The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

Still Focused On Political Training for Teachers, Not Academic Training

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-09 18:00 +0000

SAU21 called in the radical leftist political organization Seacoast Outright to train their teachers a couple of years ago. This year, they called in more education consultants focused more on political issues than academics.

Superintendent Nadeau,

I’m hoping you can clear up some questions I have regarding the Professional Development Day for teachers at Winnacunnet High School.

As I began researching the speaker and the topics covered, I was at a loss as to exactly what all of this would look like in the classroom. First, are there problems with the teaching staff?

I was able to watch this video where Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak go through a presentation on “Equity by Design: How UDL Provides Equal Opportunities to Learn.” Knowing that this presentation was provided to teachers, it sounds as if there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Because there is a focus on privilege and bias, it makes me wonder if you believe there is a problem with the character of the teachers employed in the district. Do you believe this will somehow correct that?

While I would not ask for personal information on teachers working in this district, is this a problem that has been discussed with the school board members? Do they also believe that a professional development day would be a solution to the problem? One of the biggest complaints I hear from teachers is the wasted time in PD. While we all know some of this time can be extremely valuable, I see nothing listed that is academic content focused.

In Mr. Chardin’s bio it says that his greatest experience and passion revolves around culturally connected teaching and learning, recruiting and retaining educators of color, restorative practice and school culture.

So much of this has become political while Massachusetts, having a far more diverse student population, was able to accomplish elevating academic outcomes for ALL students without any of this. Where do any of these “passions” translate into data where we can see real progress for all students? (Pre Common Core)

Restorative practices are coming under a great deal of criticism. Could these be some of the problems that have been identified in Seabrook?
SEE: Restorative justice gone wrong: One mother’s horror story and
Restorative circles are unethical and have no place in schools

Chardin’s bio also says that he delivers keynotes across the nation on equity, social justice, and personal narrative. He is also a race, diversity, and cultural proficiency facilitator and leadership coach for the Aspire Institute at Boston University’s New Wheelock College of Human Development.

There is no information provided that indicates that any of this produces the same results we have seen in Massachusetts when they decided that their focus would be on:
1) improved academic standards
2) improved academic tests
3) professional development focused on academic excellence.
(Pre-Common Core)

1) Our schools are not required to use the dumbed-down Common Core and Next Gen. Science Standards for curriculum alignment.
We can certainly do better.
2) The district does not have any control over the standardized test, but we can certainly use the TIMSS every four years to compare SAU21 students to their international peers.
3) The district does have control over the PD we offer to teachers. I think board members, parents and taxpayers need to feel confident that this time is spent wisely.

Parents in Seabrook are looking closely at all of this, and I can’t blame them. Parents and taxpayers expect more from their schools. We need to be supporting our teachers so they are successful in the classroom.

I am not seeing how any of this helps students in this district. If you’d like to expand on how this will improve academic outcomes, I would love to see that evidence. In my opinion, all of that should have been discussed with the school board, with all evidence provided so they would have a clear idea why this was a priority for Winnacunnet.

Ann Marie Banfield


Screenshot Screenshot

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Something Else Don Lemon and Ilhan Omar Have In Common

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-09 16:00 +0000

There is a long list of things that any two high-profile tin-foil-hat Proglodytes will have in common. A preference for high crime, poverty, and chaos, for example (in your neighborhood, not theirs). But now, former CNN talking head Don Le′mon and congress-critter Ilhan Omar share another hypocrisy.

No, it’s not J6 Narratives, COVID ‘cures,’ or safe and secure elections. Those are near universal “truths” to the Left that no amount of evidence (or science) can alter. We’re talking about marriage. Ilhan Omar is infamous for her opinion about white people and white men. They should instill more fear than jihadis, those white devils. She then dated one (he got a divorce so he could marry her) after she laundered hundreds of thousands of campaign dollars (half a million or more) through his “consulting firm.”

The punch line potential is significant, but let’s stick with Ilham marrying someone who is worse than a jihadi.

Don Lemon is not a stranger to the tongue-stumbling stupidity of the average hypocrat. He just married his partner, Tim Malone. Tim is white, like Colon Van Ostern. Not brown. And there’s nothing wrong with that except for this.

His most famous quote was back in 2018 when he warned that white men represented the “biggest terror threat” in modern America.

“So, we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right. And we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban on  — they had the Muslim ban. There is no white guy ban. So, what do we do about that?”

What do you do about that? I guess you marry one!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dear Supreme Court Chief Justice Gordon MacDonald, …

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-09 14:00 +0000

I am addressing you directly because it is abundantly clear that the New Hampshire Law Enforcement, Judiciary, and Bar are more interested in covering up corruption than addressing it. This means members of the public, with the help of certain journalists, are left addressing it themselves. It’s a sorry state that our public funds have been abused so much by the very people whom we pay & entrust to uphold and execute laws.

If none of you respect your oath of office then what good are you to the public?

The fact that it has taken 6 years for the information on Rep. Jonathan Stone’s police misconduct to come out is despicable. Who wanted to protect it from coming out? You did when you were Attorney General and on your fake claim to care about children and their safety. You didn’t care about children or their safety, you cared about protecting a circle of corruption that spreads through law enforcement, city councils, attorneys offices and the AG’s office.

In August 2018 you argued that the Laurie List should remain private. It was a few months after James F McLaughlin’s name had been added to the Laurie List by the City of Keene/Keene Police. James F McLaughlin was working for you on the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School in June 2018. It should have been your duty to inform St. Paul’s School and the public of James F McLaughlin’s dishonest and violent record but you didn’t. Instead, Chuck Douglas Esq received the benefit of that Grand Jury Criminal Investigation to file multiple suits against the School – all settled out of court.

Now we must ask whether any of the claims against St Paul’s School were real, fabricated or designed to blackmail by forcing the school into a situation to pay up in order to cover up worse crimes for which previous crooked deals had been made by Concord Police. I believe it is the latter and I believe that the worse crimes were known about by your office, by your predecessors such as Michael Delaney and by Concord PD, the NHCADSV and the DCYF.

Blackmail is a class A felony in New Hampshire.

Brady v Maryland requires all exculpatory evidence to be made known to defendants.

The Anti-Lobbying Act forbids certain activities that you and those NGOs and elected representatives working with you have ignored.

Did they not teach you that at Cornell Law School? Do they not teach that at UNH Law?

You were an NH Bar examiner? What were your standards that all of these laws are simply ignored?

In your own words:

“The New Hampshire Supreme Court is a critically important institution. Its decisions serve as the final word in hundreds of cases every year. Those decisions may implicate our fundamental liberties, the rights of the criminally accused, or the scope of the government’s power. Every case resolves legal disputes of great importance to the parties involved. The institution represents the transcendent importance of the rule of law to the protection of our rights, to our democracy, and to our economic system. The Court’s work must be well-reasoned, learned, diligent and fair and impartial.

I am applying for this position because of the opportunity it presents to uphold and advance these ideals and to serve this institution and our citizens. As described in detail in this application, I have the knowledge, experience and skills necessary to serve. I would bring to the Court very strong academic credentials, a record of significant and ongoing scholarship regarding New Hampshire practice, a highly successful career as a private civil litigator, and a long history of leadership in service to the Court, to the profession and to the public. For the last two years, I have served as Attorney General, a position of great scope and responsibility. I will also bring personal qualities that will benefit the Court. I hold myself to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics, I work hard, and I have tried to approach public service with humility and respect.”

Protecting police officers who are on the Laurie List and who have put the public in harm’s way is not approaching public service with humility and respect.

When my letter to John Scippa regarding Police Officer Julie Curtin was forwarded to your office, your assistant AG Jane Young wrote to me to say that Geoffrey Ward (who was copied) would respond. Despite multiple follow ups, he did not. Despite follow ups from Rep. Susan Homola, he stonewalled her and me and then he deleted the files of 28 or more police officers on the Laurie list with no explanation. Who was he reporting to? You. So who was he protecting when he deleted the files of corrupt police officers? You. That is not approaching public service with humility and respect. That is basically sticking two fingers to the public and self-serving.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Geoffrey Ward is now a federal prosecutor. New Hamsphire’s federal prosecutors have also failed to respect Brady v Maryland by failing to let defendants know that witnesses have been paid to give testimony for a Grand Jury. Judge Landya McAfferty (a St. Paul’s alum) has expressed shock at what is going on with this regard.

“The government’s failure to learn of and disclose these facts was patent prosecutorial misconduct,” Judge Landya McCafferty, chief justice of the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampshire, wrote in her order to unseal the records.

“The fact that highly similar misconduct has happened at least twice in this United States Attorney’s Office within a short time span raises concerns about the seriousness to which the government takes its constitutional disclosure obligations.”

I believe that Jane Young was a US Attorney when this happened (Correction- it was John Farley). She was preceded by Scott Murray, who was DA for Merrimack County and who only lists one trial on his US Attorney bio: “State v Owen Labrie – a “victory for victims’ rights”. I strongly disagree. It was a victory for New Hampshire Court & Law Enforcement Corruption, and you know this.

