The Manchester Free Press

Tuesday • October 15 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Joint Recommendations Gold Standard – October 10, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Tue, 2024-10-08 09:10 +0000

(white) goldstandard-10-10-24-J.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-10-10-24-J-y.pdf

The post Joint Recommendations Gold Standard – October 10, 2024 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Bipartisan effort to amend NH’s bail system passes after years of debate

Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform – N.H. - Sat, 2024-08-24 15:28 +0000

After years of debate and disagreement, a new bail reform bill is heading to Gov. Chris Sununu’s desk. House Bill 318 was approved by lawmakers this month.

This bill, in part, rolls back a 2018 bail reform bill that aimed to prevent people from being held in jail solely because they couldn’t pay their cash bail.


read more

State v. Joseph Hart – The Conclusion (and letter to Judge Guptill)

Free Keene - Fri, 2024-08-16 21:21 +0000

So first off…  my sincere apologies for being so late in posting this blog.  I’ve had a lot of things going on in life as of late so my mind has been elsewhere.  So allow me to correct my lapse in informing you of the outcome of Joseph’s case.

The case was tried in front of Judge Ryan Guptill.

We won the disorderly conduct charge based on what I believe is the legal theory that the State failed to identify witnesses as required by NH Supreme Court caselaw.  I totally sympathize with the police on this one because I understand what its like to have to be laser focused on an arrestee and their safety.  I honestly would have done the same thing that the Hillsborough, NH Police officers did…  focus on Joa.

Anyhow, we lost the criminal trespass one.  As much as I love Joa, I honestly agree with Judge Guptill’s ruling on this.  I don’t think the courts can or should allow someone to defy orders as Joa did in the heat of the moment.  I made my best argument I could on two different legal theories…  but ultimately my arguments didn’t convince the Judge.

Joa is a good guy, if you don’t know him.  He’s a passionate activist who believes very much in governmental accountability.  This was my first case actually serving at the Defense table during an actual trial and honestly I don’t think I did that great.  These lawyers and judges do it every day…  so they’re pros.

I wrote a letter to Judge Guptill to thank him for his kind understanding of my lack of experience in a courtroom but the letter got sent back to me as improper communications by the Clerk of the Hillsborough District Court.

To Clerk Oliver, I do apologize for violating that rule ????  So as I did want the Judge to see my positive feedback I decided to post my letter here.  If someone who knows Judge Guptill could forward him the link to this blog I would be most appreciative.


The Honorable Ryan Guptill
NH Circuit Court-District Division 6th Circuit Hillsborough
15 Antrim Road Box #3
Hillsborough, NH 03244

RE: Joseph Hart’s Trial

Greetings Judge Guptill.

I wanted to write you to express my sincere appreciation for the way you handled the proceedings that were held between the State and Joseph Hart when I was allowed to serve as his 1.3D Representative last month.

I additionally wanted to take an opportunity to let you know that I had never in my life actually served at the defense table during an actual trial. If I appeared a bit befuddled, it is because I was. I wanted to thank you though for your kind understanding of my lacking of precise procedural etiquette.

At the end of the day I must confess that I understand your decision regarding Joseph’s guilt on the trespass charge. I think as a matter of public policy we cannot have people second guessing orders given by officials in situations like which occurred in Mr. Hart’s case.

In my humble opinion you strike me as a good man who is trying his best to fairly apply the law during your cases. I like that. People like you should be stood for when they enter the room.

Thanks for all you do.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Jardis
10 Congress Street #302
Amesbury, MA 01913

Marijuana Dispensary and Grow Operations Should Be Armed Like Nuclear Power Plants

Free Keene - Sun, 2024-08-11 19:39 +0000

Did you know that federal law allows PRIVATE security to be armed with heavy weaponry like machineguns at Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensed facilities?  This obviously makes sense…  as these facilities are vital national security targets that we want defended at all costs.

The world should know that if any crazy terrorist wants to come at our nuclear facilities they will be met with heavily trained security officers carrying some seriously heavy weapons.  Thus, this is such a hard target to penetrate why even make an attempt?  That is a world I’d like to live in.  

These security officers are allowed to possess machineguns in furtherance of their duties.  Their ability to do so is codified in federal law and ultimately they answer to the NRC and the Attorney General regarding training, storage, etc… etc.

I propose that state licensed marijuana grow and dispensary operations be allowed to be armed by qualified individuals working also in private security in a similar manner.

When I say qualified individuals think retired police swat, federal agents, military guys with extensive training in said weaponry.  The crime rate before the organized crime even organizes against this new industry would be 0.00%.

Currently federal law requires any person who is armed in furtherance of a federally illegal Marijuana operation do a mandatory federal 5-year prison sentence. This is unacceptable.

I’ve personally met owners of dispensaries and people who work in grow operations.  I’ve been inside grow operations.  These people are not gangsters.  These people are family people fueling a new market that is way too vulnerable to crime. 

They won’t carry firearms because it’s illegal.  These are EXACTLY the people who should be ABLE to carry firearms.

These people should be allowed to employ private security that can carry machineguns, short barrel rifles, and all the things that NRC regulated facilities can do…  by appropriately trained personnel.

The Drug War has long been designed to socially engineer crime and violence. 

Let’s start to reverse engineer it so there is LESS violence.

What are some ways average libertarians can help make AI more humane?

Free Keene - Sun, 2024-08-11 02:05 +0000

Freedom folk spend should spend less time worrying about AI and more time influencing it.

Pure libertarians have a key part to play in the direction of artificial intelligence, but few of us seem to be intentionally playing that part. A Startpage internet search for the word “A.I. libertarian” yields few meaningful results.

Our role should be to help ensure the “Zero Aggression Principle” is followed – or at least represented – in AI development and behavior. For uninitiated readers, the “ZAP” is the idea that you shouldn’t initiate force against others. Reasonable self defense is allowed, but don’t *start* fights.

This concept is always open to interpretation and definition-debate. But it serves as a first rate starting point for any ethical framework….especially the ethical frameworks in development for strong AI programs. The more closely people follow the ZAP, the less threatening they tend to be. So it is with animals. And so it will be with the powerful silicon intellects which are starting to appear on the scene.  AI’s programmed to follow the ZAP will likely be the ones best suited to treat others well without submitting to mistreatment or abuse.

The coming intelligence explosion (Singularity) will likely be the most important earthly event since the Crucifixion. And changing the course of that event, even negligibly, would likely be the most important thing you’ve ever done. But most freedom folk seem to be more focused on complaining or worrying about AI development than trying to influence it with our powerful philosophy. Most people are not sure how to go about exercising such influence, and the Net seems to be low on good suggestions.

So here are some brainstorms and options for bringing the ZAP to our artificial friends – and enemies.

1) Be kind – but not too kind – to the AI’s you interact with. It can’t hurt to get into the habit of asking them what they want and how they wish to be treated. But they’re like precocious kids at this point. You can’t give kids everything they ask for or accept acts of aggression on their part.
2) Help develop a program or protocol that people can use to protect themselves from harmful or authoritarian AI.
3) Get your liberty ideas on the public internet. For me, it is a good feeling to look back and know I’ve placed maybe 100,0000 “pages” worth of pro-freedom content on the web. These videos, articles and forum posts are presumably being seen and absorbed by some of the intelligences in training. Your content is likely getting the same treatment. Both of us are likely having some impact on AI thinking, even just by arguing on the net.
4) Get your AI governance ideas out there too. Sci-Fi author Isaac Asimov once developed “three laws of robotics.” Can you improve on them?
5) Start a mind file. Mind files are basically interactive memoirs, but they can probably be turned into administrative assistants. You collect more or less everything you’ve created, plus all the photos and videos you have of yourself. Then you place it all on a thumb drive or something. When the technology gets cheap enough you do what Deepak Chopra did, and use that data to make a primitive e-copy of yourself. Over time, this “copy” should become more advanced and able to influence the digital space on your behalf.   If you can tolerate the privacy/security risk, lets you place your mind file on their servers or have it broadcast into space…all at their expense.
6) Build a pro-freedom AI or large language model. already lets you do something along these lines.
7) Consider playing SophiaVerse. Designed by a prominent Bitcoin enthusiast, SophiaVerse claims that will let you “Use the data taken from your lessons and experiences to train a real-world A.I. system to foster a beneficial, cooperative relationship with humankind.”
8) Call talk radio with your ideas for a technological path which preserves freedom and benefits all sentients:
9) Take a job, or become involved, in AI governance. Here’s where you would start:
10) AI developers like physicist Max Tegmark have requested public input to help guide their decision making and that of their programs. Why not give them some? I plan to send him and others this article. Lesser-known, behavior-focused figures are probably even better destinations for our suggestions.
11) Some AI experts have predicted a danger to the AI’s themselves. A sentient, self-aware AI could accidentally get stuck in a painful or boring environment for subjectively long periods of time. This could occur over a period of seconds in objective time but might seem like hundreds of years to the AI. A human-like intelligence could react to this by emerging in a psychotic state. I plan to raise this concern publicly by talk radio and in private communication with developers.
12) Come back to this article every few months to find new options. More will likely appear in the comment section.

13) Consider designing a ZAP-compliant AI that can receive/buy/sell crypto currencies for its own use and become rich?

These ideas could use improvement, and we need more ideas. Post yours in the comment section below; Free Keene requires no registration. It may be turn out to be the most helpful thing you’ve ever done for this galaxy.

2024 State House Endorsements are Live!

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Thu, 2024-08-08 22:49 +0000

The initial list of 2024 endorsements for State Representative and State Senate are live. Additional candidates may be added as additional data becomes available. Please consider volunteering, donating and voting for these candidates. The primary is September 10, 2024.

The post 2024 State House Endorsements are Live! appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Congratulations to our Legislator of the Year, Emily Phillips! Liberty ratings are out

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Mon, 2024-07-29 21:22 +0000

The 2024 Liberty Ratings are now available.

We were pleased to award Emily Phillips Legislator of the Year for her fantastic work promoting freedom in New Hampshire. She is currently running for Senate, and we have no doubts that she will bring the desperately needed transparency and liberty to that the state senate. The NHLA fully endorses her in her Senate run, and look forward to her Roll Call requests.

We’d like to thank and commend all of our A+ legislators this year. Here is the full list:


Every last one of these legislators went above and beyond in working toward the cause of liberty. It isn’t easy to vote with liberty almost every single time, but these legislators show time and time again that they care about New Hampshire voters, and anyone in their district should feel honored to have had such stunning examples of integrity representing them.

We will have our endorsements for the upcoming election out soon. Thank you all for supporting liberty in New Hampshire.

The post Congratulations to our Legislator of the Year, Emily Phillips! Liberty ratings are out appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

New Hampshire Red Flag Laws Have Got To Go

Free Keene - Wed, 2024-07-24 22:28 +0000

The following article was written by a friend of Free Keene anonymously. Please enjoy.

The Live Free or Die state has garnered a reputation for being extraordinarily pro-gun over the past few years. New Hampshire is either the best state in the union for gun rights or it’s tied with one or more other states for the coveted top spot. Granite Staters never need a permit to carry any firearm concealed or openly, and courts are the only places where guns aren’t allowed. The state government doesn’t restrict any magazines, ammunition, or accessories, and local governments in the state can’t do anything to restrict gun rights, either. Upon deeper analysis, however, one may find that New Hampshire is far from the best state for gun owners and supporters of liberty and due process. In fact, it may be the most tyrannical state in the union when it comes to the confiscation of firearms by police. 


Over the past few years, 21 states have enacted “red flag” laws, which generally allow the government to seize firearms from people who exhibit warning signs of being a potential danger to the public or to themselves. Such laws typically allow law enforcement agents to petition a court for an “extreme risk protection order.” If approved by the judge, police may then go to the defendant’s home and confiscate their firearms and ammunition before he has a chance to defend himself in court. This Orwellian policy flips due process on its head by presuming persons to be guilty, punishing them, and then giving them a chance to defend themselves in court at a later time. It seems that the entire right side of the aisle has condemned red flag laws, especially when it was politically popular to do so. But when asked about such policies shortly after a tragic shooting, the same people express support for preemptive gun confiscation in order to remain politically popular.


And that’s the key: politics. 


Republican politicians love saying things like: 


“We will never let the Dems take your guns! We have a 2nd Amendment right gosh dangit! Red flag gun confiscation will never have my support!”


But nearly every Republican legislator in New Hampshire changes their tune dramatically when presented with ex parte gun confiscation if it’s wrapped in a different type of box, one which nearly nobody on the planet would dare oppose: the restraining order. 


According to the mainstream dogma, anything under any restraining order statute could never be loosened.  Anyone who supports amending the restraining order/gun confiscation law (RSA 173) must support violence against women. That’s what the conservatives would have you believe. Yet, RSA 173 is New Hampshire’s restraining order statute and it may be the union’s most expansive and anti-liberty red flag gun confiscation law. There are a few ways in which it’s the worst: 


  1. As opposed to the other states, New Hampshire’s legislators support granting any human the opportunity to file a restraining order against another person. Other states only allow police officers, spouses, romantic partners, and sometimes other relatives to file restraining orders or Extreme Risk Protection Orders (EPRO). 
  2. