The Manchester Free Press

Friday • December 13 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.L

Manchester, N.H.

Dilemma for Whom?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-03-24 03:00 +0000

Will the new chair of the NH GOP, Chris Ager, change course?  Or will the same old same old continue where hairs are split, and business as usual continues?

We want to thank Karen Testerman for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Will the NH GOP continue selectively applying rules when convenient and ignore the organization’s by-laws?  Does public perception matter?  Will he put principle above politics?

Questions are permeating social media, as well as your articles on GraniteGrok.

Public perception matters. When notable “Republicans” endorse Democrats, does that count as bi-partisanship?

Thad Riley is only the tip of the iceberg. Now Kevin Smith has followed suit. And it isn’t just Republicans endorsing Democrats.

The NHGOP By-laws clearly state, (emphasis added)


Any registered Republican who, at the same time joins or allows his or her name to be used in support of a political committee or a defined group of individuals, that, in title or effect, is intended to be understood by the public to be a committee or group comprised in whole or in part of members of the Republican Party endorsing a candidate for elected office from another political party, when there is a candidate nominated by the Republican Party for that office, shall be disqualified during the then present and the next biennium from holding an office of the State Committee or any County or City Committee, from being a member of the Executive Committee and from being a member of the State Committee.


Here the famed NH9, FaceBook We the People, and Resolve organizer, Terese Grinnel, has violated this by-law multiple times.  Terese currently sits as a member of the Merrimack County Republican Committee.  In the 2022 general election, you can see her post endorsing Libertarian Lily Tang Williams against Republican Bob Burns.


From Telegram Terese, a primary organizer of the Resolve Initiative, is promoting Libertarian Ben Weir over Republican Keith Mitchell for Sheriff in the 2022 election.  Did this cost the GOP a sheriff in Merrimack County?



Most recently, she posted this video on Facebook.  Here she is promoting and fostering the establishment of another party while serving as a member of the State Committee of the NHGOP.  To save time, there are two places where she announces this while working from within using those resources at 12:50 and then again from 27:35 to 45:08.  Why is this okay?

It appears Chairman Chris Ager can choose to adhere to rules, including the NH GOP Platform as stated in the bylaws or he can just be one of the deep state.


The post Dilemma for Whom? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

California Doesn’t Want You to ‘Taste The Rainbow’?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-03-24 01:30 +0000

Skittles® were always “gay,” so there’s no excuse for a bigoted California lawmaker’s proposed legislation that could ban them from the state.

That’s a joke—Skittles®, Taste The Rainbow. The proposed ban is real, however, if these food additive restrictions were to become law.


California State lawmakers are considering legislation which could ban the sale of multiple candies such as Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, and jelly beans. Other foods such as Campbell’s Soup would be face possible bans as well.

Forget about the homelessness crisis and skyrocketing crime which are causing endless misery for the state’s residents. The most immediate threats to Californians according to the state politicians are candy and soup.

The bill, which was introduced far-left Democrat Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel, targets the following five additives: propylparaben, red dye 3, brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate and titanium dioxide.


I did a little research on Titanium Dioxide. “Small amounts of titanium dioxide are added to certain foods to enhance their white color or opacity .” I can imagine not caring about the appearance enhancement, so maybe it’s a moot point, but as with all things in nature, the dose makes the poison. In quantity, there is any number of things that could do harm or even kill you but, in small amounts are beneficial or harmless.

Titanium Dioxide appears to be one of them.

The EU’s objections are speculative and based on more than a few presumptions for which insufficient research exists. Again, if you don’t care about the supposed benefits, then I can’t see why you need the additive, but a one-state ban creates what may be an unnecessary limitation that will increase costs and reduce access for no benefit, b this is California, where that should be the state motto.

We virtue signal you pay the price.


Californians shouldn’t have to worry that the food they buy in their neighborhood grocery store might be full of dangerous additives or toxic chemicals.

This bill will correct for a concerning lack of federal oversight and help protect our kids, public health, and the safety of our food supply.


I imagine that if you’d never mentioned it, no one would know, and therefore no worry. Even now, there’s probably a limited amount of concern. But again, here is California, where harmful masks, lockdowns, and covid vaccines are forced on people who don’t even need them.

Skittles®? Those have to go. And hey, that sounds a little anti-gay to me.

Note: I like Skittles® ( or used to), and no, they don’t make you gay (and yes, I have to add that). They could make you obese or Type II Diabetic if you ate enough of them, but then that’s true if you take in “enough” of just about anything – except perhaps Kale or Quinoa (blech!).


The post California Doesn’t Want You to ‘Taste The Rainbow’? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Can a Private Militia Do? Not Much in New Hampshire!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-03-24 00:00 +0000

This article was prompted by Stephen Peterson’s March 16, 2023 article at, entitled “New Hampshire Constitutional Militia.” Peterson referred to the essay by Edwin Vieira, which is reprinted in the book by Daniel McGonigle.

We want to thank Mary Maxwell for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Vieira has a very boots-on-the-ground approach, in which every able-bodied person should join in the effort to defend the nation and the Constitution.

In a Comment to Peterson’s article, I invited all Grokkers (and all NH cops) to come to my house in Concord, NH, on March 19, 2023, for a discussion of the matter.  Nobody showed up, but below is the Handout we would have used to investigate what can actually be done by private militias.

Three things seem to stand in the way of our becoming Vieira-type troops:

  1. Per NH Statute 110-B:3, II, “the governor may call for and accept from the unorganized militia as many volunteers as are required for service in the national guard, or the governor may direct the members of the unorganized militia or such of them as may be necessary to be drafted into the national guard.” (Well, that will quickly put paid to your private militia.)
  2. Per federal law, codified at 18 USC 2384, if citizens conspire  — merely conspire — “to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof,” they risk arrest as felons. (The fact that “the authority thereof may be illegitimate” is a nice talking point, but it won’t save you.)
  3. Per the 2004 US Supreme Court ruling in Hamdi, a US citizen — such as Hamdi and Jose Padilla — can be categorized as an enemy combatant. (I’ve included below the little interaction that occurred during the US Senate hearings for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a justice, but I don’t agree with the rumor that Graham was trying to prove that Hamdi is icumen-in.)

I don’t plan to debate these three obstacles here today. The present article is but a vehicle for passing along the quotes I had gathered for a handout.  See below. It’s bad enough that the March 19 chocolate cake went to waste (or to waist, as the case may be); the research is salvageable!

Bottom line: the Second Amendment is surprisingly insufficient to make the citizenry a force for defending, by itself, the Constitution. Quoting 2A and puffing up one’s patriotic feelings is not enough.  I may be wrong; please correct me in the Comments.

Here is the “attachment.” If you print it in Garamond font, size 11.5, it will fit nicely onto the front and back of one letter-size page.


RELEVANT QUOTES ON MILITIAS AND MILITARY COMMISSIONS — MARCH 19, 2023 from US Constitution, federal and New Hampshire statutes, court rulings.

Article I, section 8, clause 11: “[Congress shall have the Power] to declare war. Clause 15: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions.”

Article I, section 8, clause 16: “[The Congress shall have the Power]… To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress….”

Article II, section 3: “[The President] shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

Article IV, section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the [State] Legislature, against domestic Violence.”

Second Amendment:   “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

NH statute, revised; 110-B:1 (2018) I. “The militia shall be divided into 3 classes, namely the national guard, the state guard, and the unorganized militia. …IV. The unorganized militia shall consist of all able-bodied residents of the state who are 18 years of age or older, who are, or have declared their intention to become, citizens of the US, and who are not serving in the national guard or state guard.”

NH statute 110-B:3 Registration and Draft of Unorganized Militia:  I. “Whenever it shall be deemed necessary, the governor may direct the members of the unorganized militia to present themselves for and submit to registration at such time and place and in such manner as the governor may prescribe in regulations issued pursuant to this chapter.”

  1. “Whenever it shall be necessary in case of invasion, disaster, insurrection, riot, breach of the peace, or imminent danger thereof, or to maintain the national guard at the number required for public safety or prescribed by the laws of the United States, the governor may call for and accept from the unorganized militia as many volunteers as are required for service in the national guard, or the governor may direct the members of the unorganized militia or such of them as may be necessary to be drafted into the national guard.”


Resolution introduced into NH House 2009 sponsored by Reps. Itse, Ingbretson, Comerford, Senator Denley: “That the several States… are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their General Government; but that, by a compact…, they constituted a General Government for  special  purposes,  …reserving,  each State to itself, the residuary mass of right to their own self-government; and that whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force; that the gov’t [is not] the final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself….” [This was inspired by Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798]

1878 The Posse Comitatus Act: “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army … as a posse comitatus … to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.” (10 USC 341 for foreign troops in US.)  Note: today under the Pentagon’s National Guard Bureau’s Partners for Peace, begun in 1990s, there are foreign troops in every state. New Hampshire’s partner is El Salvador.

Page 2. Federal law, codified at 18 USC 2384:  “If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, …. they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

NH Revised Statute sec 104:28 “Who wears or displays without authority any uniform or badge by which a sheriff, officer, or investigator is lawfully identified … shall be guilty of a class B felony.” [There’s a list of each state’s laws on “prohibiting private armies, i.e., militias, at public rallies,” at]

Treason 18 USC 2381: “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the US.”

Presidential Decision Directive 39, June 21, 1995: [Clinton, after the OKC bombing]: “The United States regards all such terrorism as a criminal act and will pursue vigorously efforts to deter and preempt, apprehend and prosecute… individuals who perpetrate or plan to perpetrate such attacks….”  

In Home Building and Loan Association v Blaisdell (1931) SCOTUS said: “Emergency does not create power. Emergency does not increase granted power …. The Constitution was adopted in a period of grave emergency. Its grants of power … were not altered by emergency.”

MILITARY COMMISSIONS.  Hamdi v Rumsfeld, 2004. Note: Hamdi was a US citizen captured in Afghanistan and accused of aiding the enemy.  SCOTUS ruled that a US citizen can be designated an enemy combatant. Jose Padilla was included in Hamdi case. Under the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, the decision as to whether he is a combatant can be made by an executive branch’s Combat Status Review Tribunal. (Sen Graham: “What’s the name of the case, if you can recall, that reaffirmed the concept that you can hold one of our own as an enemy combatant?” SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh “Hamdi.”)

The Military Commissions Act of 2009 is “to authorize trial by military commission for violations of the law of war, and for other purposes”.  The MCA was prompted by Hamdan v Rumsfeld, where a Gitmo plaintiff asked for rights, and in 2009 Boumedienne. For War Crimes Act, see 18 USC 2441. (Note: ‘Military Tribunal‘ is not the same as Military Commission. A tribunal is part of the UCMJ for soldiers.)

FDR issued a Proclamation: “all persons who are subjects, citizens or residents of any nation at war with the US [and who enter the US] through coastal or boundary defenses, and are charged with committing … sabotage, espionage shall be subject to the law of war and to the jurisdiction of military tribunals”.

Military Tribunals, 1942. (US president, FDR, used a military tribunal to convict six German saboteurs; caught in US. The decision of a justice matter, normally held in a court, was taken by the executive branch. The saboteurs were enemies of the US, as Germany and the US were at war. On the battlefield, the president could order them killed.  But did he have the right to “tribunalize” the captives in the US?)