In August 2017, one of the attorneys who had been introduced via Concord PD, Julie Curtin (who also worked with you and James F McLaughlin on the St Paul’s Grand Jury Criminal Investigation), telephoned Owen Labrie, who was waiting for his appeals (appeals which you argued successfully to deny). That attorney admitted that Concord Police were making “crooked deals” with St Paul’s School. He also admitted that the true victim of statutory rape was the son of the senior administrator at the school (by an 18-year-old female student who was suspended for 2 to 3 weeks) – in other words, not his client, Chessy Prout, by Owen Labrie. But he wanted Owen Labrie’s help to gather intel on St. Paul’s School in order to go after its money. There is a reference to the felony-level sexual assault he knew about within the civil case 1:18-cv-00390 filed on May 11, 2018 (Jane Doe v St Paul’s School). Alyssa Dandrea of the Concord Monitor reported on it.

How would a civil attorney referred to the Prout family by Concord Police know about all of this and tell a criminal defendant who he was trying to bribe to go after St Paul’s School’s money? If he knew about the crooked deals in August 2017, then so did you because you opened the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation in July 2017. But you failed to admonish the police for those crooked deals, choosing to cover them up instead.

Working with you in 2019 were the NHCADSV and Amanda Grady Sexton, who were set to be beneficiaries of Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth College, which was in mediation when they launched a social media and phone campaign to block ABC/GMA from airing an interview with Owen Labrie in July 2019. That interview was recorded in Burlington, Vermont, on July 15, 2019, and, from my understanding, it was sent to the Prout family representatives (the attorneys Chuck Douglas, Steven J Kelly, Steven D Silverman) for comment. One of these attorneys (Steven D Silverman) had his license suspended in DC for using media to influence judicial outcome in Doe v Cabrera.

The other two attorneys were also the attorneys who sued Dartmouth in Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth, and they were in mediation with Dartmouth when the ABC/GMA interview should have aired but didn’t. Instead, the Dartmouth suit settled for $14 million, of which $4.9 million went to Chuck Douglas and Steven J Kelly’s law firms, $2.865 million to the NHCADSV (per estimates from news reports), and $75K each to 9 complainants (some of whom had been solicited). The remainder was supposed to go towards better training and other plaintiffs. However, Maha Hasan Alshaawi’s case and the suicide of another student reveal that nothing of the sort happened. Students signed a petition for due process. It was ignored, and your office did nothing.

Public corruption under your tenure as AG, led to deaths and put lives in very serious harm’s way.

Chuck Douglas is Chair of the New Hampshire Judicial Selection Committee. So he has influence over which judges are appointed to his cases. Coincidentally, not one of the suits he filed against St Paul’s School, Dartmouth College, the Diocese of Manchester or DA Robin Davis went to trial. They all settled out of court. Quite the racket you all had going on.

I’ve been told that you yourself asked Father Gordon MacRae if he minded if his name was used for claims against the Diocese of Manchester for quick claims. He’d never met or heard of the person(s) filing. Your civil litigation practice for the Diocese of Manchester relied on quick settlements for false claims against a man who was incarcerated after being denied due process and after prosecutors failed to inform him of James F McLaughlin’s disciplinary records. The “compliance” officer for the Diocese was Edward Arsenault, who was sentenced to prison in 2014, per records on the NH DOJ site by Assistant AG Jane Young. But that was a lie because he was transferred to Keene jail and, while you were AG, released altogether with his restitution miraculously paid off. We shouldn’t trust a single statement on the AG website as a result and we shouldn’t trust anything out of Jane Young’s office either since she is the one who made the statement but is now US Attorney.

It should be noted that you/your office stated that there would be an investigation into Dartmouth College when the civil suit Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth was filed. But nothing happened. It was your alma mater, and the person who appointed you as AG, Governor Chris Sununu, was on the board of trustees for Dartmouth – a non-profit that failed to register conflicts of interest in the case since Sununu signs the approvals for funds to the NHCADSV who were financial beneficiaries from the settlement. They also failed to register conflicts of interest. Your office did nothing. Nor did the Secretary of State.

Dartmouth Professor David Bucci committed suicide in the wake of Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth College. His death should be attributed to the corruption that existed under and was endorsed by you as AG.

He left behind a 10-year-old daughter and his wife, who stated that the negative media in Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth was a contributing factor to his downward spiral. He was denied the right to speak for himself while Steven J Kelly Esq and Amanda Grady Sexton were using a grant from Times Up Legal Defense Fund/NWLC for media to support the narrative for the claimants and thus to enrich themselves from the settlement. They write about how they do this here.

The NCVLI which published the above, and on whose board Steven J Kelly sat, also rewarded Concord PD Julie Curtin for her work in the Labrie trial and recommended Amanda Grady Sexton to you and/or Congresswoman Ann Kuster. $1.6 million was the grant out of which this report was written – a report on how to game the system for police, prosecutors, civil attorneys and NGOs using media.

They used the same tactics for the prosecution of Owen Labrie and the civil suits against St Paul’s School, leaking the suit to Vice Media, Concord Monitor and the Today Show instead of giving the suit to St Paul’s, the respondent. Publicly elected officials for the City of Concord were dictating the media and giving preference to Vice media gossip click-bait journalists over NHPR journalists in the criminal trial that preceded this. That should be utterly shocking.

The same tactics are being used now for the YDC cases. Your office dismissed YDC complaints for “victim negligence” and then referred plaintiffs to the NHCADSV, who work with Russ Rilee and your old partner David Vicinanzo, who represented Exeter when DCYF admitted to deleting files of child sex abuse.

Follow the money, and it doesn’t reflect well on you, the NHCADSV, the AG’s office, the NH Supreme Court, the City of Concord Council, the Police, UNH, and the law firms you are all too closely connected to: Nixon Peabody, Douglas & Leonard, Shaheen & Gordon.

Kids for Cash is an abhorrent business to be in so why are you all in it? Is this the legacy you want to leave behind for the next generation?

I have looked hard for signs of ethical walls between branches of Government in New Hampshire and the independence of the judiciary. There aren’t any, despite what Anne Edwards or others you have endorsed may claim. You are all gaming the system and abusing public funds to do so. You all make sure that your friends get into the gatekeeping positions so that none of the corruption comes out in the open. You all engage in deals behind closed doors, undermining legitimate public inquiry and creating middle-school gossip-worthy baseless rumors while hiding the most horrific of crimes by your friends and colleagues.

What is the point of laws when law enforcers don’t keep them?

Times Up/NWLC has the same PR company as “Its On Us,” which joined the NHCADSV with the #SurvivorsOverRatings to block ABC from airing the interview with Owen Labrie, which would have revealed the admissions from Prout’s attorney, who was introduced to them via Laura L Dunn, Esq., and Concord Police.

Had the interview aired, I believe that Concord Police would have been exposed for the “crooked deals” they were making with St Paul’s School. Crooked deals that were going on under your watch as AG for New Hampshire, who hired Julie Curtin and James McLaughlin for the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation, which the NHCADSV lobbied for. I know about one of those crooked deals because I was contacted by a target of one of them in Spring 2020. As a result of your careless, dangerous and lackadaisical grand jury criminal investigation into St Paul’s School, every member of that community and their families are vulnerable to have had their data unlawfully obtained and used against them – myself included.

The NHCADSV receives “pro bono” legal counsel from David Vicinanzo, your ex-partner at Nixon Peabody when you represented the Diocese of Manchester, which also relied on James F. McLaughlin’s investigations. Chuck Douglas filed dozens of the suits, just like he did with St Paul’s School and Dartmouth College.

Name one benefit to the public out of the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School? There isn’t one.

Name one benefit to the public out of the cover ups of extreme corruption in the NH Police Department, the YDC, the DCYF, the NHCADSV? There isn’t one.

Liars beget liars to cover for liars and to pay liars.

The agreement with St Paul’s School was announced by you within hours of Owen Labrie’s NH Supreme Court Appeals for which there were only three judges present because the other two recused themselves.

One wonders what those two judges knew about the extortion racket going on. The extortion racket which you endorsed by authorizing Julie Curtin to get files without warrants from St Paul’s School, to make cold calls to prospective “victims”, to train those for intercept calls to wealthy unsuspecting targets who would hire a local attorney and be told that if they paid up six figures, they could get the threat of charges to go away.

That’s blackmail. Blackmail that seems to be a business model stemming from the early days of James F McLaughlin’s practices as a sex crimes investigator in the 1980s.

Chessy Prout and her family never wanted the trial of Owen Labrie to happen, per her own account. They went along with what Julie Curtin told them to do. Julie Curtin lied on a sworn affidavit, and the NHCADSV acted as agents for the police and prosecutors by publishing tainted media before trial with ex parte comments from the prosecutor designed to influence judicial outcome – a violation of the rules of prosecutor conduct. You ordered a Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School so the NHCADSV could get a contract; so two corrupt compliance officers, former police officers, could get jobs paid for by St Paul’s School but serving the expansion and corrupt business of the NHCADSV.

Donald Sullivan came out of Alexandria Police Department where his last case, I am informed, apparently involved the framing of a man who discovered that police from another department had body cam footage from interviews with witnesses, which proved his innocence. The man was allegedly set up by Donald Sullivan’s “informant.”

Meanwhile, the NHCADSV used Donald Sullivan on school day afternoons to act as a bouncer at their office downtown and pretend he was an “off-duty police officer” when, in fact, he was under full-time contract with St Paul’s School as an “independent” compliance officer – as part of the settlement agreement you made in 2018. You and your media were all so fixated on the term “independent” before the compliance officer that it’s quite obvious there’s no independence whatsoever. An “Informant”, “snitch”, or “spy” officer would be a more accurate description.

