The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

How Many Gun Owners are in America? (2024 Statistics)

Libertarian Leanings - Thu, 2024-02-22 15:22 +0000
By Cassandra McBride, Report Highlights Gun ownership in America increased 28% from 1994 to 2023 It is estimated that there are 393 million civilian-owned firearms in the U.S. There are 6.06 million registered civilian firearms in America Estimates show... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

So Many Cowards And Losers

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-02-22 15:00 +0000

So here is a little secret … “Red States” are not really that “red.” More specifically, Wyoming, a State that is thought of as a Red State among Red States, just refused to protect girls sports.

TWENTY Republicans in the Wyoming legislature helped kill a bill that would have prevented biological males from playing girls sports.

Riley Gaines is absolutely right … HAVING AN R BY YOUR NAME DOESN’T MAKE YOU A REPUBLICAN. We see the truth of this statement all the time in New Hampshire. The NHGOP is not really that GOP. The mantra of “economic prosperity” is a smokescreen to hide that the NHGOP, despite controlling State Government for most of the last eight years, has FAILED to remove DEI in public schools to prevent biological males from competing in girl’s sports or to prevent radical-ideologues masquerading as educators from withholding information from and lying to parents.


The post So Many Cowards And Losers appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

After Years of Making Medical Care Cost More VT Legislators Pretend More Meddling Will Lower Costs

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-02-22 13:00 +0000

The government injecting itself into the health care system or getting between doctors, insurers, and patients has been driving up the cost of care for decades. The knee-jerk response to complaints about the cost of health care is to meddle some more, resulting in more expensive health care.

Democrats in Vermont have been pretending to know better for years, but more recent veto-proof majorities have a way of inspiring. They are health Care’s worst enemy, but that’s not how they see it. Instead of tearing down barriers and opening markets, their solution is predictable progressive pablum.

Allow more people on Medicaid.

New legislation would expand Medicaid services to more people without telling taxpayers how much this will cost them.

One idea, which would require coverage for obesity drugs (where it is bravely inferred that the body positivity movement is detrimental to public health), has an estimated cost of 100 million. Government watchers will know this is likely a gross underestimate but not nearly as blatant a disregard for other people’s money as expanding eligibility to age 26 or anyone in a 4-person household with income up to 7,925.00 a month. That’s 87,540 a year.

Median household income in America (2022) is $67,521.00. The average salary in Vermont is just over 59K a year. Are we admitting that the state has so bolloxed up health care with its meddling that the average Vermonter should be on Medicaid, or are we saying we want everyone on Medicaid because cradle-to-grave government-run care was always the plan?

That was the goal of Obamacare, which is still around, but it never managed to do anything to make care more affordable (if it had, we wouldn’t be having this discussion).

New Hampshire’s problems began when legislators led by Democrats made it impossible for insurance companies to compete. We went from more than a dozen insurers to fewer than five. We may have fewer today.

The hospital cartel has used the legislature to ensure its good health by promoting rules and laws that make it harder for private non-affiliated medical practice to thrive, which would create competition and drive prices down.

Legislators, pockets filled with donations from the medical Industrial complex, aid and abet the monopolies instead of going out of their way to get government out from between patients and providers, including health insurers and nothing Vermont (or New Hampshire, as far as I can tell) wants to change the trajectory.

The only thing legislators can do to help healthcare costs go down is to open up markets that allow for competition. Permit any insurer to do business with anyone (patient, practice, whomever) and watch them compete like Geico, Progressive, and State Farm on plans and pricing. Let private practice negotiate with insurers and patients for the cost of care and coverage and watch access improve..

Drugs? The US does pay too much, more than most other nations, but the internet (as with telehealth’s potential) is waiting to solve that problem if licensed healthcare professionals and pharmacists are freed up to help consumers find the drugs they need at the lowest cost instead of at the inflated cost insurers won’t cover.

That’s a very loose 30,000-foot analysis, but in almost every case, the problems were created by legislators, and stakeholders leverage influence to create monopolies, and these solutions are nowhere on their radar.

So, Vermont Legislators are looking busy but not for ways to bring down costs. They are hoping to provide the appearance of doing something even when everyone should know it will only make matters worse so they can keep looking busy, and so on.


The post After Years of Making Medical Care Cost More VT Legislators Pretend More Meddling Will Lower Costs appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

YOU, Property Taxpayer, are the (Library’s) CUSTOMER

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-02-22 11:00 +0000

I was thinking some more about HB 1308, Arlene’s bill for parental access to library records, and thought about an old Ian Underwood article that should be in the Grok archives and found in a search.

He discussed the difference between a beneficiary and a customer, using an example of giving money to a (grand) kid to purchase a bike.  He explained how the future owner of the bike is the beneficiary, but the donor of the money to pay for the bike is the customer. Without rewriting his article, the take-home talking points were about who gets to decide certain things, like the bells and whistles and price tag.

When I read that, three situations came to mind.  One of them is when a landlord hires a handyman or contractor to make repairs or improvements to the rental unit.  The tenant is the beneficiary, and the landlord is the customer.  As a tenant, I remember complaining to the management office about a contractor making a mess and not cleaning up after himself and another one doing low-quality work. If I complained to that contractor myself, I would be told to go pound sand because I wasn’t the one paying him. If I was a property owner, my recourse could be refusing to pay my balance until the problem is rectified.

Another example is when you order something online and free shipping is included, for whatever reason. You, the customer(of the goods being purchased), are NOT the customer of FedEx, UPS, USPS, or whatever 3rd party carrier is used. You are its beneficiary. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has spent countless moments (or whatever other embarrassing units of time) furious about lies and broken promises when the merchandise fails to arrive when it’s supposed to.  Again, you, the consumer, can’t sanction that delivery company for doing a bad job, but Amazon, Chewy, or whoever the sender is can!