The US Supreme Court in Ex Parte Quirin, 1942, held: “There is a class of unlawful belligerents not entitled to [POW] privilege… And by Article 15 of the Articles of War Congress has made provision for their trial and punishment by military commission, according to ‘the law of war’.” [Quirin is still law.]

POSTSCRIPT — VERDICT.JUSTIA.COM has just come out with an essay by Prof Vikram Amar of relevance to these matters. I will now quote a portion of his essay, verbatim:

In the summer of 2021, the Missouri governor signed into law the state’s so-called “Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA),” whose preamble (a section styled as “findings”) declares that the “supremacy” of federal law “does not extend to various federal statutes, executive orders, [etc., that regulate firearms and ammunition in various ways].”…

The district court ruled, among other things, that SAPA’s declaratory centerpiece, §§ 1.410, 1.420, and 1.430, violates the Supremacy Clause because it constitutes an “unconstitutional ‘interposition’ against federal law and is designed to be just that.” From there, the district court reflexively invalidated the rest of SAPA on the ground that no part of the statute was severable from the statute’s interpositional core.

The big problem with the district court’s “interposition” reasoning is that it cuts too broadly, and would essentially prevent a state from engaging in any government speech to register disagreement with federal laws and policies that might violate various limitations in the Constitution. The district court rightly points out (quoting seminal Supreme Court cases) that “states have no power . . . to retard, impede, burden or in any manner control the operations” of the federal government in arenas where the federal government has lawful power. But the declaratory centerpiece of SAPA does no such thing. It does not impede, burden, or control federal operations; it merely makes clear Missouri’s belief that certain federal laws violate the Second Amendment, and that such federal laws will not be respected by, or enforced by, the state. Importantly, §1.430’s words say that ostensibly illegal federal laws will not be enforced “by” the state, not that such laws will not be enforced “in” the state, the latter phrase being one that would suggest active interference by state officials in the efforts of federal officials to enforce federal law.

— end of my except form Prof Amar. You cand “Read More” at

And don’t forget the unanimous decision in Prinz v United States (1997) — a case that was initiated by Sheriff Richard Mack and which ruled, if not is so many words, that state law enforcement is not the servant of the federal government.

Now here is a 59-minute lecture by Daniel McGonigle, given at Camp Constitution in NH in 2015, on the History of “the Militia” in America

The post What Can a Private Militia Do? Not Much in New Hampshire! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas Guide To Living In A Banana Republic

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 22:30 +0000

Sic transit Gloria, as the saying goes.  Nowhere is this more true than Vermont where the fading charm of being a dairy farmer’s delight, a land flowing with maple syrup and RBST free cream to help wash down your organic coffee, has been replaced by becoming a third-residence getaway for the uber-wealthy who excel at creating third-world conditions to exploit.

So if you’re a fan of bananas and use the word democracy when you really mean republic, the time is ripe for you to make your way in this brave new Banana Republic of Vermont!

How can Vermont be a Banana Republic when it’s so far above the tropical zone you can barely find bananas at the store?  Silly commonsensitarianist, you don’t need bananas.  You don’t even need a republic.  Here is a list of the things you will need to make Vermont a first-class, first-world Banana Republic.

Monteverde Monte Venality – You will want piles of green to pay off politicians.  With this capital you get to encourage them to say they’re “for the people”, but we know which people they’ll really mean (wink-wink). In a Banana Republic this is called a capital gains tan because you’ll be on the beach counting greenbacks knowing you’ve got Montpelier in your back pocket. Feel that Bern!

Character Assassinations and Real Assassinations – operating in a Banana Republic means dealing with difficult people, such as do-gooders who believe in antiquated ideas like “the rule of law” and “citizens rights”.  You’re not just a citizen you’re an elite and you have the right to rule, am I right? So when these chatterbox knights of the people start yammering on about “civil liberties” you get some of your friends in the news media to take some un-civil liberties with their character.  If that doesn’t work, you take some liberties with their life.  It’s not personal, it’s political.

This Land Is Our Land This Land Was Your Land – have you ever tried to hold a conversation with a Vermont farmer?  You need an interpreter who speaks fluent Green Mountain redneck or some dialect of Bidenese.  Seriously, you can’t tell if they’re yawning or tongue wrestling themselves.  C’mon man! People this incapable of coherent speech cannot be trusted with owning land, especially after making the conscious choice to shovel animal crap for a living.  As the saying goes, the pen is mightier than the shovel, so grease up some palms and buy that parcel at a discount.  Weed is the new cattle and the nice thing about weed?  It poops piles of revenue.

Hello Guvnah! – if you  want to succeed in a Banana Republic you have to be on a first name basis with the governor.  Right now his name is Phil, as in “Phil my right hand with some money and see if my left hand doesn’t get you that contract to put windmills on those wetlands”.  It’s not called the green movement because they love trees you silly hippies!

Vocab Enrichment – terms like “coup” and “failed state” will no longer be vague ideas as you race to finish the Time’s crossword puzzle.  They will be right outside your property value depressed door amigo!

All the Trans Run On Time – one sure fire sign of a Banana Republic is the timely rise of all things trans.  Trans-rights, trans-lefts, what difference does it make?  One thing is certain, your old republic is now a trans republic.

Sponsor A Child In Need – For those children strong enough to make it past the angry forceps and out of the womb at the local “medical clinic” the future is brighter than a fresh pack of C4.  Banana Republics are incredible employment opportunities for children looking to make a lasting impression on a cruel world that wasn’t good enough to deserve them.  The savvy investor who wishes to up their game to warlord will sponsor a child terrorist and deploy them accordingly.  Few things say “I’m the new boss” as well as paying a youngin’ to blow themselves up at your expense.

El Presidente – once the thrill of being a local warlord has worn off there is only one last hurdle to overcome.  Do you have what it takes?  Well, if you can explain why you need to defund the police while paying them to beat the citizenry into submission, raise concerns about the threat of corrupt countries like China and Ukraine while using them to raise the number of commas in your bank account, and have your competition arrested despite overcoming your own child-like arrested development, then by golly you can smell the sweet scent of victory like it’s a 9 year-olds head full of shampoo at a 2a.m. ballot harvesting party.  Hail to the Cheiftan!

So whether you plan to tame the turf in your tiny hamlet or power move your posterior to the presidency the Banana’s Guide to Living In A Banana Republic for Vermonter’s is a step by step process to coming out on top while everything is sinking to the bo

The post Bananas Guide To Living In A Banana Republic appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Complaint Against Raymond SAU33 for Violating New Hampshire Law

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 21:00 +0000

The following 91-a Right To Know Request was sent to the Superintendent in SAU33/Raymond School District after I received notification that students were wearing digital badges to track their behavior. I’ve also been told that other districts are using the same surveillance devices on their students. New Hampshire law requires a digital tracking device to have school board approval after a public hearing, and parents/ guardians must consent. Teachers are using their personal phones to scan the badges and students PII (personally identifiable information) and school photos are all shared with PBIS Rewards. Cellphones are not secure devices.

NOTE: Nothing about parental consent when sharing this sensitive data, or anything about parents or guardians in this statement:

There is nothing in the documents about a student’s right to privacy that is now included in The New Hampshire Constitution.
An individual’s right to live free from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natural, essential, and inherent.

This is government surveillance, and includes the sharing of personal information with a 3rd party vendor. There are no privacy protections in place to secure this data because in December 2011, the U.S. Department of Education changed the regulations governing the release of student data to the private sector, without Congressional authorization to do so.

From the information provided by the school district, I am unable to confirm that the district followed the law. I have asked for in investigation by The New Hampshire Department of Education.

Dear Superintendent Leatherman:

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA, 91-1), I am requesting public access, within 5 business days, to the governmental records:

1) All documentation on any and all PBIS systems used in the SAU33/Raymond School district.

2) Any and all consent forms sent to parents or guardians by SAU33 so they could approve the use of a digital badge or technology device used to transmit information, or monitor the students.

3) Copies of school board notes from any discussions or votes by the school board approving the use of a digital badge or technology devices used to transmit information, or to monitor the students.

Per RSA 91-A:4IV(C) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

Please let me know when these records are available for inspection or you may email the records to me at

Ann Marie Banfield

Jennifer Heywood <>

to me, Terry

Good morning. In response to your Right to Know Request dated March 14, 2023, please see the attached documents.

Regarding school board discussions or votes, we’ve searched by keyword for items relevant to your request and we did not find any matches. However, there may be instances of board discussion that didn’t appear in our search results. You are welcome to view board meeting minutes and backup documentation. Minutes and backup are readily available on our website dating back several years: minutes may be found here, and backup documents may be found here. Alternatively, you are also welcome to view minutes at the SAU Office – please contact me to set up a time and what timeframe for minutes you would like to view, and we will have them available for you.



Jennifer Heywood
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools
Raymond School District, SAU 33
43 Harriman Hill Road
Raymond, NH 03077
603-895-4299 x1103
Fax 603-895-0147

COMPLAINT SENT TO The New Hampshire Department of Education: 

Dear Ms. Fenton, Per the correspondence below involving a 91-a Right to Know Request sent to SAU33  Superintendent Leatherman, I am asking you to begin an investigation to determine if the district administrators violated RSA 189:68-II. II. No school shall require a student to use an identification device that uses radio frequency identification, or similar technology, to identify the student, transmit information regarding the student, or monitor or track the student without approval of the school board, after a public hearing, and without the written consent of a parent of legal guardian of an affected student which may be withheld without consequence. 


It appears the district is currently using a digital badge device to track students. Based on the email I received back I have not been able to confirm that this device was approved by the school board, or that parents have consented as required by RSA189:68-II. State statute requires school board approval after a public hearing, and this must be done with written consent by a parent or legal guardian. Respectfully, Ann Marie Banfield

3.20.23 RTK PBIS


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday – SITREP Edition

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 19:30 +0000

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as is.  I make no guarantee of accuracy or complete coverage of the world.

Please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

For prep materials, please see:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok




Lynching the Deplorables: Leftist Speaks Out Against Detention of Jan. 6 Defendants



I watch the above, and the clown show called GET TRUMP BAMN, and this excellent scene comes to mind:


A Man for All Seasons – The Devil Speech






Top of the fold:

Jan 6 Videos Show Antifa Infiltrating Trump Supporters, Inciting Violence

Remember, these people are MISSIONARIES.  They are determined to succeed BAMN.

Trump Vows to Break Up Department of Education, Redistribute Its Functions to States

Just for this I’d vote for him.  But related to Trump:

“If the Democratic Party is Allowed to Crush Donald Trump, We’re Done!”- Tucker Carlson GOES OFF on Democrats Over Potential Trump Indictment and Issues a Dire Warning for America (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

IMHO we’re done anyway.  Certainly the Left isn’t going to fix elections.  The Right (GOP squishes) aren’t either.  No, TINVOWOOT.

Ellen Brown: The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami  –

Holy G-d, if this starts cracking, it’s going to be bad.  Bad.  Double-plus ungood level Bad.  And in light of the above, this is small potatoes:

Banks are hiding at least $620 billion in losses, creating a ticking time bomb of financial disaster – DC Clothesline

The Needle and the Damage Done – by Jerome V. (

My worldview has changed forever.