If you all want money out of St. Paul’s, then go and ask for it honestly. It is the fifth largest employer in Concord.

If you want access to alumni information and data then ask for that honestly. Don’t have your minions go in and get the files without warrants or share the information with publicly elected officials unlawfully. It’s a private school, not a gold mine, to be plundered using bribery and blackmail.

For my own part, I am deeply disturbed at how my letter to the LEACT commission got intercepted, my and my family’s information unlawfully obtained, and then used against me by a fake social media address that set out to impersonate several, including Robin Melone, St Paul’s School and Times’ Up. The integrity of your office as AG was entirely lacking.

You/your office wrote to Little Brown in 2020 to complain about the chapters pertaining to Concord PD Julie Curtin and Officer Sean Ford in Lacy Crawford’s “Memoir” “Notes on A Silencing”. It was not “reckless” (as your office claimed) to include these chapters. It was “reckless” and unlawful for you to be endorsing and protecting police corruption for an extortion racket and to cover up violent, abusive, and dishonest police officers.

You weren’t qualified to become AG or Supreme Court Chief Justice (per State requisites for the post). Safety, integrity, and public interest have come in last under your leadership.


Claire Best Hawley

Subject: The Laurie List, Court, Police, Attorney, NGO Misconduct and You
Date: April 7, 2024 at 2:33:04 PM PDT

Editor: The original has been Lightly edited

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Did State Reps Know What They Were Voting For?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-09 12:00 +0000

This is an open letter to the 67 Republicans who voted with 152 Democrats to pass bills in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on March 28, 2024. Did you realize what you were voting for?

California has outlawed single-family neighborhoods and built scores of stack’n’pack rental housing. The result? Their housing prices are still among the highest in the nation and climbing higher still. We’ve seen just how much homelessness and crime exist in that state, as they are at the epicenter of flash mob thefts and street encampments seen in the news. Who remembers San Francisco’s “poop map“?

Bills such as HB 1291 and the slew of other bills that were passed in the House on March 28, 2024 or “Strong Towns” day as Rep Sweeney deemed it, will basically work to favor developers while ERADICATING neighborhoods that were previously single-family zoned, all across NH!

Rep Joe Sweeney, along with Reps Alexander, Yokela and Berry are all involved in the sponsorship of these bills.

Who or what is “Strong Towns“? The organization is a New Urbanist-aligned group whose mission is “ending the suburban experiment.” This includes pushing for an “End to Highway Expansion” and parking lots (aimed at discouraging car ownership) and promoting “Incremental Housing” (multi-unit) by right in any currently existing single-family zoned neighborhood.

We want to thank CNHT for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Who is NH Rep. Sweeney? NH Reps like Joe Sweeney and Rep. Joe Alexander are both proud graduates of the liberal far-left Carsey Institute of UNH – a program that promotes The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to which they have linked. This mission is stated on the front page of the Carsey Institute’s website.

“The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a touchstone for our faculty, staff, and students as we strive to make our communities more equitable and sustainable.”

So now you know on what philosophies the New Urbanism/Strong Towns agendas are based.

Our view:

– Is it the state’s purview to mandate housing? NO.
– Does this agenda benefit the taxpayers? NO.
– Is this agenda pro-family? NO.
– Is this agenda pro-middle class? NO.
– Should a political party’s platform reflect this agenda? NO.

Some of these bills seek to hand tax breaks to developers, sometimes allowing their projects to be free of property taxes for up to 7-10 years, or as SB 538 states, “tax on a qualifying structure shall not increase as a result of the substantial rehabilitation thereof or conversion from office, industrial, or commercial use to residential use.”

This tax burden is then shifted onto the homeowners in single-family neighborhoods.

If you make improvements to your home, would you be afforded the same? Hardly. Instead, your home would be assessed for an even higher amount and you would then be taxed accordingly.

These bills have provisions that not only favor developers and renters while taking the choice of living style away from 80% of all those surveyed who prefer single-family home ownership. Bills such as SB 538 shift the tax burden to homeowners thus making single-family homes even more scarce and more expensive!

SB 538 passed the Senate. It is now up to good Republicans to kill it in the HOUSE.

HB 1291, HB 1399, and HB 1361 (trailer parks?) passed the House with the help of these 67 Republicans. We can only hope the Senate will kill all of them before NH is turned into a rental nightmare.

You can accommodate renters all you want, but please don’t do it at the expense of the 80% of Americans who have aspired to or chosen to live in single-family homes.

The post Did State Reps Know What They Were Voting For? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Colin Van Ostern (a/k/a Yogurt Boy) Is Too WHITE And Too MALE To Represent CD-2

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-09 10:00 +0000

What do you get if you morph Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Gavin Newsom, and J.B. Pritzker? How about Colin Van Ostern … yet another WHITE MALE who talks the talk on DIVERSITY but does not walk the walk.

That is, it is other white males, NOT them, that need to lose out on a job, an appointment, a political office, etc. to make fill-in-the-blank more diverse. Rules for thee, but not for me. In other words, the hierarchy that has been the hallmark of real-world Communism.

If you believe in DEI, as the Yogurt-Boy says he does, then your position should be that we need LESS, not more, WHITE MALES in Congress. Simply put, the Yogurt-Boy, as far as we know, is a WHITE MALE and, therefore, should not be representing the progressive CD-2 when there are much more diverse candidates.

For example, the unhinged, abortion-transfixed wine-mom Becky Whitley. As far as we know, she is NOT a WHITE MALE, which in and of itself makes her far more qualified to represent the progressive CD-2. But she is WHITE. Why should the progressive CD-2 have to settle when there are much more “diverse” candidates who would make Congress stronger because, you know, diversity is our strength.

How about Damond Ford? He checks multiple boxes in today’s Democrat Party. He is NOT a WHITE MALE. He apparently sees racist white males nearly everywhere he looks (peruse his X and see my prior posts), and he appears to have a real problem with Israel (peruse his X and see my prior posts).

And there is also Alissandra Murray. Non-binary. The courage to call restricting girls’ sports to girls “hatred” and “segregation.” Does it get more diverse than that! Another far better choice than the Yogurt Boy or the unhinged wine-mom.

The post Colin Van Ostern (a/k/a Yogurt Boy) Is Too WHITE And Too MALE To Represent CD-2 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying a Cheap Custom Clothing Line

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-09 09:00 +0000

Every organization, whether it’s for profit or not, that uses clothing for various forms of business marketing and promotion is searching for a low-cost manufacturer that can produce the best clothing concerning both quality and functionality.

Choosing a clothing line that creates high-quality promotional clothing that effectively serves organizations’ needs amidst the multitude of options available on the market can be quite daunting. This article will give you a clear overview of how any business can find a cheap custom clothing line regardless of its intended use.

The Best Way to Spot a Cheap Custom Clothing Line

Here’s a step-by-step guide for identifying a cheap custom clothing line that benefits both profit-making and non-profit organizations.

Step 1: Research custom clothing materials

Organizations that are interested in identifying cheap custom clothing lines should start by investigating the different materials that are used in the manufacturing of custom clothing. This is significant because it provides organizations with information about the range of materials available to them. They also learn about each one’s features, which helps them get value for their money. To learn more about some high-quality materials used and their benefits for your business, see these helpful tips.

Step 2: Research production techniques

Every piece of custom apparel you see being used by companies has undergone a specific set of production processes. When you have multiple clothing line lists, knowing the different production techniques available will help you identify a cheap custom clothing line. Each one has particular benefits and drawbacks, and learning about them enables you to comprehend its characteristics. With this knowledge, you can choose the production methods that are most appropriate for your needs. You also have the option to choose cheap custom clothing made with the production methods that you prefer.

Step 3: Understand the material and production cost structure

Knowing the cost structure of the production process and the materials used are vital for evaluating your list of custom clothing lines and determining which ones are the least expensive. It not only enables you to comprehend how clothing lines determine their production fees, but it also supports you in making strategic financial plans and decisions. Your comprehension of these cost structures also aids in long-term sustainability, quality control, cost efficiency, effective budget management, and bargaining power. Make sure you conduct thorough research on the cost structure.

Step 4: Evaluate the clothing line’s cost structure

Comparing the production costs that reputable clothing brands have provided you with is the final step. You already know how to compare the cost structure of clothing lines because you are aware of the materials used and production costs. Make sure to compare the costs carefully and with diligence. You will be certain to find the cheap custom clothing line on your list if you proceed in this manner.


This article has examined the four easy steps that businesses and charitable organizations can take to identify cheap custom clothing lines. Make sure you adhere to the guidelines in this article all the way to the very end. 

The post A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying a Cheap Custom Clothing Line appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Joe Biden, Liar In Chief

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-09 02:00 +0000

I have tried to be respectful as I have been critical of Joe Biden and his Administration, but he has not earned that respect. It is time to call a spade a spade and be blatantly honest about the damage this feeble man and his crew have done to America and Americans.

If you had a friend or colleague who lied to you about every aspect of the relationship to favor their position, you would divorce yourself from that connection. Honesty is the cornerstone of every interaction; without that strong foundation, the relationship crumbles. There is nothing honest or sincere about Joe Biden or anyone in his circle, and he has the support of his Administration, Party, and the media in the personal shell game he plays with America.

