it.

And yes, I think they will add it due to both political and institutional pressure. Oh, and all the Pharma money. That’s no reason not to try.



The post CDC Advisory Committee Considers Putting the COVID Vaccine on the Childhood Immunization Schedule to Protect Big Pharma Not Your Kids appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tulsi and Don at the Duck Pond House, Nashua

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-19 10:30 +0000

A fundraising breakfast was hosted by Cathy and Eric Park at Nashua’s historic Duck Pond House. Eric introduced Tulsi, who described very vividly the dangers to our country and Constitution posed by the current administration that the Democratic Party. She encouraged other patriotic and disaffected Dems to join her in leaving the party ( #WalkAway on steroids), and emphasized the need to send real leaders like Don to Washington. Don gave a great speech, too. The whole thing is only 23 minutes, and well worth your time.



Not on camera, but asked and answered at the event: How did Tulsi and Don get to be working together?
It turns out, that as vocal critics of the failures of current military leadership and the dangers it poses to the nation, both of them had become supporters of Lt Col Stu Scheller, and as they talked, Tulsi came to learn more about Don from other service members and chose to support him. Her breakaway from the party has freed her to support and endorse good leaders like Don to turn congress around.

The post Tulsi and Don at the Duck Pond House, Nashua appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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