I am also now like a wary dog, constantly watchful of the abusive master should he attempt to raise his hand again.

Only now I know that no one is my master – or ever will be.

And do you know what else? I am one of a huge pack.







I’ve related this before, but… after my divorce from “Satan’s Favorite Daughter” I was, admittedly, not really ready to date.  But I did go out on dates, and yes they were disasters – some on my side, some on the other side.  Then I took a step back, and wend on eharmony.  You know, “29 dimensions of compatibility”… and it was a great date.  We laughed, seemed to have a lot in common, etc.  I walked her back to her car, I told her I’d like to see her again, and she said no, “I just wanted to be treated tonight”.  Apparently this is not uncommon.  (Let me be clear: not every date is going to work out, but to start it off with the idea that you’re just in it for the free food???)

No wonder I went with an import.  Though, in retrospect – hindsight and my faith awakening – if I could go back to my high school years I’d have joined an Orthodox shul and looked there.




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

10,000 Dutch Farmers Protest Government’s Crippling Nitrogen Emissions Target in the Hague

OOH, good for them.  OTOH, it won’t make a lick of difference.  The course has been locked in.  Remember, the system will react to protect itself and its goals:

BBB Won a (Useless) Landslide Victory


Berlin’s March 26th Climate Referendum… Berlin Leaders Could Have Immediate Dictatorial Powers

When politicians get power through emergencies… they create emergencies to rationalize power grabs.  On even the most trivial of things:

Michael Swartz: The Left Now Wants Our Washing Machines | The Patriot Post

Stove Restrictions Expand to Other Appliances

This Is How The Government Is Stopping You From Living Independently (

Western governments are on the verge of introducing expiring money (

So, saving is punished.  Assuming, through a CBDC, you can access it at all.  Related:

Deutsche Bank and WEF Look Towards the End of Cash

ECB Chief Lagarde Makes a Stunning Admission About CBDCs (

More on CBDC in general:

The Creepy Advent of Digital Currency – American Thinker

When a government no longer trusts its citizens with their own labor, it is no longer a free society.  In the near future, we may recall the days when kids earned a menial side income babysitting or mowing lawns without Uncle Sam inserting himself into the equation.  Though the taxing side of the equation is a nuisance, the control side of surveillance banking to engineer the end user’s behavior is far more concerning.  If ever there was a time to push back, we are swiftly approaching zero hour.

FBI thugs harass New York woman for criticizing Pfizer on Twitter (

Criticize a private company, and the FBI shows up????  More on censorship:

Uncovered: Feds’ disturbing plan to control your speech (

Arrested for Memes: In Defense of Ricky Vaughn – Intellectual Takeout



Protecting Children:

How Drag Queens Became a Trojan Horse to Promote Militant Trans Ideology to Children…

They don’t reproduce.  They convert.  And they’re stealthy:

‘It’s Happening Everywhere’: Lawmakers Push To Ban Secret Student Pronoun Changes, Keep Parents Involved | The Daily Caller

“Parental Rights End When You Send Your Kids to Public School” – New Mexico Attorney In Training Session to Teachers (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Utah School Feeds Insects to Children, Teaches Them Cows Are Destroying the Planet


Idaho Library Board flees meeting to avoid outraged parents. (




National Security (specifically):

“It’s as Bad as We Thought”: CCP Money Flowed to Biden Family According Bank Records, Documents Obtained by House GOP

When your leadership (it’s not just Biden *cough McConnell cough*) is wholly-owned by a foreign power…

The Age of American Naval Dominance Is Over – The Atlantic

Those who control the seas control, well, everything.  (And, by extension, air & space.)  Partial, requires sign in.

Biden Administration Allowing Iran’s Mullahs to Join the “Nuclear Club” :: Gatestone Institute

Iran’s Regime Days Away from Nuclear Weapons :: Gatestone Institute

Whether one is positively inclined towards Iran’s close enemy, the “Little Satan” of Israel, or not – this is not good news.  On that:

Israel Could Strike Iran In Months Unless U.S. Steps In, Former Israeli General Says | The Daily Wire



On The Jab (and Covid)

Lawsuit Alleges Gardasil Caused POTS, Chronic Fatigue and Other Symptoms After HPV Vaccine + More • Children’s Health Defense (

ALL HPV infections can be stopped by… drum roll please… abstinence before marriage (entirely), and fidelity during marriage.  But that’s BOOOOOOORING.  That’s “old fashioned”.






Inflation in Poland Reaches Record High of 18% in February

‘State Of Shock’: As Canada Ramps Up Immigration, Unsuspecting Newcomers Are Running Into Inflation Shock From Soaring Prices


Obama Economist Sounds Alarm On Persistent Inflation: “No Sign Of Falling”….

If anything it will accelerate.





Anyone who clings to the historically untrue-and thoroughly immoral-doctrine that, ‘violence never settles anything’ I would advise to conjure the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedom.

— Robert A. Heinlein


I remember, growing up, being bullied in the eighth grade.  Went on for months.  Verbal and even physical abuse.  My parents, libs both, were “Violence never solves anything” and “Be the better man, stay above it” and “Just ignore him, it’ll stop”… well, they were wrong.  It escalated and escalated.  What ended it?  When I beat the snot out of the little sh*t.






Lying Liars



Media Uninterested in CCP $$$ the Biden Family Received (

Of course.  Now, if this were Trump…

Liberal columnist melts down over Trump’s ‘real resonance’ with Americans (

Their focus, not our focus.

Most underreported story: Evidence of the Biden family’s $ millions from China now documented with bank records – American Thinker

The dog that doesn’t bark.  Control the information flow, control what people believe.






Just How Far Will They Go? (



Know your Leftist / Globalist & Islamic enemy:

Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly Calls for Censorship of Social Media Companies to Prevent Bank Run: Report

In the words of FrontPageMag’s founder, David Horowitz:

“Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”


Washington State Bill Would Destroy Free Speech and Criminalize Opposing the Left | Frontpage Mag

Related to free speech and the Left:

Student Activists Target Stanford Law School Dean in Revolt Over Her Apology (

Note how they invert free speech to mean that they get to shout down – as “free speech” – any speech they don’t like?  Bill Whittle comments:





Here’s another one:

Sam Harris: Conservatives “Should Not Have Opinions” On Ukraine, Vaccines, Climate Change – Summit News

Explaining the Link Between Liberalism and Mental Illness – PJ Media

Lots of info out there on this.



Immigration / Migration:

Mediterranean Migrant Crossing More Than Double in the First Two Months of 2023

The Four S Solution needed:

Sink the ships

Strafe the survivors

Shut up

Sharks have to eat too

Report: Red Cross Provides Illegals With Maps and Tips About How to Cross Border Into U.S.

Don’t just not give to the Red Cross – tell them why.

Bayou Renaissance Man: “The Southern Border Is a Hybrid War Zone”

We’re sowing the wind with our neglect of border security.  We’re already reaping the whirlwind with the impact of the fentanyl crisis – and that’s just the beginning.  The worst is yet to come, and we’re letting that worst in day by day.

Convert, Marry Me, or Die by Acid: Christian Women in Muslim Pakistan :: Gatestone Institute

Such a charming culture.  Let’s admit them to Europe and America by the metric f*ckton.




Economy at large:


Economist warns the US economy will be hit by a ‘perfect storm’ this year









OK, it’s official – panic stations!

IT’S REAL BAD – Western Country Central Banks Over the Weekend Organize to Provide Daily Liquidity of Dollars In the Event of a WORLD-WIDE BANK COLLAPSE | The Gateway Pundit

And IMHO it’s going to be worse than 2008.

The Vigilant Fox on Twitter: “Stephanie Pomboy: “We Are on the Brink of a 2008-Style Financial Crisis — And I’m Not Trying to Be Hyperbolic” “We’ve got some major consequences coming at us, and I think it’s going to devolve very rapidly because of all the leverage that’s been built up here.”” / Twitter

Not Much Time Left… | Capitalist Eric (

“We Are Headed For Another Train Wreck”: Bill Ackman Blames Janet Yellen For Restarting The Bank Run | ZeroHedge

BIDEN ECONOMY: Ed Dowd Issues Dire Warning, “We’re at the End and It’s Imploding on Itself” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Understand, I don’t want this to be so.  But… citing Patrick Henry:

“It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts… For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.”

Bayou Renaissance Man: Is the current banking crisis the tip of the iceberg?

Short answer?  Yes.  More:

Economic Study: 186 US Banks Are in Trouble and at Risk of Insolvency – May Collapse Like Silicon Valley Bank | The Gateway Pundit

Very broadly, the entire system depends on trust in the system.  We’re seeing – systematically – a collapse in that trust.



Political War

Trump Is Rattled | Power Line (

For the record: I have stated recently that Trump might well be the best GOP candidate in 2024. I have doubts he can win a general election, but I do not dismiss his many virtues.

Let me be clear: If, after the fusterclark that is The Potato, and assuming a fair election, a Trump vs. anybody didn’t result in a Trumpslide… but then, given the demographic shifts being engineered on our southern border, I wouldn’t be surprised.



Even now, I see polls that:

* One in six Democrats say they wouldn’t have voted for the Potato had they known about the laptop… which means 5 in 6 think it’s not a deal-breaker.

* 1/3 of people don’t think the country’s heading in the wrong direction.  You mean, after all that’s happened in two years and you’re still OK with it?


This Time, It’s the Ideology Stupid – American Thinker

Excellent insight into the RINO mentality, and why the Left continues to advance.  And, why “our side” hates Trump almost as much as the Left does.  Hence:

That Will Not Shock the World – Vox Popoli (

Meanwhile, remember the hush money Clinton paid Paula Jones?  More:

“The Police State Is Here” – Dan Bongino Rips the Upcoming Trump Arrest (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Soros DA Alvin Bragg Wants President Trump Handcuffed and Perp Walked – Geller Report

I say this over and over with no joy: the US I knew, or at least the one I thought I knew, is completely dead.  And concluding (links in the original):

When you strike at the king, you must kill him – Flopping Aces

[T]he statute of limitations in New York for a misdemeanor is two years. For a felony it is five years. The events described above occurred seven years ago.

Hating back | The Zelman Partisans

About Israel specifically, but… generalizing, it’s OK to hate those who hate you.  “Turning the other cheek” shouldn’t be a suicide pact.

The Right Doesn’t Have to Agree on Everything—Only on Fighting the Left › American Greatness (

A house divided against itself cannot stand.  What the Left is banking on.



US Stability (broad catch-all):

White Man Down | Frontpage Mag

Is it really surprising that some whites, like Adams, are now saying, “Check, please!”? He just said it out loud. Frustration is not racism.



Video is hard to watch.  As was pointed out here:

This is pre-Rwanda-genocide level racial hatred, like in Rwanda, stoked by the MSM 24/7.

And it’s happening with all systems running: water, power, EBT, ATMs, full supermarkets, etc.

Imagine our cities when they are starving in the dark with no running water.

It will be cannibalism in two weeks, max.



Teen Brawls Break Out Inside San Francisco Mall – One Incident Shows Youths Jumping on a Man and then Slamming Him to the Ground (VIDEOS) | The Gateway Pundit

Former Wisconsin Sheriff Says Biggest Threat to Police is Mass Exodus of Officers

In general I have enormous sympathy – still – for the Thin Blue Line, and I fully understand.  I see another reason for this, IMHO: consciences kicking in as they realize what they did in the service of Covidianism.

1 in 5 Americans support national divorce or secession: Poll – TheBlaze

I’d have to move.  I’d hate to move.  But as seen on the pages of the Grok, New Hampshire is now – pretty much definitively – a Blue state in all but name.  And even if not, it’s surrounded.  The bigger issue is harder: even if, somehow, a split could be arranged, the Left would look across that divide and see territory needing to be conquered converted… just as Islam looks across borders to non-Muslim countries and sees the same thing.

Kent Police sign lists rape, domestic abuse, as ‘non-emergency’ crime – Blazing Cat Fur

Happening in the US too.  A society cannot exist like this.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

China’s War Warnings :: Gatestone Institute

Russia Backs Chinese Reunification – Vox Popoli (

Dangerous times.  China is weak, they know it… and often times a weak enemy will strike first.  Related:

What Happens If China Becomes The Ruling Economic Power Of The World – Ask a Prepper

The problem is that, demographically – like the US too – China has a demographic falloff coming.  And that’s without the Jab’s impact.  Related to China:

More than 40 Chinese vessels reported around Philippine-claimed island | American Military News

Doesn’t America have a defense treaty there?  Certainly it does here:

Chinese ships, including one armed with a machine gun, repeatedly enter Japanese waters | Stars and Stripes



So, what happens when the first NATO-donated plane downs a Russian plane?

France: Expect Riots: Macron Govt Uses Constitutional Loophole to Avoid Vote and Pass Retirement Age Rise

Expect more riots, and in more places, as the Globalists use such tactics more often.  Sooner or later, around the world, people will understand that TINVOWOOT.  And then they’ll ban protesting altogether:

French pension reform: Police prohibit protests opposite Assemblée Nationale in Paris (

Is The West Breaking Its Jet Taboo On Ukraine?

First Poland, now Slovakia.  Ukraine’s getting jets.  This is not a case of hand weapons, or even a shoulder mounted missile or two.  This is serious.

I observed to a friend… the west is poke-poke-poke-poke-poking Russia.

Russia Considers the Use of Depleted Uranium Shells as Dirty Bombs | NC Renegades

Clearly they want to start something.  The question is WHY, and I suspect there are multiple answers.




Banking Crime Scene – The market is telling us something very bad is coming





Specific to energy:

Australia’s Cost of Living Nightmare is About to Get Even Worse: Shocking Map Shows How Your Power Bill Will Soar This Winter





“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”


– Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919




Big Tech in general:

Google sounds alarm on Samsung modem bugs in Android devices • The Register

More and more it feels to me like the tech companies just slam stuff out without regard to security at all.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

None this time.



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

I wrote, in Converging Downturns, about how so many things seem to be coming to a head more-or-less at once.  I’m seeing even more things now.  The banking crisis, Ukraine-Russia, China-Taiwan-and-others, Iran about to have nuclear capability, demographic & fertility crashes, mass migration, the predicted die-off from the Jab, and so many more things.

Now understand, I don’t want things to end.  But I fear the domino effect – when one truly “goes” they all will.




CAUTION!! More Bank Failures To Come Yet… (IT’S NOT OVER!)





Palate cleansers:


Good Commie.




Please check out my MEME collection.  Here’s the last one.


The post Survival Sunday – SITREP Edition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Liberal Comedian Bill Maher Red-Pills The #Woke Revolution

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 18:00 +0000

Bill Maher pulls no punches when it comes to wokesters and their equivalent ideas to the new Communist Man – that they can remake Man in their own image.

This is why they always fail – biology is immutable (it just is, we can only learn more about it), and human nature took thousands of years to develop, and they think they can do that “remake” on us in just a few?

NSFW – some language, so use headphones if in mixed company.



I caught another of his “Wokeness Uncovered” (my title, not his) here on another “essense” of Wokeism: the elimination of history via “Presentism,” the philosophy that only what is in the now counts. In reading Orwell’s “1984,” where that practice was a constant, the Wokerati have taken it as a how-to book for erasing and replacing our history instead of the warning it was meant to be.

“He who controls the past controls the present; he who controls the present controls the future.

(H/T: The Blaze)

The post Liberal Comedian Bill Maher Red-Pills The #Woke Revolution appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Trans Suicide Myth and Blackmail Politics

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 16:30 +0000

“Rates of suicide are as high as 40% in transgender youth,” Dr. Simrun Bal of Dartmouth Health testified at the New Hampshire State House. “Imagine that if there are 100 people in this room, 40 of us would have attempted suicide.”

Related:Dartmouth Child Transing Physician Astonishingly Ignorant

Perhaps because of Bal’s credentials – she represented the New Hampshire Medical Society and the NH chapter of the American College of Physicians –  no one on the NH House Health Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee questioned that statistic or asked why she was conflating suicide rates with attempted suicides.

The public testimony against HB 619, which would ban the medical transition of minors, continued along this vein though the March 7 hearing, with the suicide threat repeated at least every five minutes.

Just as therapists ask, “Do you want a transgender kid or a dead kid?,” activists claim that these laws deny children lifesaving care, a claim they support with astronomical suicide figures. A compelling story, but is it true?

In fact, suicide rates among trans-identifying youth are extremely rare. A review of data from the UK’s largest gender clinic, Tavistock, indicated a suicide rate of 0.03%.  Four of the 15,032 patients committed suicide, two who were waiting for treatment and two were were receiving treatment.

Although this is higher than the average youth suicide rate, it’s similar to the suicide rates for those with other mental health conditions, which most trans-identifying youth also have, and lower than the rates for autism and anorexia.

Another study of almost 2,800 children concluded that suicidality among trans-identifying youth is only somewhat higher than for those being treated for other mental health issues.

In an interview just last month, Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, Finland’s leading pediatric gender medicine expert, said:

It is not justified to tell the parents of young people experiencing transgenderism that the young person is at risk of suicide without corrective treatment and that the danger can be countered with gender reassignment treatment. It is purposeful disinformation that is irresponsible to spread.

Kaltiala attributed suicidal thought in trans-identifying youth to concurrent psychiatric disorders. She also cited 12 studies that demonstrate that if we allow children to go through natural puberty, 4 of 5  will outgrow their dysphoria. The most recent and largest such study showed that gender dysphoria resolved in  87.8% of the subjects by the time they reached adulthood.

Why the differences between the claims and recommendations of US activists and the health policies of  Norway, Sweden, England, and Finland, countries which have dropped the gender affirmation model as dangerous and ineffective, and Italy and France, which have raised serious concerns about the dangers of puberty blockers and hormones?

Dr. Bal’s suicide statistics come from from the Trevor Project’s surveys, which are self-reports from youth “recruited via targeted ads on social media,” not from a randomized study or an objective review of the actual suicide rates.

Self-reports are notoriously inaccurate. For example, according to the Center for Disease Control’s 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 22% of all high school students seriously considered attempting suicide, twice as many males as females. But the actual youth suicide rate was 0.014%, according to the CDC, and males had a suicide rate four times higher than females.

And if suicide rates are so high for trans-identifying youth who don’t received gender affirming care, why didn’t we see much higher suicide rates before it was widely available? Leor Sapir, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, calculated that given the Trevor Project’s 41% suicide attempt rate, the total youth suicide rate 10 years ago should have been seven times higher.

Why do activists repeat these colossal suicide numbers? It works. The suicide threat is gender activists’ most effective weapon, and they train children to wield it.

At a February rally at Milford High School to protest a proposed policy to keep boys out of girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, activists asked children to raise their hand if they’d ever been suicidal, and again to show if they’d been helped through gender-affirming medical treatment. 

The threat of imminent suicide is the only thing that can justify New Hampshire’s policies of maiming and sterilizing children. But as other countries recognize the dangers of this model and as the medical scandals like those at Tavistock and Washington University Transgender Center in St. Louis continue to mount, will our legislators continue to be coerced by this myth?

As detransitioner Chloe Cole said:

I hear emotional blackmail at these hearings constantly, ‘their blood will be on your hands.’ Gender dysphoric kids are listening. Shoving the idea that it’s trans or suicide will harm the youth. Children are not martyrs for your political ideology.


The post The Trans Suicide Myth and Blackmail Politics appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“There Is No Greater Expression of Hatred and Hostility Towards Women…”

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 15:00 +0000

Tulsi Gabbard ran for President as a Democrat. She single-handedly ended Kamal’s run at the Oval Office, salvaged by whoever decided Biden should pick her for VP. Gabbard has since left the Dems, and she’s back to hold their feet to the fire.

I like this clip a lot because I’ve been saying for years that Democrats hate women – long before the transgender cultural leap of mythological fancy that only cements this truth.

And Gabbard just framed it about as well as anyone could.


There is no greater expression of hatred and hostility towards women than to try to erase our existence as a category of people and to minimize us to being a construction of anyone’s imagination.

The bit about objective truth is also spot on.



HT | Liberty One News

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

First School Boards Throw Out Freedom of Speech, Now Schumer Believes There’s No More Freedom of the Press?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 13:30 +0000

How authoritarian and totalitarian are our Government institutions becoming? Very, I’m sad to report. We have school boards under the rubric that “we MUST support marginalized groups (generally LGB and T)!”

By having porno books in public school libraries? Seriously, without them, gender dysphoria-afflicted kids would “erase” themselves from learning anything?  Oh, and co-opting Normal peoples’ speech with “you WILL use THEIR ‘preferred pronouns!” even as I can scarcely remember the names of my kids (Tommy, no Steve, erg!  Randy!!!!!).

And now US Senate Chuck Schumer, because of his occupying the second highest perch in American politics, believes he has the Power to tell the media what to say and do (reformatted, emphasis mine)?

We’ve seen that Democrats don’t seem to understand some of the basic principles of the Constitution. Or perhaps, more accurately, don’t seem to care about complying with it…We saw another serious Constitutional problem again–with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, as he spoke to CNN and MSNBC over the last day. Listen as Schumer tells CNN’s John Berman that he thinks they have a “right” to tell Fox News what to do.

Or, lovely network you have there; shame if anything happened to it:

“This is telling them, showing them they have hurt our democracy*,” Schumer said, “in a way that no other actor other than Donald Trump has done.”

“When it’s that vital, I think we not only have a right to tell Rupert Murdoch and Fox what to do, but an obligation,” Schumer declared. Schumer then encouraged people to harass Fox and “tell them to do what Rep. Hakeem Jeffries and Schumer ask.” Schumer then went on MSNBC and said that the reason he was spitting in the face of the Constitution was that our “democracy was at greater risk than it’s ever been,” that Fox must admit they told “lies” or he will take other “steps.”

*=democracy is always being hurt when Democrats don’t hold all the Power.

The problem is that he does believe he has that Power – or, at the least, that he wants the MSNBC audience to believe he does.  Maybe 80-20%?

Look, you and I can tell anyone anything, but that’s telling as we can’t demand.  When I read this article, I immediately, due to his past behaviors, believed he meant it. Certainly, with the bolded above, he’s threatening a company that doesn’t toe his line.  This article came out on March 3 so I can say that of the time of this writing, no “steps” have been taken thus far.