Joe was in Baltimore on Friday to view the devastation of the Francis Scott Key Bridge and to tout the fake inflated job number reported this week. I qualify the report as fake because nearly every job number in the last three years has been revised down, sometimes by as much as 60%, in the following months. The initial high number is a front page or lead story and is only valuable for supporting Biden’s lie that “his” economy is booming. Nobody looks into the data or ever reports the subsequent revision. The lie lives as the truth is buried. Americans know by their wallet how bad this economy is, but let’s look at the facts.

Biden was correct in saying the March Job Number of 303,000 was amazing. “Today’s report marks a milestone in America’s comeback,” Biden said in a statement released by the White House Friday morning. People standing around him clapped and cheered, and the media echoed his story. His biggest lie was that America was again the manufacturing center of the world. He could not be more dishonest. In the graphic below, there was zero increase in Manufacturing jobs in March. There were, however, 71,000 new government jobs. 23% of the reported job growth is in manufactured government jobs. Another element omitted from the job report is lost jobs. 

Employers in the U.S. announced 90,309 job cuts in March — a 7% increase from February, according to data released Thursday from executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

That amount of planned layoffs marks the highest monthly total since January 2023, when employers announced 102,943 cuts. Companies are cutting jobs as a result of store closures, bankruptcies, organizational restructuring, or general cost-cutting, Challenger said.

Politicians use numbers to enhance their results, but the media usually works for us by fact-checking and telling us the truth. Not so with Biden. Biden has the media in his pocket, which makes Conservative blogs and podcasts so important. We have to identify the lies and expose the reality. I have about 200 posts before we elect our next President. I pledge to use them to shoot down Biden’s lies and put a spotlight on the facts. We must ensure Biden is retired in November, or our retirements will continue to be bleak.

The post Night Cap: Joe Biden, Liar In Chief appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Private Citizen Spectator’s Thoughts on Attorney Bolton’s Compensation.

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-09 00:00 +0000

With the Senate Judiciary hearing for the dastardly RTK Tax (HB 1002)scheduled for Tuesday and the remainder of Laurie Ortolano’s RTK suit against the City of Nashua set to resume on Wednesday, Attorney Bolton has been a squatter in my mind. I point readers unfamiliar with him to this video.

Keeping in mind that most of the readership is in the echo chamber, I will offer some talking points designed for sharing with the simpletons that sadly dominate the Nashua votership.  In a post-modern world of failing “Gov-Ed,” NTU, and Common Core, I will use loose numbers, and one can call it a mental “accommodation.”  Let’s get started.

Attorney Bolton is paid(meaning the PAYROLL part of his total compensation from the Nashua taxpayers) $110,000 a year.  There are 364.25 days in a calendar year.  Again, for people less skilled in math, if there were 1,000 days in a year, Attorney Bolton’s wages would amount to $1100/day, BUT stay with me here.

Again, with emphasis on making numbers easy, most people work five days a week.  Considering the average worker’s vacation time, sick time, holidays(which government employees get lots of), etc., let’s say that there are only 200 “work days.”  That’s 1/5 of 1,000.

If you’re feeling more conservative with numbers, another perspective to offer is that there are 52 weeks in a year, and that makes 260 “work days” before removing all kinds of paid time off, commonly known as PTO. Even lousy full-time jobs in most industries have more than 10 of them, but 250 is an easy number to work with also. That would be 1/4 of 1,000.

As Mr Rabideau, my photography teacher, would say, “Think halves and doubles” with regard to F-Stop and shutter speed.  Think of 1/5 and x5 the same way as reciprocals.  If Attorney Bolton is paid(wages) $110,000/year and only works 200 days, again keeping math easy, he is actually paid $220/day plus other forms of compensation.  Stay with me.

Attorney Bolton, whose title is “Corporation Counsel,” is too lazy(or insufficiently competent) to do his job, which includes the duty of representing the City in court.  As Laurie Ortolano noted in one of her recent articles, he retained(at the taxpayers’ expense) the big guns, including Attorney Hilliard and former Attorney General Foster.  With regard to just one particular case(Ortolano v. City of Nashua) on the arts center RTK, there have already been three days of court time in December.  Due to the willful running out of time, thanks to Hilliard et al., three more days are needed, making a total of six days in court, and that’s if nothing else “comes up.”

At $400/day(estimated total value of his compensation) and for six days on just ONE particular case, the City (um, the taxpayers) is paying Attorney Bolton roughly $2400 to just sit there at the “Dream Team Table” and just watch the activity like me, a spectator.  I use the words “Dream Team Table” because Laurie Ortolano, pro se, though an engineer and not a lawyer, is the Marcia Clark.  Employed at the City’s (um, the taxpayers’) expense for hundreds of thousands of dollars is Hilliard et al., who are the Shapiro, F Lee Bailey, Johnnie Cochran, Neufeld, and Scheck.  City Hall is the OJ Simpson, and the taxpayers(who are paying attention) are the national television viewers.

When the Laurie Ortolano haters accuse her of costing the city money, they’re dishing it out.  Make them “take it,” using the talking points I just said.

I am not a lawyer, just a local property tax tyranny victim and daughter of an accountant trying to present a “reality check” to fellow ordinary people.  The sales experts regularly preach “know your customer” in the same way that the Art of War says “know your enemy.”  Whether you’re considering the members of Senate Judiciary, the whole senate, or fellow Nashua voters, subsets of each mentioned group might be either your CUSTOMER(such as senators presently undecided on HB 1002), your ENEMY(such as sympathizers of the mayor and his ilk, including Attorney Bolton) or a combination of both.

You, the reader, are at their podium, and they are your audience. “What’s the point of what I’m saying?” one might ask. The answer is that small things often appeal to small minds. Likewise, a message delivered in a simplified package will likely appeal to a simple-minded recipient. Now, get out there and share the message. And don’t forget to register your OPPOSITION to HB 1002 in the NH dot gov portal by Tuesday.

The post A Private Citizen Spectator’s Thoughts on Attorney Bolton’s Compensation. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If It Quacks Like a Duck

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-08 22:00 +0000

Just from personal observations, this issue somehow has more legs than a caterpillar and continues to steamroll our society while its hyped-up humanitarian excuse masks its inherent depravity.

In fact, this view connects with other similar issues, all of which tend to feed into their broad-based objective of reducing the world’s population—and it kicks off right here in the land of the free!

These issues begin with this recent need to change the gender of a child who has recently reached school age. Needless to say, if a grown-up saw one that young smoking a cigarette, it would greatly upset and startle. Yet somehow, this gruesome and evil program, which is being administered at our grade school levels, has somehow neutered any public rebuke, or at least none is being reported. If allowed to continue, a percentage of Americans will never contribute to their particular ‘family tree.”

Think back and recall; not that it’s a common routine, but there are instances of children playing when, occasionally, one would try on the clothes of their playmates who were the opposite sex. It’s called childhood innocence, playing/fooling around, even curiosity, but it’s only a momentary pastime; no way does it continue!

However, given the normalcy of curiosity during a child’s vulnerable early youth opens the door for school officials to ask, in a most leading and enticing manner, whether one would like to be of another sex. Considering what nature has in store for our younger ladies, this possible change may hold some interest, especially at a time when young minds are not fully able to grasp and analyze properly.

Returning to that overall goal of population reduction, how many millions of American babies have never been? So far, with totals of sixty million plus abortions, this population problem is being seriously addressed. Now, couple the numbers with the recent hike in gender-transforming procedures. As both address this inhuman goal, these procedures approach from opposite directions and tend to disassociate and mask the brutality. What is needed is to connect both the before and after-birth remedies, which are one and the same, given what both serve.

Consider a seemingly isolated issue: What all the people of the world require the most is food! America is often called ‘the world’s breadbasket’, and rightly so since she is famous for offsetting the world’s hunger. So, what do you do when this need for population control is so demanding? Short of detonating or otherwise destroying America’s vast farmlands, the next best option is to acquire and then control that acreage! Guess what has been happening? And the new land owner happens to be Red China!

Call me a skeptic, a radical, or just an old man with a wild imagination, but how come all this dovetails into a neat package? And it’s our enemies who are doing the wrapping! Yes, enemies, as in Red China!

This may be a turnoff, but stick around for some common sense. If one intended to destroy this last bastion of freedom, which is still America, the enemy would not deviate one iota from what good old “Uncle Joe” is currently implementing! Thus, the term enemy!

Heaven forbid we should discard our political loyalties long enough to care for what was our Blessings at birth: God, Country, and our Constitution, all of which ‘Uncle Joe” has defiantly and repeatedly forsaken! The bottom line for all of us is that we are declining, and the rate is quickening due to a certain day in November.

If the above assaults upon our people aren’t compelling enough, how is it that this compassionate ‘adult in the room’ has increased this ongoing invasion flow by initiating commercial air flights into our country? In addition to wide open borders remaining wide open so as to amass the cartel’s profit margins from funneling sex and slave labor, along with providing instant death to the tens of thousands who, each year, as they knowingly or not consume fentanyl! The consistency of these Red China imports astounds, but mainly due to our lack of any condemnation. First Covid, and now with this wonder drug!