The 3rd example is you, the patient, and Blue Cross (or other 3rd party insurance). A cash patient is a customer and s/he can see any provider in any zip code that’s accepting new patients. As an insured patient, it’s the insurance company that is the customer, and you are the beneficiary. You don’t get to choose treatments, drugs, procedures, schedules, etc., that are outside its clinical policy bulletin.  If you do, guess what? You either get a big bill from the provider or are refused by that provider up front (in an approval-required situation).

So this brings me to a 4th example, which is the library. It could be a school library or your local Anytown USA public library. Your kid (or someone else’s) is the beneficiary, and you are the customer. Your kid might want to check out a Nancy Friday book, but you disapprove, just like the kid with the cash gift might want the bike with the $1000 price tag, but you only gifted $200.

As it stands now, my guess is that parents can refuse to sign off on a library card for their kids, but that could be complicated and inconvenient for a variety of reasons that we all can think of. But with HB1308, parents would have an extra tool in their toolbox to keep a watchful eye on their kids’ library records. Of course, there are still other issues to be dealt with, such as what materials are available to kids, but remember that YOU, parent, taxpayer, or both, are the customer, and the customer is always right.

If you, unlike Nashua and Hollis, happen to have decent reps, you might consider telling them to vote against the committee recommendation and support HB1308 next time the House meets, which appears to be tomorrow! (Thursday, 2/22).  Remember that you are their boss, and this is an election year. Contrary to what Nashua’s former BoE member Ray Guarino wants you to think, they work for you.


The post YOU, Property Taxpayer, are the (Library’s) CUSTOMER appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Op-Ed: House Leadership?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-02-22 09:00 +0000

Despite prompting from House Rs, the leadership refused to reconsider HB1212, which Republicans won and had ITL’d. That was the first of a waterfall of mistakes that cost big losses in the House for conservatives, solely due to inadequate House leadership.

That bill was later reconsidered by the Dems and passed. How many more times do we have to lose before we get competent republican leadership?

Don’t even get me going on the whipping. When you send out a whipping sheet and then don’t even take a minute to have a conversation with those telling you they don’t know how they’re voting or that they’re voting against you on your PRIORITY bills… You’re not a whip. You’re self-demoted to a flag waiver, especially when leadership admits to two freshman reps single-handedly flipping the EFA votes at lunch last week.

It’s pretty bad when freshmen are more effective than “leadership.”

I couldn’t say it better than Rep True –

The post Op-Ed: House Leadership? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: NYC Has F***** Itself With 350 Million Dollar Trump Ruling

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-02-22 03:00 +0000

The Machine Media is so busy engaging in a post-Trump 350+ Million dollar decision circle jerk they seem to have missed who got screwed. Donald Trump is going to appeal and win. It won’t even be close. The city used a political vendetta to attack a developer and was deliberately a public takedown.

But they had no cause other than their Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). I can almost hear the progs screeching; what do you mean by no cause? I mean, no cause! No one else could find a reason to charge Trump with any wrongdoing because he didn’t do anything wrong.

The feds declined to file charges as did the previous AG. And the reality is, this should have been heard by the Commercial Division, however, they had already declined to file.

Why do you suppose the real experts in complicated commercial cases, part of the Supreme Court of New York State would decide not to pursue?

To borrow from cheatin’ star-crossed Crossfire Hurricane lover Peter Strozk, there was no there there, but someone with a political agenda (and chronic transmissible TDS) encouraged it. And while that ruling went against Trump, it will cost NYC exponentially more than The Donald, even if he doesn’t win on appeal (which he will).

More from the Tweet (shared below)

I know many reading this think they are experts in everything. You’re not. Those of us who actually attended law school and have been doing commercial real estate for over 40 years, you’ve been lied to. You do not have the facts. You do not know what you are talking about. We employ two of the largest law firms in the country and they’ve been in meetings 16 hours a day in order to determine just how bad this all really is. Every one of these companies, representing trillions of dollars in real estate, is carefully evaluating whether to stay or exit.

Chetrit Group
Vorea Group
Turnbridge Equities
Extell Development
Bldg Management Company
Realty Trust
L+m Development Partners
United Construction And Development Group
Beb Capital,
Totem Howard Hughes Corporation
Starrett Corporation
Rfr Realty Jay Group
Property Markets Group
Rabsky Group
Two Trees Management
Heartfelt Townhouse Builders
Lonicera Partners
Taconic Partners Beitel Group

Whether Trump wins on appeal or at SCOTUS, the precedent has been set. A wall has been broken and there are no take backs. Any company can now be targeted and have their assets seized at the whim of an over zealous AG or politicians. I don’t expect you to know or understand standard CRE practices, but every company below could be found guilty of the exact same actions the Trump Organization was accused of and found guilty, because it is NOT a crime.

The feds declined to file charges, as did the previous AG. And the reality is, this should have been heard by the Commercial Division, however, they had already declined to file.

Why do you suppose the real experts in complicated commercial cases, part of the Supreme Court of New York State would decide not to pursue?

No one is safe from malicious political prosecution. The obvious problem aside from the trucker strike this inspired is that billions in investments don’t leave without someone feeling it. New York (Little Letitia) and New York City (Engoron) just F***** itself, and I’m not even sure they (the TDS political cranks) know it yet or care.  I’m sure they can move away, too, if the need arises.