But this should concern us all – a man with such Power as he does believe he can do this without fear of retribution is, in itself, a worse “threat to our democracy” than what Fox is doing what he claims. Fox (or the other progressive networks) can say what they want. We can either listen, not listen, turn the channel, or turn the TV or go to another website.  WE make the choice.

But if Schumer, or others like them (I’m thinking NH’s Jeanne Shaheen) speak, they CAN affect the rest of and we are subject to their legislation – there is no opt out for us.  And trust me on this – the Slippery Slope Syndrome exists and is in play. Democrats love to do incrementalism and if they can include intimidation, so much slippery it gets.

(H/T: RedState)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (03/22/23)?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 12:00 +0000

We learned that in 7 ½ hours House was able to get through 53 bills, but only by tabling 30 of them. Yes, it was a Table extravaganza! In fact, when Rep. Matt Simon (R- Littleton) motioned to Table HB507 (the occupational and professional licensing bill) he did so by saying. “The Table is rapidly expanding, but we can fit one more bill on it.” Many good Republican bills went to the Table, which was a better option than outright Inexpedient To Legislate (ITL)… but to be fair, many bad Democrat bills went there as well. That’s what happens when you do not have the votes needed to get the work done. Elections do indeed have consequences, and our Republican House majority is just too razor-thin.

We learned that HB10, the Parental Bill of Rights bill also ended up on the Table. This bill affirmed the rights of parents and would have made certain that parents are kept informed about what is going on with their child in school: no secrets. Recent polling by the University of New Hampshire showed that Granite Staters overwhelmingly support a parents right to know what their children are doing in school by 58% to 22%. That includes what clubs they belong to or if they are using a different name in school or identifying by a gender different from their biological one. Unfortunately, the voting went this way: an amendment to the bill failed 190-194 and then the Ought to Pass (OTP) of the original underlying bill failed 195-189 (roll called). So as not to kill it completely with an ITL, the bill was Tabled 193-192. So despite what parents want in NH, the House Democrats ignored them. The only bright spot of this whole mess was having Rep. Sanborn (R-Bedford) assume the Speaker’s role since both the House Speaker and Deputy Speaker spoke on this bill. Rep. Sanborn broke the tie vote on the tabling motion.

We learned that one thing the House completely agreed on was HB189. We had an unanimous Ought To Pass (OTP) vote of 377-0 (roll called) to name a portion of Route 140 in Gilmanton in honor of Private First Class Nicholas Cournoyer. PFC Cournoyer died in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom on May 18, 2006 at the age of 25, when an IED detonated near his Humvee. This act honors this young mans sacrifice and adds to the many military honors his name already holds.

We learned that HB135, prohibiting no-knock warrants, passed the House with an almost unanimous OTP/A vote of 374-9 (roll called). This bill will now knock on the Senate’s door.

We learned that HB351, which would have dictated to every gun owner how to store their firearms, was indefinitely postponed with a vote of 202-183. This means that this bill, or any version of the idea of this bill cannot come back this year or next year. This bill, and its idea, was made inaccessible, just like the House Democrats wanted to make your guns.

We learned that CACR7 was a bill that sought to change the NH Constitution. The bill would have changed language to say that money raised by taxation could be applied to religious educational institutions, thereby erasing the anti-Catholic/anti-immigrant Blaine amendment (Part 2 Article 83). House Democrats did not want to remove religious bigotry in the NH Constitution, despite their constant rantings about equity and equality. Go figure. The vote of OTP on this bill was 192 Yes to 191 No – but we needed 3/5 of those voting to pass it, so it failed.

We learned that of the 19 education bills, 16 were tabled, 1 bill (CACR7) failed and 2 were passed. HB275, was a tuition bill allowing parents to pay for the difference between what a local school pays in a tuition contract (usually a capped amount in tuition option communities) with another school and the actual price of tuition to that other school. That bill and its amendment passed 201-181. HB572 which expanded the eligibility for free school lunch passed 233-143.  Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch?

We learned that of 7 election law bills, 6 were tabled and one (HB209) was ITL’d on a voice vote. HB209 simplified the absentee ballot request form.

We learned that HB56, relative to changes to landfill siting, was passed 224-155. This bill will make it more difficult to site landfills in NH by using hydrogeologic groundwater seepage velocity sampling – requiring a 5 year travel time. The problem is that if you take 20 samples of a site and 1 fails the test then the entire site is eliminated as a candidate for a landfill. This bill will now be trucked over to the Senate where they will continue talking trash.

We learned that the committee majority recommendation of ITL for HB96 was overturned to OTP on a voice vote after the ITL failed 198-181. This bill seeks to make May 3rd, Old Man in the Mountain Day. Rep. Tim Cahill (R-Rockingham) claimed, “The Old Man falling was akin to the Twin Towers for many of the Granite State and around the world.” Well, perhaps this was true for him, but based on the groans heard through the House chamber, it would seem the claim was a bit dramatic. Many lives were lost on 9-11, but no one was hurt when the rocks fell down in Franconia Notch.

We learned that HB50 had an amendment that would take $50 million and pay down the pension retirement system unfunded liability. That amendment passed 276-99. The bill was passed on a voice vote and then Tabled with a vote of 206-170 (yes, you can do that before the third reading). Why did they do that??? So that they can put the bill language into the budget bill.

We learned that HB384 passed on a voice vote. That will spend $25 million on a new parking garage for the legislature. An expensive space on the monopoly board, but it really is needed.

We learned that HB506 was ITL’d 300-72. The House didn’t like spending over $100 million for a rail trail box tunnel for exit 4-A in Derry.

We learned that Fish and Game’s only bill from the House, HB442, passed 276-100. The “Lobster bill” prevents state resources from being used to enforce lobstering regulations in federal waters and establishes a means for scuba divers to clean up and retrieve old “ghost” lobster traps laying around in our waters. Rep. Terry Roy (R-Deerfield) spoke in support of the bill and quipped, “I don’t normally care about lobster unless they’re with drawn butter”.

We learned that House Republicans snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. They passed HB69 with an OTP vote of 190-189 and then Rep. Hoell (R-Dunbarton) turned around to motion reconsideration that passed 194-185. After that, the bill was tabled with a vote of 192-187. This bill would have exempted facilities operating with membership based or direct payment business models from special health care licensing requirements. With the 190-189 OTP (roll call) vote, we should have well enough alone.

Finally, we learned that we did not have the votes to stop HB114. That bill allows minor kids age 16 and older to receive mental health treatment without parental consent. The bill passed 191-186. Hopefully, the folks on “the other side of the wall” (the Senate) will give that bill the shock therapy it deserves.

Tomorrow is another day.

The post So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (03/22/23)? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Surveillance State: How The Deep State Used Gab, Telegram, Parler, and Gettr…

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 10:30 +0000

You could tell that platforms like Facebook and Twitter were grist for the government disinformation mill. Flagged, tagged, or canceled, the gig was fixed. The Twitter Files have revealed just how bad things were. But alternatives like Gab, Telegram, Signal, and Getter were not immune.

I’m not saying they censored content on those platforms because I never saw any of that, but they were milked. The censorship machine had its surveillance fingers in every pie, which it then used to define disinformation narratives spread not just on the larger controlled platforms but echoed in the media.

The trending topics or conversations on sites like Gab, Gettr, and Telegram were used to feed progressive propaganda mills.

A few pull quotes from a piece at The Federalist on Matt Taibbi’s latest Twitter Files.


These outside partnerships played an aggressive role in pushing Twitter censorship. Taibbi calls this group the “Censorship-Industrial Complex.” A 2020 internal email from Nick Pickles, then public policy director at Twitter, set up a working group with nine disinformation non-governmental organizations (NGOs): First Draft, Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), International Republican Institute (IRI), Atlantic Council/DFRLab, Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), Brookings, National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

To add another layer to this sordid story, the glue that binds this fusion of government, NGOs, and the media together are the billionaire investors funding the NGOs. Chief among these is [Craig]Newmark (founder and CEO of Craigslist0. His fingerprints, and financial backing, are all over the Censorship-Industrial Complex.

This matters because,

[Craig] Newmark’s largest individual donation to any of the NGOs in the Censorship-Industrial Complex went to the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO). He donated $5 million dollars to fund the department in 2019. Newmark put his money behind one of the most controversial figures in online disinformation studies — Renée DiResta.

Newmarket was a prominent funder of the surveillance machine that fed the narrative mill, which massaged all the messaging by defining the message and deciding what was misinformation or disinformation. Twitter and others then used these tools.

Note: If you use Craig’s list for anything, you should stop. You are laundering money into the “Censorship-Industrial Complex.”

Twitter Files

You can cruise this entire Twitter File here, but I’ve grabbed more than a few items of interest.


1.TWITTER FILES #19 The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories”

2. “The release of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Spring 2020 emails… has been used to exacerbate distrust in Dr. Fauci.” “Increased distrust in Fauci’s expert guidance.”

3.“Reports of vaccinated individuals contracting Covid-19 anyway”; “natural immunity”; suggesting Covid-19 “leaked from a lab”; even “worrisome jokes”:

4.All were characterized as “potential violations” or disinformation “events” by the Virality Project, a sweeping, cross-platform effort to monitor billons of social media posts by Stanford University, federal agencies, and a slew of (often state-funded) NGOs.

7. Though the Virality Project reviewed content on a mass scale for Twitter, Google/YouTube, Facebook/Instagram, Medium, TikTok, and Pinterest, it knowingly targeted true material and legitimate political opinion while often being factually wrong itself.

8.This story is important for two reasons. One, as Orwellian proof-of-concept, the Virality Project was a smash success. Government, academia, and an oligopoly of would-be corporate competitors organized quickly behind a secret, unified effort to control political messaging.

9.Two, it accelerated the evolution of digital censorship, moving it from judging truth/untruth to a new, scarier model, openly focused on political narrative at the expense of fact.

10.THE BEGINNING: On February 5, 2021, just after Joe Biden took office, Stanford wrote to Twitter to discuss the Virality Project. By the 17th, Twitter agreed to join and got its first weekly report on “anti-vax disinformation,” which contained numerous true stories.

12. March 2, 2021: “We are beginning to ramp up our notification process to platforms.” In addition to the top-7 platforms, VP soon gained “visibility” to “alternative platforms such as Gab, Parler, Telegram, and Gettr” – near-total surveillance of the social media landscape.

14.VP told Twitter that “true stories that could fuel hesitancy,” including things like “celebrity deaths after vaccine” or the closure of a central NY school due to reports of post-vaccine illness, should be considered “Standard Vaccine Misinformation on Your Platform.”

16.VP routinely framed real testimonials about side effects as misinformation, from “true stories” of blood clots from AstraZeneca vaccines to a New York Times story about vaccine recipients who contracted the blood disorder thrombocytopenia.

20.The Virality Project helped pioneer the gauging of “disinformation” by audience response. If the post-vaccine death of a black woman named Drene Keyes in Virginia went unnoticed inspired mostly “anti-vaccine” comments on local media, it became a “disinformation” event.

21.VP warned against people “just asking questions,” implying it was a tactic “commonly used by spreaders of misinformation.” It also described a “Worldwide Rally for Freedom planned over Telegram” as a disinformation event.