The post If It Quacks Like a Duck appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dartmouth Health Ignores the Evidence

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-08 20:00 +0000

A recent op-ed “Truth about gender-affirming care for NH youth from Dartmouth Health Children’s” assures us Dartmouth’s practices are grounded in “evidence-based treatment protocols.” 

But authors Dr. Francis-Lim Liberty, head of the pediatric transgender program, and colleagues Dr. Keith Loud and Jessica Smith, don’t bother to provide that evidence. They also don’t explain how it led them to such different conclusions than France, England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland whose health agencies have either restricted puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors or issued stern warnings about their dangers.

Medical experts in Sweden combed through 9,934 abstracts, assessed the quality of the relevant research, and concluded that “hormonal treatment of gender dysphoria in this age group should be regarded as experimental treatment rather than standard procedure.” 

The National Health Service England all but banned the use of puberty blockers last month. They have also restricted cross-sex hormones to clinical research settings after systematic reviews showed no sound evidence these treatments improved mental health. Their statement explains:

We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of [puberty blockers] to make the treatments routinely available at this time.

Dartmouth Health has testified that puberty blockers are safe and reversible. Combined with cross-sex hormones, they’re supposedly life-saving care. But no one knows the long-term effects of puberty blockers. There is evidence that they cause bone loss and lower IQ. A new study from the Mayo Clinic shows that puberty blockers cause mild to severe atrophy to boys’ sex glands.

Related: Trans or Die: The Ideological Blindness of a Dartmouth Health Endocrinologist

Far from being a “pause button,” almost every child who takes puberty blockers moves on to cross-sex hormones. Effects of cross-sex hormones include painful genital growth and atrophy of the reproductive and urinary systems. They also raise the risk of heart disease and cancer.

“Policies that are based on opinion and confusion rather than science or facts are not good for anyone,” Dartmouth Health asserts. Fair enough. Instead of giving us blanket assurances and citing the authority of major medical associations, why doesn’t Dartmouth Health share the evidence that supports its practices? Better yet, why don’t they share their own aggregate data regarding how these treatments affect their own patients’ cognitive ability and physical and emotional health?

The post Dartmouth Health Ignores the Evidence appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Going On Vacation, Leave Cookies For Squatters

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-08 18:00 +0000

How is this even a story in America? Have we lost every semblance of common sense that we can no longer distinguish between right and wrong at face value? Have we become so divisive that we must pick sides no matter how simplistic the situation is? Has society become so confused by victimhood that we no longer know what is legal or not?

In today’s America, if you are fortunate enough to enjoy an extended vacation or have a second home, you must consider the security of your property in your absence. You must have a 24/7 security system or schedule someone to check your residence frequently to ensure unwanted guests have not moved in during your absence. Not long ago, it was enough to lock the doors, but not in this WOKE, insane world that has taken over reality and common sense.

What used to be called a break-in or home invasion is now called Squatting, and the criminals are reclassified as Squatters. In the era of victimhood, squatters need shelter and are entitled to the shelter that you have. In some cities and states, these squatters are given more rights under the law than you do as the legal owner. You not only left your home, but you unknowingly put out the vacancy sign. These squatters simply saw an opportunity and acted on it. You have no right to make them leave. Did I say this is insane? (Grammarly just told me “insane” is insensitive. That’s the problem. We need to be less sensitive and call it as we see it).

It is not a coincidence that the incidents of Squatting have increased exponentially with the opening of the southern border. America was already experiencing a housing shortage. The conversion of apartments to condos has proven more profitable and stable for developers or owners but is frustrating for young adults looking for their first residence. Homeownership used to be a reality for most people, but it is becoming attainable only for the upper class. This scenario is a sad reality for Americans, and now, with three million illegal migrants needing places to stay, we have achieved critical mass with housing opportunities.

Unfortunately, we need new laws to protect people from the system that has abandoned them. In Liberal cities like New York, Chicago, or Baltimore, the legal system favors the Squatters, and homeowners are left to find alternative housing and spend unnecessary sums of money for legal assistance to regain entry into their own property. I’m sorry, did I say this is insane?

To add insult to injury, the properties have been destroyed when the Squatters are finally removed, and the owners are allowed to return to their homes. It is not enough for Squatters to live illegally in someone’s home. They must trash it. It may be insensitive to say it, but these Squatters are not human. They know they are breaking the law, but then they must destroy someone’s belongings out of disrespect or envy.

We are complicit that Squatting exists. By allowing our Justice System to be soft on crime, we are facilitating the breakdown of society. We set offenders free as businesses and people flee metropolitan areas for safer suburbs. But that is putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. This problem will swell into the burbs if left unchecked. It is up to us to fight back against this Progressive agenda that wants to destroy America and get people back into office who understand right and wrong and love America. The clock is ticking, and it is time we become warriors and not observers. If we want to retain our rights and this great country, we must be willing to take the steps to hold it.

The post Going On Vacation, Leave Cookies For Squatters appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-08 16:00 +0000

Monday, Monday, can’t trust that day…

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***







I’d call this Level 11 mocking.  Of us, and of the legal system.  Now, of course, he’s bought off the latter and wants to kill off most of the former.





I’ve been saying, for years, that the world is stacked with piles of dry tinder, that they’re all connected, and there are people playing with matches.  I fear that when one goes, they’ll all ignite.  Alas.  And this has nothing to do with any one nation; TPTB want WWIII to depopulate and to hide the coming Jab-pocalypse (see link section below about the virologist prediction… that and the cancers that are accelerating).  What better way to hide those than with a “good” world war?







But of course we’ll vote them out in 2024.  TINVOWOOT.

Having said that, assuming there is an election in November I WILL VOTE.  But I do not seriously expect anything except more fraud.





Yet another tragic and completely unnecessary death to be laid at Biden’s feet.



The poisonous hate this man has for America…




I was talking to my elderly, Holocaust-generation cousin.  She absolutely is still terrified of Covid and doesn’t go out much because of that fear.  And, of course, whatever is on the enemedia she believes implicitly.  It’s simply beyond her comprehension that the news could lie to her, or that the government is anything but benevolent.





Men and women of FAITH.  Like I said here:

In 1776 brave men pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for the sake of freedom. Give me men and women of that character, that caliber – willing to take a stand, to fight whether by words or more.

Give me men – and women – like these. People who believe in LIBERTY, in FREEDOM, and the Constitution.



More than once I’ve commented that the novels 1984, Brave New World, and others were warnings… but they’re being used as manuals.







Well done.



The comment is priceless.



Socialistopia’s foundation:




This was, actually, one of the milestones in my Wait one damn minute! waking up to the fact something was terribly awry.  That, plus the omerta against mentioning ANY possible early treatment and the mantra “We’ll just have to wait for the vaccine”… plus a few other data points… were instrumental in my saying that if they’re pushing it THIS HARD, something’s wrong.




Doubtless all up to date on their Jabs too.  Go get boosted again… and take choline supplements for a month beforehand.







Definitely weird.







The curve will only accelerate.  At a trillion dollars in new debt every 100 days, and over a trillion just in interest payments this year?  Weimar, here we come.






I have ZERO DOUBT that every illegal capable of bearing a child is hard at work getting preggers to crank out an anchor baby.  My essay on birthright and more from my old blog:


E Birthright Citizenship Immigration and Voting





When SHTF I fully expect a pilgrimage to my house for food, guns, ammo, etc.











All those SJWs advocating for a minimum wage hike will have to eat layoffs.  And all the people looking forward to their raises will see their “pink slips” and then wonder why their good intentions backfired.  What’s that hue and cry?  “Why didn’t you warn us”?





Slip-Sliding Towards Hell with a Good Conscience – Granite Grok




Yes and no.  In a sane world it would.  IMHO – and I take no joy in this, nor do I await it with any enthusiasm whatsoever because I DO NOT WANT VIOLENCE – I think it will take dragging those responsible out from their oak paneled offices and mansions and stringing them up.

Again, I don’t want this.  I don’t.  But:




A little dated, but… YES!










Control the information flow, control what people believe.










Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a world respected virologist is warning about the long term effects of being “highly vaccinated”.  Long story short:  If you have all shots & boosters, you should be getting your worldly affairs in order ASAP.  And for the rest of us, we need to prepare for the chaos that will follow when millions start dying.:

Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning: “Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent” | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

I’ve said before, I don’t want this to happen – with a few notable exceptions.  And while the timing seems to be off, I cited Vanden Bossche here:

Depopulation Speculations

Something to think about:  What good is being trained for combat, fully armed, prepped and ready, when a drone can find you and kill you in 10 minutes (or less) after it’s released, day or night?  For those who are considering fighting The Powers That Be in the upcoming civil war, I hope you have bunkers dug deep, because to a drone, anyone on the surface is a target (and probably toast).  Drones are cheap (compared to a trained and equipped soldier), and don’t require medical attention, sleep, pay, or even a military pension.  Expect the government to buy millions of them (with our money of course):

Bayou Renaissance Man: On today’s battlefield, soldiers are an endangered species

American citizens are being replaced by people who are more likely to vote Democrat.  The millions of illegals who have been allowed into this country by Slo-Joe are now registering to vote:

Registering Our Replacements to Vote in Federal Elections? (


Looks Like Payback: DHS Targets Texas, Florida with Secret Migrant Flights – HotAir

And it looks like the illegals are getting most of the new jobs, while American citizen are put out to pasture:

A group of “Jew haters” have taken over a park in New York City and are making “demands”.  Personally, I say if that’s the way you want to play it, block ALL traffic in OR out, and let them starve:

The “gifted & talented” programs are being shut down because of “equity”:  Understand:  They don’t want SMART kids, they want ones that will accept the narrative.