But who wants to bet that when they figure it out, and it’s all going south, they blame Trump?

The post Night Cap: NYC Has F***** Itself With 350 Million Dollar Trump Ruling appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

50/50 Balls and Transgender Sports

Granite Grok - Thu, 2024-02-22 01:00 +0000

IN EARLY 2021, our New Hampshire House Education Committee held a hearing on a transgender sports measure. I had serious concerns about biological (XY chromosome) boys playing contact sports against biological (XX chromosome) girls but naturally wanted to hear everyone’s thoughts.

Of the 33 folks who testified (mostly moms), 32 passionately advocated for their trans kids. And their testimony “moved the needle” for some of us.

Moms (and dads) want their trans kids to have full opportunities to experience all that they can as they grow up — including sports. The hearing raised much awareness.

But there are other moms and dads out there similarly advocating for other kids as well. They also have strong feelings about what’s best for their children that can conflict with feelings of other parents. The schism reminds us to be wary about messing with momma bears.

Some would counsel that this subject is a minefield to avoid. Why step into it and opine at all and then get blown up? But as a parent, grandparent, sports columnist, and elected official, I’m going to enter this dangerous and complicated minefield, and hopefully emerge without getting blown up. We’ll see.

Parents experiencing more traditional circumstances need to understand how parents of trans kids see their worlds — as we learned at that 2021 hearing. And conversely, parents of trans kids need to do likewise. Folks on various sides of this issue surely honor parental love.

This year, after much deliberation, I accepted an invitation to co-sponsor HB 1205, which “prohibits biological males from participating in female athletics.” Given the number of people seeking to speak at the Education Committee hearing, testimony was limited to two minutes. I used my time to speak of safety and 50/50 balls.

A 50/50 ball (or a 50/50 puck) involves two players heading toward each other at full speed. I specifically recalled a high school soccer game where my daughter and another girl banged into each other while going for a 50/50 ball. The violent collision was followed by a scream and soon an ambulance was on the field to take a broken-legged girl to a hospital. (Not my daughter.) The imagery always stayed with me.

The two soccer players each weighed 115 to 120 pounds. But what if a 100-pound (XX) biological female has a violent 50/50 run-in with a 160-pound (XY) biological male? Ouch.

There are many more pieces to this beyond 50/50 balls. For example, the NCAA requires trans athletes to take drugs. A male-to-female transgender student who is not doing hormone treatments may not compete on a women’s team.

This mandated drug use requirement is unsettling and complicated. Then there’s the debate over minors undergoing gender reassignment surgery. We recently had a big kerfuffle at the State House over HB 619, which would ban the practice.

Regarding yet another (bathroom) bill, many folks testified about fears relating to biological males in female bathrooms and locker rooms. A proposed criteria for bathroom use essentially came down to what gender a person claimed to identify as. And while most trans kids are wonderful people, there are examples of miscreants exploiting the “identification” situation with nefarious intent. Related concerns deserve attention.

Inconveniently, some folks’ “identifications” also change over time — not just in adolescents but, in some cases, folks who are 50 or 60 years old.

Caitlyn Jenner is perhaps the world’s most famous trans athlete. As Bruce Jenner in 1976, Caitlyn won the Olympic Decathlon. Jenner is a strong and articulate opponent of XY trans athletes competing against XX athletes at any level.

There is a simple (though not easy) answer to this complicated transgender sports participation question. XX’s compete against XX’s. XY’s compete against XY’s. Admittedly, this would preclude some trans athletes from competing on their desired teams. Sport, like life, is not always fair. And while sport can yield ecstatic victory thrills, sport is also about dashed dreams and disappointment. Such is life. At some point, I accepted that I was never going to play for the Celtics.

Any other policy would guarantee ambiguous grey areas, endless conflict, drug mandates, bathroom/locker room danger and drama, and untold avoidable injuries as players pursue those 50/50 balls.

Can we ever get through this minefield to a promised land with clear definition and safety? We need to try. It wasn’t Yogi Berra but Geoffrey Chaucer who first said over six centuries ago, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

The post 50/50 Balls and Transgender Sports appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another Day … Another Assault On Democracy In New Hampshire… And Yet More Denial By The NHGOP

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 23:00 +0000

In terms of judicial activism, New York’s infamous Judge Engoron has got nothing on New Hampshire’s Judge Ruoff. Engoron has abused his position as a judge in order to destroy one man … Donald Trump. Ruoff has abused his position as a judge in order to destroy democracy in New Hampshire.

I am not going to waste my time (at least for the time being) explaining how dishonest and absurd Ruoff’s education-funding decisions are … because such an explanation would fall on deaf ears. The majority of the NHGOP State Reps and State Senators are SHEEP, who do and think as their “leaders” tell them to do and think.

You can explain to them over and over and over and over again how the State Constitution does NOT contain a right to an “adequate education” and does NOT empower the judicial branch to be the final arbiter of that right (including the power to stealth-order the legislature to raise taxes) … and you would just be wasting your time.

Ruoff’s latest assault on democracy is to order that “the State” … a lovely euphemism for taxpayers … must IMMEDIATELY pay an additional half a BILLION dollars into New Hampshire’s education funding black hole in order to meet the totally fictitious, totally judicially fabricated obligation to “fund an adequate education.” Everything else can remain the same … the same teachers, the same curriculum, the same etc., etc., etc.. If this seems absurd … THAT’S BECAUSE IT IS.

So keep your heads buried in the sand, dear NHGOP. Until your “leaders” tell you to lift them and run around like chickens with their heads cut off, repeating “ONLY A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT,” which represents a capitulation to Ruoff’s assault on democracy.