24.The VP in April 2021 mistakenly described “breakthrough” infections as “extremely rare events” that should not be inferred to mean “vaccines are ineffective.”

27.In a chilling irony, the VP ran searches for the term “surveillance state.” As an unaccountable state-partnered bureaucracy secretly searched it out, the idea that “vaccines are part of a surveillance state” won its own thoughtcrime bucket: “conspiracy.”

28.After about a year, on April 26, 2022, the VP issued a report calling for a “rumor-control mechanism to address nationally trending narratives,” and a “Misinformation and Disinformation Center of Excellence” to be housed within CISA, at the Department of Homeland Security.

29. The next day, April 27, 2022, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced in a House Appropriations Subcommittee hearing that a “Disinformation Governance Board” had been created, to be headed by the singing censor, Nina Jankowitz.

And we know how well that went over…

38. In the last #TwitterFiles thread, we posted a video of EIP Director Alex Stamos describing that project as Stanford trying to “fill the gap of things the government couldn’t do” legally. (h/t Foundation for Freedom Online).


Had enough because there’s more, all summed up nicely by Dr. Meryl Nass:


I hope my readers grasp the enormity of the censorship. They don’t need arcane forms of mind control when the censors can infiltrate every single thing you experience online. They remove the facts they don’t like and up-code the narratives they do like. Simple. Effective. Real value for money.


The post Surveillance State: How The Deep State Used Gab, Telegram, Parler, and Gettr… appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Xi Visits Vlad. We Should Be Concerned

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 03:00 +0000

The Chinese, like the countries in the Middle East, are very patient. Unlike America, China plays the long game, and its goal is a New World Order and sole domination. This is not a new target. You can see the steps China has taken over the last few decades.

Though their economy is not considered solid, China has invested heavily to bolster and leverage the economy of other countries, including the United States. China owns nearly 12% of our National Debt. They have enticed American manufacturers to relocate to China by offering meager employee wages and a favorable tax system. These two elements give the Chinese leverage with the threat of calling in their loans, and the control over our supply chain of essential goods like computer chips and pharmaceuticals is an immensely powerful position for an adversary.

We saw during COVID what the Chinese could do to our manufacturing markets if they slow or stop the distribution of chips. They nearly stopped all automobile and appliance production by not shipping key electrical chips. With over 6.8 Million people dead as a result of Covid, we know the impact China can have on the world by releasing deadly viruses they are creating in their labs. We do not know how they spread the virus, but we can confirm the origin of the COVID-19 epidemic was China.

Twenty years ago, the axis of evil was in the Middle East. It was centralized, but as we saw on 911, its reach was global. The new axis is more international. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are at the epicenter of our threats at home, in the air, and at sea. China and Russia are already nuclear powers, and Iran and North Korea are close. This coalition makes the region from the Middle East to the Pacific extremely volatile, but the entire free world is within missile range for one or all four of these aggressive rogue actors. We went through this scenario years ago with the Soviet Union and Cuba, but we had stronger leaders and a feared military that quelled the threat. Today, we have neither. So, should we be concerned? Absolutely. And it is quite possible, even probable, that President Joe Biden is compromised with Russia and China. He shows no signs of urgency to deal with any of these countries. This apathy should not only concern us but also scare us.

Biden has had opportunities to call out China for its role in spreading the COVID-19 virus and killing over six million worldwide. He has not condemned the human rights violations against the Uighurs. The President allowed a Chinese spy balloon to traverse the Continental United States, gathering information and photographs of our most sensitive military installations before finally shooting it down the Atlantic. He has said nothing about the land bought by China around our military bases, nor is he actively working on getting American companies and manufacturing out of China. We continue to rely on China for electronic chips and many pharmaceuticals, essential to a growing and healthy country. We are at their mercy for uninterrupted supply. And we have seen no effort by Biden to get Russia to the table to negotiate and end the Ukraine conflict. Biden seems satisfied with funneling endless Billions of U.S. tax dollars to Kiiv. Every one of these non-actions fuels the belief that China and Russia control our President.

Chinese balloons and Russia shooting down a $34 Million drone in the Black Sea do not disturb our President. Today, it was reported that Russia intercepted two of our jets over the Black Sea. This aggressive act has to get a stern statement from Biden. We will probably get a quick reference from Karine instead.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Sen. Slammed on Twitter After CNN Interview

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 01:30 +0000

Yesterday CNN’s Jake Tapper did a segment on the Mid Vermont Christian School girls basketball team choosing to forfeit rather than put their girls on the court against a team w’ith a 6’3” boy.  CNN brought a female reporter Brynn Gingras to get the story.  Mid Vermont declined to be interviewed almost certainly to avoid the kind of hit piece journalism the network is now famous for and why they have plummeted in the ratings.

One Vermonter who did interview was Windsor County senator Becca White who represents the families at Mid Vermont.  Instead of standing up for the girls in her community as well as the religious freedoms protected by the United States Constitution White chose to support the wealthy enclave of Dorset, VT.  Dorset has a median income nearly six figures ($92,386) and the white collar to blue collar worker ratio is 172 to 4.

After her interview on CNN the savvy politician decided to share her moment on television via her Twitter account.  The feedback she got was overwhelmingly negative.  As of this morning with over two hundred responses I could only find two that supported her.  Senator White tweeted:

“Proud to be a Vermonter, where while the other parts of the nation fumble, we rise above and stand against discrimination of trans youth. #vtpoli #TransRightsAreHumanRights” @BeccaWhiteVT


Here is what the rest of Vermont, the United States and the world had to say:

“I’m a Dem & would love to know why you think 1 male is more important than 100s of girls who lose fair sports when they’re forced to compete against him. What’s the lesson? Girls, it doesn’t matter how many of you this is unfair to, what 1 male wants is more important.” – @SunshineSunnier

“Mediocre male athletes who can’t make the grade in their own sex class have no place in female single-sex sport. There’s no difference between men competing against women & male athletes taking performance-enhancing drugs to cheat against their peers. They’re all #CheatsAndLiars” – @TinCanSquat


“You really like throwing other women under the bus, don’t you? What a good Men’s Right’s Activist you are. You are grovelling to male power and privilege.” – @CatFinola


One account posted a quote from Kara Dansky of the


“Only men could oppress women for thousands of years, then turn around, put on a dress, and complain they are the most marginalized group in society.”

Another woman asked:


Why do you believe that masculine girls and feminine boys are a problem that needs to be fixed? – @Serena_Partrick


@Anne_on_gd, sporting her LGBTQ pride flag support icon was so bothered by senator White’s interview she tweeted twice asking:


“What message are you sending to girls? That the feelings of a single boy matter more than the hard won rights and dignity of 100 girls? That they must prioritize the needs of other’s ahead of their own? How’s that progressive?”

Then demonstrably exclaiming:


“Stop treating girls as state sanctioned sacrificial emotional support humans for males with (claimed) identity issues!

Mark in California tweets:


“Every student is free to play in his or her sex class. Only a misogynist supports letting boys play in girls sports. Why do you hate women and girls?”


VTcommonsense tweets:

“No one is discriminating. We’re saying that confused kids don’t need to be sexually mutilated. How do you people sleep at night?”

Probably on $400 virgin, organic, goose-down pillows.

Finally, Ginny ads:

“Things like this are making it next to impossible to remain in support of Democrats. Males do not belong in female sports. It’s astonishing that’s even a controversial statement. Shame on you for shutting these young women up. Being pro-woman is not anti-trans.” – @tazerface43

After the 2020 election debacle over 1 million Democrats left the party and registered as Republicans.  It appears senator White’s CNN appearance likely added to that number as of last night.

Which raises the adage – how do you make a Republican in Vermont?  Keep electing progressives.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Filing VAERS Reports Got Her Fired Because It Was an Admission That the Vaccines Were Unsafe

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-23 00:00 +0000

The VAERS Database was explicitly created to accumulate vaccine safety data, but two things happened after the COVID-19 juice went wide. Health Care Providers stopped filing reports, and the CDC Stopped looking.

These are now well-documented facts.

In August of 2022, the CDC admitted that remarks by Dr. John Su, [who heads the CDC’s VAERS Team (sounds like he had one job], claiming the agency had been doing COVID Vaccine data mining analysis since Feb of 2021, were false. They were not doing vaccine surveillance on the COVID-19 injections and did not begin until March 2022 (and I have my doubts about that).

We’ve had reports from nurses and physicians that doctors had stopped filing vaccine injury reports at about the same time (sorry, I can’t seem to find the link, and I shared that video), claiming they didn’t have time.

This was also when the athlete’s dropping dead videos began to break the internet.



The finger-painted picture is simple. Known side effects were ignored or hidden to get EUA approval. When the injection presented known side effects or worse, they were not reported because a dangerous vaccine would be harder to push into more people.

We can trace the false pandemic of the unvaccinated narrative to a coordinated coverup of similar scope and scale. The truth was the opposite—both connected and RICO-level acts of fraud and money laundering by the government and its agents.

We can add to this the testimony of a physician’s assistant who (in early 2021) was ordered not to file VAERS reports because “doing VAERS reports and even discussing VAERS …was an admission that the vaccines were unsafe, so it’s contributing to vaccine hesitancy.”

What would happen if you took the same position about drinking and driving? “Telling people or discussing how impaired driving ends lives is an admission that drinking and driving are unsafe, and contributing to alcohol consumption hesitancy.”

Awkward construction on my part and maybe not the best example, but I think it makes the point. Now imagine the liquor companies paying doctors and hospitals to shush it up or, worse, the government paying them for the drinks and then paying the doctors and hospitals to keep quiet.

You haven’t had at least two drinks. You shouldn’t be driving.

That rising number of vaccine harm cases was brushed under a huge rug to make the product appear safe.



1.53 Million Adverse Covid Vaccine events – data as of March 10, 2023


The physician’s Assitant, Deborah Conrad, was fired not just for doing her job but following the law, and it seems likely she was not the only one. And for what? Caring about public health.


  • “After the vaccines came out, there was this uptick in unusual symptoms, some of which I had never seen in my 20-year career,” Conrad said. “In every case, it was in somebody who had received the COVID-19 vaccine.”
  • “And every patient who came in with RSV was vaccinated for COVID,” Conrad said. “It wasn’t normal.”
  • “They weren’t able to walk or eat, and they were completely and totally fatigued,” Conrad said.
  • A lot of these myocarditis cases came in with fevers because of this massive inflammatory response that was taking place in the body, so they would be labeled as septic, treated as if we were treating pneumonia or fevers of unknown origin,” Conrad said. “We’d treat them with antibiotics and all sorts of other things, not realizing that they were having heart failure.”

Conrad got fed up and became a whistleblower – but since she was the wrong sort, she got fired. Now she travels to speak at Medical Freedom Conferences, sharing her story.


“When it came to learning about the vaccines, we learned the basic immunology associated with the vaccines and the adult and childhood schedule, but there’s no discussion on their side effects,” Conrad said. “We go into practice with the idea that vaccines are safe and effective. I never considered otherwise until COVID-19 happened.”

Among the insights the pandemic delivered has been that the unethical relationship between federal officials and the pharmaceutical-industrial complex has been going on much longer than many realize, Conrad said.

“This whole system is corrupt,” Conrad said. “The light in this whole experience for me is that now I’m aware of how deep the lies and corruption really are.”