Moonbattery Seattle Schools Shut Down Gifted Programs Because Equity – Moonbattery

Wasn’t there a Vonnegut story about everyone being handicapped so that all were equal?

TL Davis with a great article about how the corruption in our government IS treason, and should be dealt with the same AS treason:

Corruption Is Treason – by T.L. Davis (

The esteemed Victor Davis Hanson:

Victor Davis Hanson on X: “Why Are They Destroying Us? If someone wished to destroy America, could he do anything more catastrophic than what we currently see and hear each day? What would an existential enemy do that we have not already done to ourselves? Here are eleven now familiar steps to…” / X (

No wonder why the FBI wanted Ashley Biden’s diary back (and why they raided Project Veritas in the wee hours of the morning).  Turns out it was REAL, and Joe Biden really DID shower with his daughter when she was a young teen (and who knows what else).  So our current pResident is a perv!:

Feds ADMIT Ashley Biden ‘Inappropriate Showers with Dad’ Diary REAL! – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips

That The Potato is a pedo is, IMHO, not questionable at this point.  What scares me is that so many don’t see this as a deal-breaker.

EPA Allows Highly Toxic Weedkiller on Food Crops — But Not Golf Courses • Children’s Health Defense (

Why, it’s like they really want us dead.  (HT Surak)

Nearly 1,000 Popular Consumer Products Contain Carcinogenic Estrogens • Children’s Health Defense (

Dr. Martin presents the documents proving finally the Vatican is the force behind the great cull . (

Video, about 50 minutes.  He tends to bring receipts, but… damn, I don’t want to believe this.

BOMBSHELL – Pandemic of the vaccinated (

Do you remember when world leaders were fear mongering about a ”pandemic of the unvaccinated” and that last year there would be a horrible winter for them?

Well, it now looks like the OPPOSITE is happening. The vaccinated are the ones that are getting infected and dying with covid. And not only that, we are seeing crazy high levels of excess mortality that appears to be unrelated to covid.

Remember when they said that the mRNA shots would protect people from being hospitalized? Well, just like with everything else they said, it turns out that was a lie.

Even worse, it seems to be that the more boosters people have had, the more they are in hospital.

Lots more at the article.

Two posts on the potential for bad things to happen with open borders (among other topics):

Glazov Gang: Oct 7th Coming to the USA? | Frontpage Mag

Glazov Gang: How America is Being Invaded, Softened and Destroyed | Frontpage Mag

And more on the invasion:

America Is Going to Be Targeted for a Massive Terrorist Attack…Will You Be Ready? (

Yes, the coming terrorist attacks will primarily come in the blue states. Those are the places that ensure that the citizens are vulnerable. But the ruling class won’t necessarily escape it as they are used to escaping the consequences of their other crimes. We will see the right to keep and bear arms protected only when our elites realize that they need to protect themselves, and that their security guards and their cops are not enough. But that’s going to mean heaps of dead before it happens. Remember that our ruling class would rather you be murdered by criminals or terrorists than have the ability to defend yourself against them … or against the elite itself, which is really its problem with American citizens keeping and bearing arms.

US preparing for ‘significant’ attack from Iran expected within one week – Washington Examiner

This attack will likely be on Israel, but given what we know and – more broadly – suspect about terror cells here, with more coming, those attacks are likely to be on US soil as well.  And terror is not all that’s coming across the border:

Tuberculosis outbreak at Chicago migrant shelters sparks urgent contact tracing as officials say a FIFTH of Latin American arrivals carry the disease | Daily Mail Online

Trans Activists Debate on Redditt: Which is Better to Further Their Political Cause- Committing Mass Suicide or Mass Genocide of ‘Cis’ People | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Every time I think the trannies can get more batguano crazy, they exceed themselves.

Body Identity Integrity Disorder: Doctor Amputates Man’s Healthy Fingers | National Review

Heinlein’s crazy years.

You Now Need A Government License To Own A Chicken… (NO JOKE!) 6 Months Prison Sentence!!! – YouTube

War on independence.  In the UK, with The Potato doubtless being told by his handlers this is a good idea.  Especially with the dangerous bird flu coming.

Why Are Virginia Dems Working So Hard To Ban Election Audits? (

As Aesop said years ago (italics replaced by underlining, bolding added):

If Palpatine and Jar Jar won, the Leftards should welcome honest audits and recounts, the better to take another victory lap, while rubbing the Right’s noses in the Left’s inevitable march to the throne room of power. People who’ve actually scored a touchdown don’t bitch about re-watching the video that proves it. It’s that simple.

You can run the tape back and forth, and if the feet are inbounds, and the ball is in control, it’s a touchdown time after time after time.

So when one team’s coaches, and half the fans in the stadium, boo and catcall the replay, and start agitating loudly to ignore it and just call the touchdown without looking at that pesky video replay, you know they didn’t score, and you know they know they didn’t score, so all their histrionics and hissyfits beforehand and afterwards is just them being pissed that they lost, refusing to admit it, even to themselves, and terror at having their noses rubbed in you seeing it with your own lying eyes, on a 50′ tall jumbotron, in front of millions of eyewitnesses.




Pick of the post:



Civilizational collapse incoming.  When the sheepdogs give up, your society is doomed.

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 1) – Urban Scoop

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 2) – Urban Scoop

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 3) – Urban Scoop




Palate Cleansers:





Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho … Jo(k)e Sweeney Has Got To Go

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-08 14:00 +0000

Read the comments to Jo(k)e Sweeney’s Manifesto attempting to rationalize the outlawing of single-family zoning (the very “big government” approach to governance that he claims to oppose). It is undeniable from the comments that Jo(k)e does NOT represent real Republicans. So he should NOT be part of House GOP leadership.

But do NOT hold your breath waiting for that to happen. The GOP Majority Leader is a Libertarian. He voted with Jo(k)e Sweeney to outlaw single family zoning and turn New Hampshire into an endless sea of  “ADUs” (accessory dwelling units … in plain English, creating a “right” to build up to two “accessory dwelling units” on what was a single family lot), interspersed with large apartment complexes (“workforce housing” “multifamily housing”).

The bottom line: real Republicans are NOT represented by the NHGOP. Libertarians are running the NHGOP in the House, while the “Republican” Governor is more Democrat than Republican, while in the State Senate, the NHGOP leader is Jeb Bradley, who was considered one of the most liberal Republican State Reps when he served in the House. Perhaps the dysfunctionality of the NHGOP is part of the reason why Democrats and NOT Republicans have been moving to New Hampshire, and vice versa?

The post Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho … Jo(k)e Sweeney Has Got To Go appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Comment of the Week Is Back!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-08 12:00 +0000

After some thought and a month away from the thing, I’ve decided to bring the comment of the week back with a prize to whoever gets chosen. It is true that the last few winners never reached out to get their free goody, but that’s not a good enough reason to scrap it.

While we ran the award, the engagement was excellent. It’s tailed off a bit, and that’s disappointing. Debate is what we’re all about. I observed some excellent and often extensive debates that uncovered plenty of interesting opinions and analyses. If offering a free gift as an incentive encourages that, I’m all in.

Beginning today, we are rebooting the Comment of the Week award.

This new iteration will attempt to do things a bit differently. I will try my best to pick one comment each day (a comment of the day).

Beginning on Monday morning, the 15th (Tax Day!), the Grok will publish the daily selections, and you, dear readers and commenters, will have two days to vote for that week’s winner.

We will announce the winner on Wednesday Morning and ask them to contact me so I can send them some Grok gear as a reward.

The good news is that I’ve got enough “stuff” on hand to run this for at least the next 24 weeks. With your assistance, we will have not just great comments but two dozen winners. When September rolls around, we’ll consider extending it to the end of the year.

Good luck to everyone and let’s get commenting!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DEI to be Rebranded as BRIDGE

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-08 10:00 +0000

It’s common for education reformers to change the names of fads that fail children in public schools. Mastery Learning became Outcome-Based Education (OBE). OBE failed, so they rebranded it into Competency-Based Education or Proficiency-Based Education. None of this helps students academically, so when parents figure it out, they put pressure on schools to abandon it.

That will become a tougher task now that much of this is enshrined in New Hampshire Law.

It should come as no surprise that DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) has become another failed fad. That would explain the need to change the name –so parents will be fooled.

DEI will now be rebranded and called BRIDGE.  “BRIDGE (Benchmarking Race, Inclusion, and Diversity in Global Engagement)” is a replacement program for DEI as DEI becomes another failed education fad.

All state legislation targeting DEI should also exclude rebrands like BRIDGE.

A pivot has already been planned as a way to move away from DEI towards Bridging and Belonging.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Good Hate, Bad Love

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-08 02:00 +0000

“Love” is considered a virtue, while “hate” is considered a vice. But not all forms of love are good, and not all hates are bad. If you love to set buildings on fire, molest children, or steal, these are obviously bad loves. If you hate racism, sexism, or injustices of all sorts, then these are good hates.