But be on notice … once you comply with Ruoff’s decision, there will be no going back. The Sununu Supreme Court will interpret your capitulation to mean that they can affirm Ruoff’s assault on democracy, and you will do NOTHING.

The post Another Day … Another Assault On Democracy In New Hampshire… And Yet More Denial By The NHGOP appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Republican NH State Senator Wants To Remove “Mother” and “Father” From Birth Certificates

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 21:00 +0000

Senator Sharon Carson is the state senator for the Republican towns of Auburn, Hudson, and Londonderry, New Hampshire and she is the prime sponsor for bill SB422  which would remove the words “mother” and “father” from birth records and replace them with “birth parent” and “non-birth parent.” 

In her testimony for the bill, Sen. Carson said that it would help those using assisted reproduction and gamete donation so they wouldn’t have to go through the extra step of establishing parentage of the babies. That means that the baby is created in a test tube from an egg and a sperm and then implanted in a woman. The egg may be donated. The sperm may be donated and the pregnant woman may be a surrogate.

In my testimony I said:

Removing the words mother and father from birth records denies our very humanity. Every child has a mother and a father and this change would create a fiction that a child was created by two people who have may have nothing to do with his or her conception. This bill also furthers the lie that biological sex doesn’t matter when we know that only women can birth children and only men can father children.

In Cornerstone’s testimony, they pointed out this bill would allow the mother of a child to put anyone on the birth certificate as the “non-birth parent.” It could even be the child’s grandmother and it would cut out the father and leave him with no rights.

This bill puts adults’ needs over children’s needs, which is backward to the way it should be. Senator Carson is sponsoring this bill for the sake of corrupt special interests like GLAD and Dartmouth Health and not for the sake of protecting children.

Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee and ask them to vote ITL on SB422. 


The post Republican NH State Senator Wants To Remove “Mother” and “Father” From Birth Certificates appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Local Government vs. Property Rights and Religious Liberty

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 19:00 +0000

Weare, New Hampshire, an allegedly Republican and pro-liberty bastion, has been putting a local pastor through the bureaucratic meat grinder for daring to hold religious services in his barn.

The barn is fully renovated. Pastor Howard added pews, a pulpit and a heater to make sure his congregation can worship comfortably. It’s usually no more than 30 people gathered at once. ..

Here’s what’s really outrageous: The Pastor has previously held other gatherings at the property for years—such as weddings, board-game tournaments, local events and even hosted political candidates who wanted to speak to the community.

The town placed no restrictive zoning demands on those meetings. But apparently, it’s a problem now that the gathering is a church.

The town is reported to have insisted they stop holding religious services, demanding site plans, showing up for repeated inspections, and being a general nuisance.

You have to admit, it looks like discrimination, and the town is also alleged to have threatened legal action. Fair enough, First Liberty is suing the town of Weare in the name of Grace New England Church for religious discrimination.

I’m sure the town thinks it has a pressing public interest, and they will get the opportunity to explain in court, as will citizens, to hear an explanation and then consider what, if any, changes need to be made (to any local ordinance or perhaps the constitution of local boards).

We’re not talking about another Pine Tree Riot, but how about, instead of calling it a service, every Sunday morning, you meet for a peaceful protest of the Town of Weare’s war on religious liberty—something like that. 


Julie Smith contributed to this article.

The post Local Government vs. Property Rights and Religious Liberty appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking: Nomination Packet for Attorney Andrew Livernois – The EC Hearing is Today!

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 17:13 +0000

As a follow-up to our earlier post on the nomination of Belknap County Attorney Andrew Livernois to the NH Superior Court, we have received the official Nomination packet and some additional links and commentary from a reader.

The hearing is less than an hour, so this is last minute, but if you see it and can do anything with it, we’ll consider the effort well made. I have no idea what if any, value there is in it. I leave that up to you.

Here’s our previous post: Lawyer Whose Advice Probably Got a County Commission Sued is a Sununu Nominee for Superior Court.

It was based in part on this one from Skip, to which we can add this, from a reader – a misconduct grievance filed against Livernois.

The “nomination packet” or application can be viewed below. Do with these as you like, given the time allowed (almost none), but we did receive these because of the earlier concern about the nomination, which we’d like to see deferred, delayed, rescheduled, or simply rejected.

Nomination Packet Livernois, Andrew 01-31-2024

The post Breaking: Nomination Packet for Attorney Andrew Livernois – The EC Hearing is Today! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 17:00 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





My first and second cartoon concepts – ably drawn by a pro.







A step further than George Zimmerman being a “white Hispanic”.






Your tax dollars at work.






And then nobody finds that sus.









I saw the video from which the stills on the right side were taken.  The girl and her mother are bouncing up and down, giddy they’ve murdered the life inside her.

They’ve made murder into a celebration.







I am reminded of the original Hearst sending a telegram to one of his people right after the USS Maine blew up.  “You provide the pictures, I’ll provide the war”.





Cool wall.  That should go on our southern border.  (It’s the new border wall Egypt put up.)  And I still want a minefield and lasers too.





The logic makes sense, Mr. Spock, when you understand that crime and chaos are the goals of those who did it.





Saw a short video of Ann Coulter saying that the fact that nobody was revealing the race of the shooter(s) was a clear indication that he wasn’t white.  Accurate.




If I’m ever at an event where they play that, I’ll do this.






I have a bunch of links below, but if there’s ONE you read from this post, read this one.  It’s long; allocate some time.