We need more of these, but I will note that there are Medical Freedom conferences happening all over the country. Before the Wuhan Flu epidemic, would you have ever expected such a wonderful thing?

Yes, sad we need them, but medical tyranny seems entrenched, and it won’t go away anytime soon without a lot of information, education, and awareness. The people need to understand what was done to them and that those who did it were emboldened by it.


HT | EPOCH Times

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Now We See A New Socialist Govt Doing Usual Gun Grab. Wonder Why Democrats Want Our Guns, too?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-22 22:30 +0000

And now we get to watch this happening again in real-time (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Brazil’s Socialist President Orders Nationwide Gun Grab After Surge in Sales

Brazil’s recently inaugurated leftist President Lula Ignacio Da Silva has initiated a process of taking back guns from citizens after a surge in sales toward the end of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency. The Wall Street Journal detailed in a report on Tuesday how Lula has already reversed looser gun restrictions from the Bolsonaro era and plans to force owners to register their firearms or face arrest.

“It’s time to put down your weapons, weapons that should never have been wielded,” Lula said after winning last year’s presidential election in contentious circumstances. “Guns kill and we choose life.” Lula has now given owners an ultimatum of March 31 to bring their guns to their nearest police station for inspection and registration in a national government database.

We choose life“.  Don’t we hear that from the Democrats all the time?  That their “common sense” policies will save lives? Presenting themselves as our saviors-from-ourselves in a constant din? Always, however, using that as a carrot while they wield legislative sticks in attempting to disarm us in a tactic of “disarmament by a thousand bills cuts”.

History, thanks to Commenter Martina over at Steve’s post (“What it Means When Democrats Say They “Want to Reduce Gun Violence””), we know what happens  after civilians are disarmed by those “saviors” who told them they only have their best interests in mind:

n 1929 the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, approximately 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and others, who were unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million “educated” people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

That places total victims who lost their lives because of gun control at approximately 56 million in the last century. Since we should learn from the mistakes of history, the next time someone talks in favor of gun control, find out which group of citizens they wish to have exterminated.

Back to Brazil and getting the government they voted for:

In April, Lula will order a presidential decree forcing owners to turn over any firearms in excess of the new three-per-person rule, or face arrest and prosecution, Brazil’s justice minister, Flávio Dino, told the Journal. “Any gun that is not declared will be considered an illegal weapon…they’ll be committing a crime,” said Dino, adding that a failure to comply could result in two to four years in prison plus an unlimited fine.

What’s the over/under that the “three-per-person” rule lasts all that long?  The new Socialist can give you a clue:

Shortly after taking office, Lula issued a separate decree suspending any further registration of guns for “hunting and sport.” The decree also prevents gun owners “from transporting loaded weapons, suspends new applications for gun clubs and reduces the number of firearms permitted per individual from six to three.”

Maybe not long at all.

Let’s get honest – there are few old style Liberal Democrats still left that actually support Constitutional Rights.  As we saw a couple of years ago, even high-level Democrats couldn’t tell us the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist. Can anyone, nowadays, given what we’ve seen from AOC and her squad and a whole host of other Progressives who use that title to miserably try to hide their true beliefs?

There is no difference.  None a bit.  Lulu is your future if they take Power.

Behold your road map, readers, if they really and truly take power. Given how hard the Dems are doing everything they can to take our “defend against tyrannical govt” tools.

(H/T: RedState)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pfizer Admits that mRNA Lipid Nano Particles Could Trigger Heart Problems ‘In Some People’

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-22 21:00 +0000

As part of the oops, let’s move along campaign by The Public Health Industrial Complex, also doing business as the apology tour, Pfizer has done some research and concluded that the mRNA Vaccines can cause some heart problems.

Related: The CDC Lied About COVID Vaccine Safety Surveillance

This isn’t news. We’ve known that for years now. But them ‘admitting it’ is new.


“Although the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine is optimized to reduce its detection by the innate immune system through the addition of nucleoside modifications and minimizing double-strand RNA impurity, it is possible, especially in certain individuals with genetic predisposition and underlying conditions that the immune responses to mRNA may not be sufficiently turned down and drive the activation of an innate and adaptive immune response,” they wrote in the 48-page white paper.

Is this the part where we note that one of the preexisting conditions was being under twenty years old with no need whatsoever to get Jabbed – a category we could quickly expand to almost anyone under 50 with no other health risks for flu?

That’s a lot of folks.

Good thing you’ve got the EUA immunity deal that only hinges on ensuring you provide informed consent, which was never the case, so here’s a 48-page report telling us you cared enough to do some research two years too late, and hey, it’s not our fault.

Genetic predisposition!

But this was all known before the FDA illegally green-lighted the cash cow mRNA injection. It was postulated by thousands of experts early on in the deployment and often ever since.

Doctors across the US and the planet were saying hold up! People are getting hurt and dying to which your sugar daddy Big Fed responded by labeling all of that disinformation (with help from Big Tech and Progressive media) to hide it from the masses.

You even asked a judge to hide the truth for several decades.

It turns out the number of those predisposed is so large that under any other circumstance, it would have required a complete recall and ban on the product whose complications were willfully hidden, including miscarriage, stroke, infant death, and adult death syndromes.

At least 40,000 people so far have died from an adverse reaction. Nearly 195,000 needed hospitalization; of those, over 147,000 required urgent care. Another 64,000 have been permanently disabled. And we know these are undercounted.

The CDC’s reporting APP shows that at least 7.7% of injection recipients missed work and had to seek medical attention for a wide range of symptoms not listed in that app as side effects.

But hey, thanks for the heads up and the helpful hint that the issue is not the vaccine but the people who have some preexisting sensitivity we could sum up as “being alive.”

So, when can we expect the paper on how it’s not just the heart that suffers from the inflammation response caused by your “vaccine?”


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Teacher’s Goal Is To Confuse “Her” Children About Gender and MORE! – Stack of Stuff #40

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-22 19:30 +0000

Yep, another helping of teachers/staff/School Districts acting as full-blown ideological missionaries for Gender Dysphoria mental illness and Critical Race Theory (you are only what your skin shows, not how you think). The first story up is a tale about the endgame of both tactics – chaos, and confusion. 

We adults of a certain age think teachers should be teaching to create structure – making sense of small pieces of life and then connecting the dots between them to build up a critical thinking knowledgebase.  But what happens when a teacher actively works to destroy those data bits and the connections to make young children believe that nothing is real, provable, or reliable?

And this teacher is boasting about her kids having no idea of what they are (like the rest, reformatted and emphasis mine):

  • Elementary teacher celebrates confusing children who can’t tell her gender: ‘That’s the goal’

Valentine Hills Elementary is a Minnesota school in the Mounds View Public Schools district in the northern portion of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. It is there that Kourtney Ryan, presumably a woman, was said to work as a music teacher actively aiming to confuse students about her gender.

“The students asked the other teacher if I’m a boy or a girl, and the teacher was like, ‘Does it matter?’”

Assenting to the teacher’s logic, the child was said to go on, “No, I just, I just can’t figure it out. It’s just so hard. I can’t figure it out.”

Another who reportedly had removed his daughter from the elementary school over their lesson materials expressed, “These are discussions about life, sexuality, and human development that parents should have with their children.”   ”

When an elementary teacher injects herself into that relationship between a parent and a child by making the child confused about gender and sexuality, they are violating the trust and relationship between a parent and a child,” he went on. “When a school allows professional staff to behave this way, there are negative consequences in learning. The classroom is no longer an equal and safe place for everybody.”

Again, this teacher is preying on the knowledge that these kids are in their most formative years, and the ideas that she inserts (or withholds) from them will last forever. She doesn’t care or honor that it is supposed to be the bond between Parent and child is uppermost – another case where a teacher believes SHE is most important in a child’s life and look what she’s doing. Yep, cutting.

And we turn back to NH – no, not teachers but Democrat lawmakers who ALSO believe that the teacher/child bond outweighs that of Parent/child ones. It’s one thing to do it in a classroom, but when Legislators do it, they are actively advocating for total government control for children – Parents are just breeding pairs in their eyes. These Democrats HATE the idea that Parents should be in charge of their child’s education.

  • NH Dem Calls Private and Home School ‘Silos of Indoctrination.’

State Senator Debra Altschiller (D): “My Democratic colleagues and I will not give up our fight for our public schools, and against sending our students to siloed and unregulated institutions of indoctrination. SB 141-FN may have not passed today, but we will continue to shine a light on this reckless lack of oversight over an out-of-control program.”

The seacoast Democrat’s description of private and home school education as “siloed and unregulated institutions of indoctrination” did not sit well with parents or with advocates for school choice.

Course not – unless something has the Government in charge of it, it is EVIL. Add to the above, former State Senator Jeanne Dietsch (currently on a jeremiad against the Free State Project, which IS an existential threat to Socialism and Big Government:

…made headlines for suggesting New Hampshire parents without college degrees weren’t intellectually competent to make education choices for their children. She also suggested one reason some parents choose home school is because they are child abusers.

…Rep. David Luneau (D-Hopkinton), Deputy Ranking Democrat on the House Education Committee, opposes the EFA program and repeated the suggestion that parents could not be trusted with these funds.

The overall message Parents cannot be trusted – full stop.  Isn’t that how the Aristocracy, before our Revolution, viewed its serfs? And they hammered down again:

  • NH Dems Organize Protest Against Parents’ Bill of Rights

Granite State Democrats are organizing a Tuesday morning protest against GOP-backed legislation “establishing a parents’ bill of rights in education.” In particular, Democrats support allowing school administrators and staff to keep students’ on-campus activities regarding sex and gender secret from their parents.

…In their alert, Democrats decried the bill for “saying parents have ‘the right to know what extracurricular activities, clubs, or organizations their child is participating in.’” They claimed unless the information is kept secret, “trans students who attend clubs may no longer view these places as a safe place to learn freely and equitably.”

On full display – a home with loving Parents is a myth and children are always at risk with them.  Bring on the Government child barracks!

The argument echoes Democratic Party state chairman Ray Buckley’s claim that if parents are informed, “some kids will be beaten to death.”   (Asked to name such an incident ever happening in New Hampshire, Buckley declined to respond.). Supporting school authority over parental control may be a principled stance for New Hampshire Democrats, but based on recent polling, it is not politically savvy.

And Altschiller seems to believe that Laws must be passed to make Parents to love their children:

Sen. Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), Altschiller said that rather than empowering parents, “Should we not enumerate [in the law] that it is a parent’s responsibility to love them and support them  for who they are?”

Asked to repeat the question, Altschiller said that just as parents are required by law to feed and clothe their kids, “Should we not require parents to support and love and bring up their children to have these close relationships?”

And it doesn’t stop there. Again, the Democrats have no problem in disrespecting Parents. Fenton sounds just like Ray Buckley.

  • NHDems Rally Against Parents Bill of Rights

…“the right to direct the education and care of his or her minor child; the right to direct the upbringing and the moral or religious training of his or her minor child,” and “the right to access and review all school records relating to his or her minor child.”

“Legislation like SB 272 can, and will, cause serious, irreparable harm to LGBTQ+ youth and their families, harm that can end up being fatal for our young citizens,” said state Sen. Donovan Fenton (D-Keene).