Time and again, in response to exposing Islam for what it is, Islamists retort by calling me a hatemonger instead of refuting my assertions.

Hence, I am bringing my case to the fair-minded public to judge. I disapprove a great deal about Islam, its founder, its theology, and the crimes it has perpetrated throughout its history, past and present.

Islam is the creation of one man, Muhammad. The man claimed he was visited many times by jinns. He also claimed that the angel Gabriel commissioned him as the emissary of the Lord of the Lords, the one and only creator of the entire universe, Allah.

Muhammad was ridiculed for reporting his nonsensical revelations (hallucinations) from Allah as an “insane poet.” His own people, the Quraysh, custodians of the idolatry of Mecca, eventually laughed Muhammad out of town. Yet, the illiterate Muhammad persisted in his claim and revealed the Quran in bits and pieces over some twenty years.

Islam’s rules of conduct, as encapsulated in the Sharia, are based on the Quran and the life of the Prophet himself. Even a cursory examination of the Quran clearly demonstrates its confused verbiage, contradictions, and primitive provisions that can hardly be word-for-word dictates of the one and only all-knowing and all-wise creator of the universe, as Muhammad claimed and Muslims blindly believe. The Quran and the Sharia are nothing more than the products of the thinking and way of life of the

Arabian Peninsula of long ago, with sprinklings from the Torah and the New Testament.

Islam considers itself the only and final valid religion. It allows a bit of tolerance for the “people of the book,” Jews and Christians, and none for billions of others with different religions or no religion at all.

Islam is a cult and not a religion. It meets all the criteria of cultism by imprisoning its adherents, dictating to them every detail of their lives, and condemning any member to the death of apostasy for daring to leave its fold.

So, here is a short list of Islamic beliefs and practices I abhor. In my view, it is good to hate them and demonic to love them.

* Islam has a caste system with the male believer on top, the female believer next in rank, followed by the male slave believer, and finally, the female slave believer. I reject slavery, as well as stratifying people, and firmly believe in equality for all.

* Islam is a misogynist cult where women are chattel. “Al-rejalo ghavamoon ala-alnesa,” men are rulers of women, asserts the Quran — one of hundreds of Islamic rulings that relegate women to subservience by virtue of their gender. Men are allowed four regular wives and numberless temporary ones, while any woman having a liaison with another man is automatically condemned to death by stoning.

* Education is a sin for the true believers, particularly for women. It is in eradicating this sin that the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan have systematically destroyed thousands of schools. To keep females away from schools, true believers raze schoolhouses to the ground and splash acid on the faces of the females daring to head for school.

* Freedom in all its forms, highly prized by free people, is taboo in Islam. The duty of the true believer is to surrender his humanness completely and will to the will of Allah as required in the Quran and dictated by the clergy.

* Islam’s justice system itself is criminal. Just a few examples should suffice here. In the court of law, a woman’s testimony counts as one-half of that of a man; the due process is either absent or perfunctory; thieves are subjected to amputation of limbs; minors and homosexuals are executed; adulterers are stoned to death; apostates are executed, and the families of the victims are forced to pay for the bullets that murdered their loved ones.

* Under Islam, collusion between the mosque and the state makes for the dehumanization of the citizenry. Any and all oppositions, be they religious, political, or otherwise, are brutally suppressed. The Islamic Republic of Iran, for instance, carried out summary execution of tens of thousands of opposition and dumped their bodies in mass graves in Khavaran, outside of Tehran, without even allowing the families of the victims to perform the burial rite.

* Islam’s war is not limited to the living. Anything and everything that is non-Islamic is systematically subjected to elimination and destruction. Just two examples: the Buddha statues in Bamyan were dynamited by the Taliban of Afghanistan, while the cemeteries of the Baha’is in Iran were bulldozed by the Islamic Republic’s thugs.

* Islamic clerics believe it their right to execute people they consider heretics and place bounties on the heads of those their bloody hands cannot reach. Salman Rushdie is one of the widely known cases.

* Slaveholder Islam is not content to limit its inhuman barbaric system to its traditional homelands. It has penetrated millions of adherents throughout Europe, America, and much of the world. Many of the new arrivals from the failed Islamic states do not realize that it is Islam that is the root cause of their centuries of backwardness and misery. These imprinted-from-birth Muslims are robots who are programmed to do all they can in obedience to the dictates of Muhammad’s Mein Kempf, the Quran (My Ummah).

Beliefs are the impetus to action. Islamic belief is the cause of the misery visited upon Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Islam’s dogma is anathema to every provision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

If you love the Islamic terror manual, the Quran, and what it perpetrates, that’s bad love. If you hate all the terrible things that Islam advocates and carries out, that’s good hate.

Muslims, the world over, must make a Herculean effort to de-program themselves of the barbaric ideology of Islam; the free people should assist the Muslims in this endeavor, and together, we can all embrace the promptings of good hate and reject the dictates of bad love.

The post Night Cap: Good Hate, Bad Love appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

G.E.T. R.E.A.L! – E: Education Reform

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-08 00:00 +0000

Vermont’s K-12 public education system is broken. When Vermont passed Act 60 in 1997, our schools consistently performed in the top five nationwide. Since then, spending has exploded while student counts have dropped from 106,000 kids to less than 80,000, and test scores have been steadily falling for the past decade and a half.

The results, or lack thereof, speak for themselves in the latest NEAP (a.k.a. the National Report Card) scores that show dramatic declines in math and reading throughout the system. These include a 4-point decline in reading and a 9-point decline in mathematics. Compared to the 2012-13 school year full a decade earlier — well before Covid began in 2020, so that’s not a valid excuse — we see a decline of 7 points in reading and 14 in math.

While there are certainly many factors involved in student outcomes, we can’t dismiss the fact that increasingly, our public schools have become hyper-politicized with issues such as climate change, critical race theory, gender and sexuality, and anti-second amendment rights taking on a higher priority for faculty and staff than the core subjects of math, reading, writing, and science. As we write this, Outright Vermont and the Racial Justice Alliance of Montpelier High School are organizing a “School Walkout for Palestine” on March 27, which is sure to be more fun than taking geography class about where Israel and Gaza appear on a map.

We want to thank Bill Huff for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

With this kind of behavior and culture – disrupting class and disrespecting and degrading the learning process through temper-tantrum political activism – not just tolerated but encouraged by faculty and staff, not to mention our majority political class, is it any wonder that discipline of any kind in the classroom is deteriorating to the detriment of not just learning but also student safety? The politicization of education is damaging our children in very real ways.

And what about the mental health crisis? Beyond the falling test scores, is it any surprise that when the focus of a child’s eight-hours-a-day, five-days-a-week public school experience is a constant message that the planet is on fire, your country is evil, everyone’s a racist or a victim of oppression, you may be a boy trapped in a girl’s body or vice versa, and the adults in charge don’t care about the future we’re going to leave you that we are witnessing increased mental health issues in our young people, manifesting in higher rates of depression, addiction, and suicide? The politicization of education is damaging our children in very real ways.

Seven Days recently ran an in-depth article, Too Many Vermont Kids Struggle to Read. What Went Wrong, which explained how Vermont’s public schools have been using a trendy but totally ineffective method of teaching reading for over a generation. How did this happen? The article explains, “…the politicization of literacy — with phonics often being thought of as a Republican cause — is one reason that scientific knowledge about reading hasn’t been put into practice widely.”

Again, the politicization of education is damaging our children in very real ways. So, Vermonters need to get real about the damage this approach to education is having, who is behind it, and how to fix it.

First and foremost, we need to get politics out of the classroom and restore a culture of academic excellence in core subjects: math, reading, writing, history, and the sciences. We need to get back to teaching our kids how to think, not what to think. And we need to restore discipline and mutual respect to the classrooms, hallways, cafeterias, and faculty lounges.

To this end, the legislature should repeal every curriculum mandate not associated with those core subjects and discourage via its power of the purse any public school activities that abuse the captive audience status of children in school to promote or oppose partisan political agendas. We need to give teachers the tools they need to establish and maintain discipline in the classrooms and hallways. We need to support students who excel academically just as we need to support those who need extra help.

All of these unacceptable results come despite increased spending year after year, and the escalating property taxes to fund those increases topped off by this year’s surreal 20 percent average property tax increase. (If there has been a more vivid “Get Real” moment than that, we don’t know it!) This is as unsustainable as it is irresponsible, and we will discuss education finance reform in a future GET REAL essay focused on Affordability.

Bill Huff, Orange County Republican Committee chair, on behalf of all the Republican County Committee chairs.

G.E.T. R.E.A.L. is a solemn promise and a positive path forward for our state by Vermont Republicans focused on improving the quality of life of our people. It is a prescription of policy proposals, and this is the third in a series of essays explaining the program.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Daily Mail Report Looks Like a “List” of US States You Should Get the Hell Out Of …

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-04-07 22:00 +0000

Perhaps without intending to, a recent article in the UK Daily Mail reported on a list of states that Real Americans need to either take back now or make plans to exit soon!

That’s how the Daily Mail framed it, but perhaps it should have.

According to personal finance site Money, California was the first state to adopt the Advanced Clean Cars II rule, which will put a complete ban to new sales of gas-powered cars by 2035.