Just How Far Will the FDA Go To Protect A Bad Drug? (

Now, reread it again.  From SSRIs to the Jab to pharmaceuticals across decades, apparently, the entire system is corrupt and rotten to the core.  The pharma companies themselves.  Government agencies that are supposed to be watching them.  Doctors and psychiatrists and broadly all medical industry people.

Rotten. To. The. Core.

TV Drug Ads Are Not About Selling More Pharmaceuticals, They’re About Big Pharma Buying off the Media – The Liberty Daily

And a comment on another Grok post about pharma whistle-blowers meeting oddly convenient deaths, I’ll add in: there are untold billions of dollars at stake here.  If you’re already ethically compromised enough to permit shoddy research, etc., that you know will cost lives, it’s not such a large step to being willing to permanently shut someone up.






Like a friend of mine once said, “First against the wall after the main shooting stops”.




I was just trying to explain to my boy – after he asked – what “body count” means and why it’s bad.  And I tried to make the simple explanation that physical intimacy was one of the things that truly connects a man and a woman.  When it becomes purely physical pleasure, especially serially, the specialness of it diminishes; it becomes the pursuit of the pleasure hit, which means jumping from one to another to get the thrill of the new.  And I’ll opine that it not only just becomes about physical pleasure, but it transforms to  “What’s in it for me”? (as in the climax) rather than a giving of oneself to another.  Instead of generosity of the ultimate gift of intimacy to your special someone, it’s turns into a selfish focus.





From what I understand, lots of people are starting to pull business – and future business – from there.




I’m not advocating violence.  But should it begin… it needs to be ongoing and relentless.











Public hangings are called for IMHO.




Consider this one:









And why?  Because not only would they have to admit they were wrong… but they’d have to concede that the people they looked down on were right.



I love eggs.






Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Does Anyone Believe This?… New York Governor Tells Businesses “They Have Nothing to Fear” After Democrat State Leaders Fleece Donald Trump of $355 Million | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Just don’t get uppity or cross TPTB and you’ll be OK.  More:

Private Equity Fund Manager Announces He “Will NOT Waste Time” Researching New Business Opportunities in New York After Engoron Ruling | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

There’s a great scene in the movie A Man for All Seasons in which one of the main characters lectures another about the cutting down of all of man’s laws to get the Devil Orange Man.

A Man for All Seasons – The Devil Speech – YouTube

How Would A Post-Apocalyptic Society Function Without Electricity And Running Water? (There were many people in America who didn’t have electricity and running water well into the 1940s.) (

A lot of people are going to die.

Fluoride Has Its Day In Court – by Josh Walkos (

Every day, it seems, I am learning more about lies I’ve been told for decades.  Every day, it seems, institutions that I’ve trusted have proven to be not worthy of that trust.  (See above PSA.)

New study finds that CO2 is increasing the rate by which the globe is greening, even under drought | Just The News

CO2 is plant food and the base of every biological pyramid aside from geothermal vent locations.  These maniacs are going to destroy all life on earth with “carbon capture” and blocking out the sun.

First Look at the ‘Free-Text’ COVID Vaccine Safety Data the CDC Wanted to Hide (

I suspect this will be laborious go to through, but… I also suspect there will be a lot of info TPTB don’t want us to see.  On the Jab:

Massive International Study Concludes That Covid-19 Vaccines Have Numerous Adverse Side Effects – Becker News

The End of Democracy: “What I’m Describing is Military Rule” (

Tucker interview / discussion.

Don’t be shocked if Michelle Obama sneaks her way into 2024 race (

Would not be surprised at all.  Of course its being denied, which brings to mind:



Inside Mayor Adams’ migrant debit card boondoggle — no-bid bank gets $50 million, border crossers up to $10,000 each (

You get more of what you reward.

TL Davis with a great article on how the Military Industrial Complex (now abetted by Big Pharma) was planning a coup in 2016, and got upstaged by Trump because he got more legit votes than they could fraudulently create in time. But they came back stronger, and (aided by Covid) staged an actual coup in 2020, and their efforts since then to hold onto and consolidate their power have been draconian. This ends one of two ways: They win, and we become a totalitarian dictatorship (or more likely an oligarchy), or we HAVE to fight back. There is no other option, and at this point, it’s not politics anymore, it’s WAR:
The Military Junta Called “The Democracy” – by T.L. Davis (

Related: Tucker Carlson has an interview with Mike Benz, who lays out a pretty good case that we are already living under a military dictatorship, as they censor everything that goes against the narrative:

2024 Is Already Being Stolen Through Mass Gov’t Censorship (

Breast milk is one of the best things a baby can have, right? Well that depends on the source, as woke doctors are now saying that it’s OK for a baby to get breast milk from a transgendered man. This means that HE has enough hormones, meds, and other drugs in his body to force his (normally NON-lactating) “breasts” to give milk. But whatever is in HIS body is also in the milk, so these doctors are literally sacrificing the long-term health of these babies on the alter of “wokeness”:

Woke Doctors Are Insane and Dangerous – HotAir

Uh, wut? The manufacturer explicitly says DON’T DO THIS BECAUSE IT WILL HARM THE INFANT, and the NHS Health Trust say “N’ah, it’ll be fine.”

Infants. Heart damage.

Geez, these people deserve a hot place in hell for eternity.

Jeff Bezos sells over $2 billion in Amazon stock third time this month (

Just saw a short video that a multiple people are selling off mass quantities.



Six billion in sales in a month.

Is Your Food….FAKE? (

Shudder-inducing, IMHO.  Who comes up with these experiments, thought?

Lastly, some spicy time related reading material:

Total Resistance Swiss Army Guide To Guerilla Warfare (1965) : H. von Dach Bern : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive




Pick of the Post:



Pushing, pushing, pushing for WWIII.