…Democrats are pulling children away from their own parents and giving an inappropriate amount of unaccountable power to bureaucrats and administrators. Their willingness to put politics between parents and their own children is the reason New Hampshire needs a parents bill of rights.”

And this was brought about by Government’s action in Manchester NH when Government school teachers were commanded not to tell Parents if their child was transitioning – and when the Parent found out, into court. The District’s decision was upheld in court that Parents don’t have full control – and now it’s heading to the NH Supreme court.

But it turned out better in another case:

Court Gives Conservative ‘Mama Bears’ the Last Laugh, Brutally Punishes School Board Trying to Keep Porn Stash Hidden

A school district in Georgia was forced to pay $100,000 in legal fees to a group of mothers who were barred from conducting out loud readings at school board meetings of the porn-infested books the board had approved for kids to see on school library shelves. A federal court ordered the Forsyth, Georgia, County School District to pay the legal fees of the group calling themselves the Mama Bears, who sued the district when officials barred them from reading from the disgusting books during board meetings, according to Atlanta NBC affiliate WXIA.

The group claimed that the school board violated their First Amendment rights in order to hide the disgusting, inappropriate content of the books from the public. And a federal judge agreed, ruling that the board’s efforts to shut the mom’s group down was unconstitutional. The lawsuit against the district was brought by parents Alison Hair and Cindy Martin who attempted to read aloud at a board meeting passages of board-approved books that she feels are pornographic in nature. Hair and other members of Mama Bears group were barred from reading the passages, a policy the women claimed is illegal.

The court also told the district they were prohibited from barring the plaintiffs or any “current or future FCS speakers entitled to speak at an FCS school board meeting, from reading or quoting verbatim from the text of any book or written works available in an FCS library or classroom, while addressing the school board during the public-comment period at school board meetings.”

After all, a school board exists for the Parents and not the school board to lord over parents.  But this is what happens when severely and improperly educated students grow up to be bad elected officials.  And here’s another teacher doing so in an area that rarely makes it into a “Stack of Stuff”:

  • Former teacher’s op-ed on guns rather illuminating

Don’t get me wrong, there are tons of amazing teachers out there. However, there are those who think they know more than they really do, particularly on subjects like guns and gun rights. We’ve seen this more than once, too. A kid brings home their classwork and there’s some blatantly wrong fact revolving around the Second Amendment. Most such teachers at least try to keep their ignorance out of the public eye, but a former teacher and superintendent recently wrote an op-ed on the subject that put his own ignorance on full display.

Ignorance can be seen as benign. The author forgot about the phrase “deliberate posed”:

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads as follows: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

When I taught government, my students would ask questions as to the purpose and meaning of amendments, particularly the Second Amendment. My response to this question was, “Our founders were painfully aware, because of their experiences with England, of a federal government’s potentially abusive power, and they were committed to the preservation of the power of the states. Our founders had, as a primary concern that specific protection.

And THAT from his Op-Ed is perfectly correct and well worded.  And then fell off the cliff:

The Second Amendment was meant to be a collective-rights state’s protection, not an individual right to bear arms.”

So much for Teach’s ability to diagram a sentence (the 2nd Amendment). As has been pointed out many times, both in the Constitution and passed laws, words matter, the order in which the words appear, and the absence of words can speak FAR louder than words that are present.  If it was supposed to be only at the State level, the Founders would have written that in – they didn’t. And he can’t do the opposite (like in the ATF case where Trump forced them to call a bump stock a machine gun when the Law stated that one trigger pull-multiple rounds fired constitutes a machinegun – bump stocks just pull that trigger once for one round fired).

And Teach decided to disregard Supreme Court decisions on this – obviously from an ideological bent.

Let’s switch to economics and the phrase “the US can only be defeated from the inside”. After all, moving the country from capitalism (where individuals make the choices) to communism (where bureaucrats make most decisions along with Party members) requires a communistic government.  FULL SPEED ahead according to this teacher:

‘F*** capitalism’: Communist teacher brags about ‘indoctrinating’ students with ‘Marxist literature,’ says ‘revolutions involve violence’

A self-described communist teacher from Maryland bragged on social media about “indoctrinating” her students with “Marxist literature” and called for a fight against capitalism. Rebecca F. Rothstein, a teacher at North Bethesda Middle School in the Montgomery County School District, posted multiple controversial videos to her TikTok account – which has since been deactivated.

Rothstein, who stated that she is “proud as f*** to be liberal,” insisted that educators should not prioritize teaching students math and science but instead provide lessons on anti-racism and “how to be kind.”

Ah, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and SEL (Social Emotional Learning). Academic rigor?  Nope – the “new” product of Government schools and a new definition of “lifelong success” (/sarc).

 “As a teacher, I wish we could do more with our students, like teach anti-racism and how to be kind people. Does anyone else feel like … we can skip the math, skip the science, like we’ll do that next year. Maybe this year we focus on teaching our youth how to be anti-racist,” she said in one TikTok video.

Tired after a long day of indoctrinating students,” she stated. Rothstein told her more than 13,000 TikTok followers that she had to “un-brainwash” herself to “fall in love” with socialism and communism. “If everyone had the same amount of money, then money wouldn’t be worth anything,” she said. Rothstein insisted that “capitalism must go” and said that “revolutions involve violence.”

Above, it was Democrats shouting that Parents can kill their kids – here, a Government school drove a kid to suicide (this time in NY and not Florida like a previous story):

  • Rothstein insisted that “capitalism must go” and said that “revolutions involve violence.”

A New York teacher is being sued for allegedly manipulating a fifth-grade girl into changing gender without her parents’ consent.   The nine-year-old child, who was taught by Debra Rosenquist at Terryville Road Elementary School in Long Island, identifies as a girl but was being called a boy’s name and given male pronouns in class.  The damning lawsuit claims that Rosenquist started calling the fifth-grader ‘Leo’ and using he/him pronouns in class in October 2021 – unbeknownst to the girl’s parents.

It was only months later in January 2022 – when the girl was caught drawing a picture of a suicidal girl with the words ‘I wanna kill myself‘ – that her parents were informed that she was being called male pronouns in school. Rosenquist also allegedly read from LGBT books that were not on the school district’s curriculum, and told her students to ‘try being gay’ even if they were not…’To further her agenda, Rosenquist read and provided her students graphic books about gender and sexuality which were not on the curriculum.

Yeah, a missionary.  This story also shows that teachers and staff are not properly certified to do therapy (aka, SEL). Trust that teachers are doing the right things?  Hardly.

And I am glad that THIS guy will not be running for the 2024 Republican nomination for President:

  • 2024 GOP Fantasist Hogan Says Opposing Trans Propaganda in Schools Is ‘Authoritarian’

Is there no end to the supply of ostensible Republicans who do nothing but echo the Left’s talking points and fall into line as Leftists set the nation’s political and cultural agenda? Abe Lincoln once observed that “God must love the common man, He made so many of them,” and He must love controlled opposition RINOs even more because the nation is positively inundated with them.

…On NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, Hogan was asked about DeSantis’ Parental Rights in Education bill, which attempts to counter the gender madness that is now being forced upon children at the earliest ages by forbidding teachers to engage in instruction about sexual orientation and identity in “a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate” for children in kindergarten and older.

As DeSantis himself said, he pushed for this in order both to protect children and to safeguard the rights of parents to raise their children without having them indoctrinated by woke gender-queer groomers: “This is inappropriate,” DeSantis said sensibly, “for kindergarteners and first graders and second graders, parents do not want this going on in their schools.”

But Larry Hogan would have us believe that this practically made Ron DeSantis into Barack Obama. “I’m a small government, common sense conservative,” he claimed risibly on Sunday, “and to me, it sounds like big government and authoritarian, … Yes indeed. But protecting the rights of parents to raise their own children is now “big government”?

One Twitter user observed: “Republicans like Larry Hogan use ‘small government’ as an excuse for inaction. Perverts teaching kindergarteners about sex? Big Tech censorship? Corporations outsourcing jobs from middle-America? Can’t do anything … small government.” Mark Hemingway of RealClearInvestigations quipped: “Yes, not wanting your grade school kids taught gender ideology that everyone agreed was insane 15 minutes ago means you’re in favor of ‘big government.’ Go ahead and campaign on that, Larry.”

And he has dropped out of the race.  Good riddance.

The post Teacher’s Goal Is To Confuse “Her” Children About Gender and MORE! – Stack of Stuff #40 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Making “The Country Explode™” is the Point

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-22 18:00 +0000

How many times since the announcement that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Briggs might indict and arrest Donald Trump have you heard “The Country Explode”?

I heard it a few times on the way to work. I’ve read it here and there. That this is crazy because it will do Trump better than harm. But if that’s true, why do it?

It’s the dead horse I’ve been kicking for a while. Since at least Obama. The blatant injustice. Selling military vehicles to local cops you want to defund. The indefinite jailing of J6 protesters. The COVID-19 restrictions and leaps like Kathy Hochuls “camps” for the real resistance. Using vaccine mandates to identify patriots to flush out of the military. The lies and fake outrage over Michal Brown, Trayvon Martin, and George Floyd. The feminization of boys and men. The blatantly obvious election fraud dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Actually, defunding local police. Open borders, rampant drug, and human trafficking. Those so-called common sense gun laws that disarm law-abiding citizens and result in more violent crime.

Arresting Trump.

It’s all connected.

They are the beer-besotted bar bully poking you repeatedly in the chest with a fat calloused finger daring you to punch them so they can share their anger management issues with you.

What the uniparty needs it can’t get unless someone starts a shooting war. Martial law. The federalization of local police and National Guard. A reason to tell the Middle Class that the disorder (our so-called masters sparked) can only be tamped down with a centrally controlled heavy hand.

They want the country to explode.

We’ve been counseling against it. Commenters who write about how “they” all need to be hung or shot or in some form relieved of their lives get their remarks pulled. The right to self-defense is a right to defend, not attack, whether you think “they ” deserve it or not.

Are we under attack? It feels like we are, but not in any way that would stand up as self-defense in even the most forgiving court, even the constitutionally protected variety, and they know that too. And they don’t care.

They want a shooting war, not just an active shooter but a coordinated military act they can label as tyranny. I can’t say if they will or will not get that, but the course we’re on suggests they’ll keep trying to spark one.

Whether or not it works remains to be seen, but again, that’s what they want, and it is almost never a good idea to give progressives what they want.


The post Making “The Country Explode™” is the Point appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-22 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Hopeful about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.

Also, for those prepper-minded, my last two Survival Sundays:

Survival Sunday – Sunday PREP Edition – Granite Grok

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition – Granite Grok

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


Note: Still slammed work-wise so just more-or-less meme dumping without comment.




Western civilisation is crumbling before our very eyes: Neil Oliver | Alexandra Marshall



Could one say… things are falling apart?

Things Fall Apart… With A New Cartoon “Getting Ready for the Spicy” – Granite Grok

Things Fall Apart 2 – Granite Grok










The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha | Monster Hunter Nation







The Best Cold War Series – Trailer



Bill’s in-depth series are – IMHO – incredible.







Pick of the post:



A bounty for injecting your kids.  Depending on the size of the practice, this can be tens of th0usands of dollars at stake.



Palate cleansers:



The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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