Plans in the state, which is run by governor Gavin Newsom, specify that 35 percent of all new car sales will need to be zero-emission by 2026, rising to 68 percent by 2030.

Rhode Island was the most recent state to join the list of states pledging to ban the sale of gas-powered cars, joining Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Washington.

WherWhere’smont? Those tin-foil-hat descendants of weed-smoking climate-hippies signed up for left-coast Emissions goals. They are so committed that mobs of actual constituents can shoppose their plans, and the legislature ignores them. And they are serious. The only thing capable of knocking them off the climate altar is elections. Voters need to find some sanity at the ballot box and get a majority of sensible people to say, “Jan! Stop this crazy thing.”

If that’s an option, you might want to think about selling the family farm and moving to the right and into the yellow and red parts of the ideological electromagnetic spectrum. Related: VermVermont’sb (and Unconstitutional) Bill to Fine Big Oil for “EmisSions”

Yes, you will be able to keep your combustion engine vehicle for now. Previously enjoyed fuel-powered vehicles will not be banned. But no new ones and used ones will be impossibly expensive (given how much they cost now) and difficult to acquire—another privilege reserved for wealthy “colLectors.” And you can bet they will be coming for those, too, all despite an industry-wide admission that EVs are unreliable and customers don’t like them (two years in a row).

The survey reveals that, on average, EVs from the past three model years had 79 percent more problems than conventional cars. Based on owner responses on more than 330,000 vehicles, the survey covers 20 potential problem areas, including engine, transmission, electric motors, leaks, and infotainment systems.

I’d like to think that consumer demand will prevail, but the Climate Cult doesn’t take no for an answer. Biden’s federal mandate targets are set to  2032, with these states saying they will go battery vehicles or bust by 2035. If voters can’t find a way around the vote fraud or – as in many of these mostly rural states, states convince urban area voters Democrat politicians are bad for their lifestyle too – you are going to have to vote with your feet.

I did that in 1990 when I left western New York for New Hampshire. It was cigarette and beer taxes back then and look at New York State now. And while I love New Hampshire, if Democrats get even one session with a majority legislature and Democrat governor, they will immediately undo every good thing we’ve struggled for years to attain.

One session. All of it. Goodbye.

Republicans seem incapable of this kind of immediate action, and to many refuse to lean from the left. Democrats don’t run on raising taxes and ruining the economy. They run on reducing taxes, even though there is no example that they have ever done it, nor is their agenda capable of anything but tax hikes. They run on women’s health care when they could care less about the health and safety of women. Public safety? It is a bad joke, but everyone keeps laughing when they are the DemoDemocrat’schline.

We need a ballot box revolution. Numbers that are so huge they can’t be erased by “irregularities.” But you can’t just vote Dems out of office. You have to keep them out and then do what they do. Do what Florida did. Remove barriers to freedom and individual liberty and support the candidates who do that.

Or, do nothing, and before long, we won’t even be able to afford a car or truck to escape the blue-state hells we are trapped in, assuming they’d let us leave.


The post Daily Mail Report Looks Like a “List” of US States You Should Get the Hell Out Of … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No Jo(k)e … Outlawing Single-Family Housing Will Drive What Remains Of Real Republicans Out Of New Hampshire

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-04-07 20:00 +0000

The NHGOP is a noxious, dysfunctional amalgam of Rockefeller Republicans (or RINOs, if you prefer), Corporatists, Koch-bots, Free-Staters (or libertarians choosing to run for political office as Republicans, if you prefer), and a shrinking number of real Republicans.

Outlawing single-family housing, one of the goals of imposter-Republican Koch-bots like Jo(k)e Sweeney and Ross Berry, would further shrink the number of real Republicans.

Sometimes it is the person who raises the Bible the most who practices what he preaches the least. According to Jo(k)e Sweeney single-family zoning is anti-Biblical. I kid you not:

This principle, supported by libertarian thought and the teachings of the Bible, underscores the sanctity of private property rights. …Let us not be swayed by those who bear false witness against prosperity. My Bible teaches me the value of truth and the importance of bearing witness to it.

Who knew! Single-family zoning is the work of the Devil. And, as a corollary, those who seek to turn single-family zoned neighborhoods into a sea of “accessory dwelling units” (in effect turning every single-family lot into a three-unit apartment-complex), such as Jo(k)e Sweeney, are doing God’s work!

And this is just some of the pretentiousness in Jo(k)e Sweeney’s Manifesto. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke would, according to Jo(k)e, see single-family zoning as the antithesis of freedom. Yeah, right … you bought a single-family home in a neighborhood precisely because it was zoned single-family and you want your neighborhood to remain that way, and somehow that makes you a feudalist.

And speaking of “bear[ing] false witness,” Jo(k)e Sweeney is not proposing to outlaw single-family housing as a substitute for apartment-complexes. To the contrary, Jo(k)e wants to eat his cake and have it too. Turning single-family neighborhoods into seas of “accessory dwelling units” is IN ADDITION TO all of the new apartment complexes that Jo(k)e and his ilk want to build.

And I bet you did NOT know that single-family housing is what has turned New Hampshire blue!

Exclusionary zoning and strict regulations on who can and cannot build is turning our state blue.

Yeah, right. It is not the NHGOP’s obsession with cutting business taxes, while refusing to institute measures such as a hard-cap on local property taxes that is turning New Hampshire blue. It’s not the NHGOP refusing to ban DEI (that lovely euphemism for anti-white racism) that is turning New Hampshire blue. It is not the NHGOP going along with the “diversity is our strength” canard that is turning New Hampshire blue. It is not that Sun-King Sununu’s COVID-policies were indistinguishable from Blue States’. It is YOUR FAULT for wanting to maintain single-family zoning in your neighborhood that you moved into precisely because it was zoned single-family.

Just look at how many Democrats are supporting Jo(k)e Sweeney’s jihad against single-family housing if you want to know whether Jo(k)e’s agenda would help or hurt real Republicans.

Indeed, Jo(k)e Sweeney’s Manifesto reads at times as if it were written by the Democrats. Schoolchildren are “investments” that the State can only cash in on if we outlaw single-family zoning:

We have over 250,000 Granite Staters under the age of 18 here in New Hampshire. On average, we will or have spent roughly $240,000 per student in public education. Where are these investments supposed to live upon their graduation and entrance into adulthood? Both bills are about … ensuring that the investment we’ve made in our youth pays dividends right here at home rather than being exported as our young people leave for lack of affordable housing.

Real Republicans do NOT see children as the equivalents of stocks and bonds.

If Jo(k)e Sweeney’s jihad against single-family housing succeeds, New Hampshire will be nothing more than a mini-me Massachusetts.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dem State Sen. Flip Flops on Protecting Women’s Sports

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-04-07 18:00 +0000

If you look through the recent works of Ed Mosca, you will find him calling out a few of his local enemy camp reps.  I’m here to request that he take those good skills to “the other side of the wall” and apply them to Manchester’s Swampiest. D’Allesandro needs no introduction, but those in need of a refresher profile of him can click here.

I don’t take back anything I said in my previous article on him, but an update is in order because flip-flopping can now be added to his political rap sheet.

First, I will provide the link to the Senate video and point to the time stamp where the discussion of SB375 begins at 2h15min.  It should be noted that there were three remote participants, one of them being Education Chair Ruth Ward, who introduced the bill wearing an eye patch.  Clearly, it was indicative of why she was unable to attend in person, and I send her my get-well wishes, but what was D’Allesandro’s excuse for not coming in?

The answer is unknown, but it wasn’t his first time doing what former Rep David Cote fantasized about doing as he played serial hookey for several years.  Altschiller was the other remote participant, and the senate was treated to NOT having to hear her routine gun-hating diatribe at closing time.

There was some technical difficulty with Ruth’s internet and power, and she froze up while introducing SB375.  Senator Gray, who had the gavel for most of the day, adjourned the senate for lunch as to allow Mr Ward time to fix the problem.  When the recess was over at 3h10min, Ruth finished up, and a discussion followed.  The whole enemy camp was full of lunacy vitriol on steroids for most of the day, starting with the objection to Tim Lang’s SB 341(Parental Bill of Rights, relabeled) and later with SB523 (school library complaint process, NOT a book banning they want you to think it is).

The usual suspects were insufferable, particularly the long-winded nutjob Watters, whose 13 minutes of bloviating I had to mute, and Prentiss, who’s essentially an older and much heavier version of the dumb blonde Twitley. D’Allesandro, who told the NH Journal in January that men don’t belong in women’s sports, did a complete 180. What gives?

Jeb, seated in his ordinary seat rather than standing with the gavel, made a good speech at 4h 04min and called out the enemy camp for name-calling and gaslighting supporters of SB 375.  Daryl Abbas also called out the name-calling and gaslighting several minutes(or hours) later, but at 4h09min, Jeb called out D’Allesandro, referring to the NH Journal article, but at 4h15min, he shamelessly switched to a “wellness of a human being” drivel.  He does mention “constituents,” and I am hoping Ed Mosca is one of them.  There’s a 1 in 3 chance that he is, but even if he isn’t, I encourage Ed to read him the riot act because that untouchable old fixture will probably live as long as Strom Thurmond.  God help us all.

The post Dem State Sen. Flip Flops on Protecting Women’s Sports appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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