Palate cleansers:



You cannot tell me the song didn’t pop into your head.




Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.






The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Citizenship A Thing Of The Past

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 15:00 +0000

When I was a school-age child in the sixties, patriotism had a massive influence on our lives—our day started with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Our Father. We will talk about the former today and leave the Our Father for another day. There was no question about participation. Only Jewish kids were allowed to pass on the prayer.

Every sporting event started with the anthem, and the sight of Old Glory brought a comforting sense of pride. We were all first or second-generation Americans whose grandparents made the dangerous journey across the Atlantic. Europe had been their home, but America had the potential of a better life for their future generations. They were incredibly proud of the fact they came to America to be Americans. Citizenship was a badge of honor.

I grew up in a city that was a patchwork of neighborhoods with different nationalities. Each had their own church, specialty food stores, and restaurants. This wasn’t done to isolate people but to allow people, many of whom did not speak English (yet), to feel comfortable in their new home. One thing each of these neighborhoods had in common was the American flag, which could be seen everywhere. The system was working well, but things started to change dramatically in the sixties, and not necessarily for the good.

The change started after the Vietnam War. People from the Asian-Pacific Region, Haiti, and Central America began to emigrate to America and disrupted the demographics and balance in our cities. The significant difference between these immigrants and the post-WWI group was these folks were not here to assimilate. This new group was much more willing to live on the dole. They loved the American welfare and social services, and they were not ready to leave their culture behind. They looked for America to assimilate with them.

The new Biden migrants are more like the post-Vietnam era immigrants on steroids. These new migrants, we cannot call them immigrants as they have not come here legally, are not family units but primarily young to middle-aged single men who have their hands out for whatever the Progressive Americans will give them. Free is key to this new group of “Americans.” New terms have been coined for this new block of people- amnesty and path to Citizenship are synonymous with the Obama/Biden migrants. The government is selectively locating these folks into Red states with the hope they will change these Conservative states to Purple or even Blue.

The Progressives are diluting the concept of Citizenship. Starting with an attack on our Sovereignty, Progressives now see us as citizens of the world, not our nation. They write laws that allow these non-American nationals to vote in local elections. Voting had always been the right and privilege of Citizenship, but no longer. The U.S. Constitution does not confer any innate right to vote based on Citizenship, but it does delegate the responsibility to manage elections to states.

Cities in some states have seized this loophole and have given non-citizens the right to vote in their town/city elections. Vermont, New York, California, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts are on the list of the states that are changing voting rights. San Francisco has just installed the first non-citizen on their election board. The logic was to allow all members of the community to form the future of San Francisco.

This watering down of Citizenship by Liberals/Progressives does not sit well with any Conservative who loves this country and respects the legacy of those who have died fighting to keep this great country free. This process is part of the mission for those pushing for non-citizen voting rights. That mission is the destruction of America as we know her, and they seem committed to their cause.


















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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Urgent Call to Action: Oppose HB1050-FN

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 14:00 +0000

HB1050-FN, which claims to wish to establish a voluntary waiver of the right to purchase firearms, is up for a floor vote this Thursday and needs your immediate attention. This bill poses a significant threat to our rights and freedoms, introducing measures that could potentially impact gun ownership and individual liberties broadly.

HB1050 is a restriction on Second Amendment rights, creates precedents for further restrictive measures, and impacts individuals’ rights to self-defense without adequately addressing the underlying issues related to firearm misuse. It creates a sneaky avenue for so-called ‘red flag’ attempts and is a backdoor gun registry attempt.

We strongly urge all NH Firearms Coalition members to take immediate action by reaching out to your state representatives. It’s vital to express your opposition to HB1050-FN and communicate the importance of protecting our rights.

You can find your state representative’s contact information [here].

Emailing or calling your representative is a direct way to make your voice heard and influence the outcome of this legislation. Please ask your legislator to vote Inexpedient to Legislate on House Bill 1050.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition emailed legislators on your behalf, you can see that text below if it’s helpful in crafting your message. We need as many members writing legislators as possible to prevent this backdoor registry attempt.

Our letter to legislators:

HB 1050-FN, a bill to create a so-called ‘voluntary waiver for people who don’t want to purchase a firearm’ recently came out of the Criminal Justic and Public Safety Committee with a split recommendation.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition urges you to support the minority report of Inexpedient to Legislate when the bill comes to the floor for a vote. What need is there of the state wasting taxpayer dollars to support a list for people who don’t want to purchase a firearm—when all they have to do is just not buy one?

Frankly, such a list is not only expensive, but doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t even include a funding mechanism.

More troubling, HB 1050-FN has a crafty clause in paragraph V, section II, which clearly indicates that a third party could place another person on this list.

II. Any person who knowingly gives any false information or makes any false statement with the intent of enrolling or removing another person onto or from the list shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor.”

This bill would open up the floodgates of harassment of the many by the few who wish to interfere with a person’s 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms.

This would make the state vulnerable to extensive litigation, which would constitute another waste of taxpayer dollars.

Again, NHFC urges you to vote Inexpedient to Legislate on HB 1050-FN.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.”

Help us oppose HB1050-FN by calling your State Representative today before Thursday’s floor vote and urging them to vote Inexpedient to Legislate! Together, we can safeguard our freedoms and ensure our rights remain intact for future generations.

Thank you for your dedication and support.

JR Hoell, Secretary
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Lakewood Shooter Was An El Salvadoran Non-Citizen … Who Voted in the 2020 US Election

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 13:00 +0000

Genesse Ivonne Moreno was an El Salvadoan “immigrant” with a history of criminal conduct known to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). A woman (pretending to be a man named Jeffrey Moreno) who tried to shoot up a church in Austin, Texas, has since been described by authorities as … white.

Genesse Ivonne Moreno from El Salvador is documented as a White non-Hispanic.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that shooter-bias appropriation? They want “Jeffrey” to be white, but it just ain’t so. Moreno might even be descended from the ancient Mayan culture, whose history, language, and heritage were colonized by the Spanish, whose language and culture her family was forced to adopt. In other words, she’s not a he; she might be Mayan, but she’s definitely not white.

The same thing happened to Geoge Zimmerman, a Hispanic man who shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense. An incident that turned him into a white Hispanic and the fully grown Trayvon into a child. Media magic and its growing a culture of distrust among Americans. It is no longer advisable to trust anything the legacy media reports. You’ll get more reliable news on the stall door of a public bathroom.

And as Ann Coulter noted on Bill Maher’s show recently – regarding another shooter –  we don’t know a lot, but what we do know is that it was not a white male. If it were a white man shooting, we’d know.

The speculation in KC is gang-related (yutes of color, perhaps), so that will disappear faster than you can say Genesse Ivonne Moreno (or Jeffrey) because there is no suitable narrative even after they’ve warped the truth. As for Moreno, that story comes with bonus opportunities to say WTF. Sara Gonzales, who is also not white, shared some interesting news about Moreno.

I think we can safely say she did not vote for Trump and that she is not the only illegal border jumper “known to ICE” who “voted” in the  2020 election—a known illegal with a criminal history who somehow obtained firearms and targeted a Christian Church.

Meanwhile, back in DC, the J6 persecutions continue…

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Has Mitch McConnell Massed Up Kelly Ayotte’s NH Gubernatorial Bid?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 11:00 +0000

First, in case you have not been paying attention, Mitch McConnell and his allies backed the so-called “bipartisan” border bill NOT to secure the border (which it did not), but to take the issue away from Donald Trump and Republicans who support Trump.

That is, Mitch and his allies would rather continue to control the Senate GOP under a Democrat President and a Democrat majority in the Senate than lose control by having Trump in the White House and Republicans who support Trump in the majority in the Senate.

Kelly Ayotte’s politics are much, much closer to Mitch McConnell’s than to Donald Trump’s. But will she be collateral damage of the failed “bipartisan” border bill?

Ayotte’s campaign has been focused like a laser beam on the issue of illegal immigration and the support of her anticipated opponent, Joyce Craig, for “sanctuary” policies. And now … pre-primary … is the time to do it because Craig is in a bind. If she moves to the middle she cedes the issue to her primary opponent, which might be fatal considering how far Left the New Hampshire Democrat Party base is on this (and other) issues.

So Craig is doing the only thing she can … hiding behind the “bipartisan” border bill. When gently pressed by Adam Sexton on whether she would make New Hampshire a “sanctuary State,” Craig’s repeated answer was: bipartisan border bill. Not surprisingly, WMUR tendentiously titled the interview, Joyce Craig questioned on welcoming migrants as governor.

Will this strategy work in the general election? I don’t know … but if Ayotte loses to Craig, Craig should send a thank-you card to Mitch.




The post Has Mitch McConnell Massed Up Kelly Ayotte’s NH Gubernatorial Bid? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: School Board Member Busted for Racist Obnoxious Posts … Resigns (But It’s Not His Fault)

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 03:00 +0000

Northwood School Board Member Gary Caron has some interesting social media posts. We published some of them yesterday in advance of a meeting on that content scheduled for Wednesday. Rather than face the public and defend his exercise(s) of free speech in person, Gary has decided to resign.

However, that’s not his fault. He didn’t create the distraction that was those MAGA people (sharing his own words and stuff).

As a reminder, we explained that Gary always had a right to express himself freely, which he did, but that the townspeople who elected him might not think it was the sort of thing they thought appropriate for an elected representative…let alone a school board member.

And while Gary has resigned, acknowledging correctly that he broke no laws, he continues to demonstrate the complete disconnect between reality and his having internalized the approved anti-Trump narratives of the establishment uni party left (complete with a raging case of Trump Derangment Syndrome) and (remember) that’s not his fault. He has to be like this.


Smear campaign. Out of context. Private Twitter posts (publicly visible on the platform). A distraction. Autocracy – talk about projection, jeesh.

Again, in case you missed what “this” looks like – look here: content warning.

It’s a very amusing resignation, but having seen his X feed, I’m sure he believes all of it. Sadly, this will distract from the opportunity for Caron to be confronted publicly over his constitutionally protected expression by (now) former constituents or to defend it.

As for smearing him, he did that to himself. We merely shared his words and stated that he had a right to them but that Northwood parents and voters might have a different opinion. Rather than hear that and respond, he ran away.

At least he had already admitted to the double standard he both promotes and enjoys.

That’s not something you see every day.

The post Night Cap: School Board Member Busted for Racist Obnoxious Posts … Resigns (But It’s Not His Fault) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The New Hampshire House Is A National Laughingstock

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-02-21 01:00 +0000

So the New Hampshire House’s ludicrous “debate” over sexually explicit materials in middle school libraries went “viral” … and deservedly so. For example, Libs of TikTok is an X (Twitter) account with 2.8 million followers. See the post below. My comments follow.

Obviously, the Democrats come across as groomers, hypocrites, and thugs. Of course, it is likely that more people outside New Hampshire than inside New Hampshire know about this particular incident because WMUR, NHPR, etc., are mouthpieces for the New Hampshire Democrat Party. For example, this “reporting” by Ray Brewer keeps viewers/readers totally in the dark about the nature of the sexually explicit material being foisted on school children in New Hampshire. And here is some deflection by Adam Sexton … the “news” is that things are going sideways, NOT that the Democrats are trying to cover up the sexually explicit material in public schools:

And the Speaker, a Republican, comes across as a complete and utter buffoon … telling Rep Cordelli that he cannot read from a book available to middle school children if it is “graphic in any way,” calling the availability of the sexually explicit material in middle schools “a very sensitive situation for both sides,” Really? Seriously? We cannot talk about the specifics of sexually explicit material in public schools because it may hurt the feelings of the Democrats. What a BUFFOON. And what would you call the New Hampshire House Republicans for making this buffoon the Speaker?

But perhaps the best part is that the House apparently has a rule against “reading from a paper” (3:44). I hate this phrase, but … YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP.

And the grand finale to this FARCE. The House voted to keep sexually explicit materials in public schools. Again … YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP. The New Hampshire House is a national CLOWN SHOW a LAUGHINGSTOCK, and deservedly so.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Northern Border Crossing Crisis

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-02-20 23:00 +0000

The Southern border is where most of the action is, but the Swanton Sector (NY, VT, NH) has seen a 240% spike in illegal crossings. None of them Canadians (who increasingly have good reason to escape the wrath of Trudeau). A border problem a local hunter discovered and captured on his game cam.

[Chris] Feeley recalled being in his tree stand one morning when a startled group of deer unexpectedly ran by — followed by two men “of Mexican descent” with backpacks and walking sticks, one of whom was poring over the screen of his smartphone.

“He stopped right underneath me and was looking at his iPhone and was following a trail, so obviously somebody gave him a route of which way to go,” Feeley said.

“I was just stunned, I didn’t know what to do. I just let them walk off, I gave them 10 minutes before I went back to the barn to call Border Patrol.”

That call to border officials soon became a regular event for Feeley, who began spotting groups of migrants on his automated trail camera with increasing frequency.

“The receptionists know it’s me when I call,” he said. “They’re like, ‘Oh, hey, Chris, how’s it going?’ and I’m like, ‘Hey, I had some more just walk by my camera, if you want to send the boys up there.’ “

Mexicans entering from Canada. Map Apps on iPhones.

The New York Post reports that for $350.00, “migrants” can fly to Toronto or Montreal and then march south across the US border. Why is Canadian Customs even letting them out of the airport? Didn’t Tyrant Troodough promise to put a stop to that? I may have misremembered, but how subtle is a winter-time spike in Mexican “tourists” to the Great White North? And why don’t they just stay?

Because they have been instructed to go to America.

We’ve already reported on the South/Central American conveyor that moves millions on trains and buses to the Southern border. The UN and our own government are doing this to us. Now we’ve got Customs and Border Patrol warning residents near the Canadian border to carry a firearm.

Residents living near the United States-Canada border in Vermont have been told to watch out for illegal immigrants with criminal records amid an increase in crossings via unofficial ports of entry.

Customs and Border Patrol agents urged locals to carry a firearm just in case, noting that while the vast majority of undocumented newcomers are peaceful and simply in search of a better life in the US, there will be some who have a propensity for violence.

I’m not sure about the Swanton Sector of New York or Vermont, but in New Hampshire, that’s not going to be a problem.

The post The Northern Border Crossing Crisis appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-02-20 21:00 +0000

It isn’t Zionists conflating Hamas with Gaza civilians. It’s the “pro-Palestinians.” ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Video from the above link – RTWT:


Come Visit Gaza!



Another video – not sure of the provenance; I’ve been told this is atypical for the typical Gazan but still worth seeing:


Remember that Gaza journalist who misses life in pre-war Gaza?

Gaza journalist misses pre-Oct 7 Gaza (

Breezy terraces with what appears to be an excellent ambiance.  Beaches with people enjoying the sea.  And take a look at these market pictures.

Where is this open-air prison I keep hearing about?









Here’s another video with material from just before Oct. 7:


Another collection of marketplace stills:



Can anyone please tell me how the above align with either Open Air Prison or Concentration Camp?  Do concentration camps have spin classes, theme parks, and hotels?

Gaza Strip’s Arabs enjoy spin classes, fine dining, private beaches, theme parks, luxury hotels | JTF

Or plastic surgery?  Or obesity, particularly among women?  And a bunch more info here:

Pre-October 7th terror attack on Israel by Hamas, Palestinian Arabs and their useful idiots in the West accused Israel of turning Gaza into a “concentration camp” a.k.a. “the world’s largest open air prison” (

Including a “cat café” and horseback riding lessons????  The above post also has an assortment of videos showing the horrific deprivations in Gaza.  And some videos pulled from a prior post of mine here:

Shopping mall opens in Gaza (

Ramadan: Gaza’s green markets are alive with colour (

First luxurious resort opens in Gaza Strip (

Gaza City 2022 | Palestine | Cities Around the Globe |Travels with Imam (

A Stroll Through Gaza | Islamic Relief Canada (

Gaza Palestine  Walking Tour | Gaza Strip Before The Attack 2023 | فلسطين غزة (




Not one bomb would have fallen either.  All the buildings in the “before” part of these picture-pairs would still be as they were.  NONE of these “before” images comport with either open air prison or concentration camp.  None.













Concentration camp?  Nope.

Open air prison?  Nope.

Weep at the loss of the Gaza that could have been…




So let me wrap up with a picture of people in a REAL concentration camp:



You DO see the difference, don’t you?

The post Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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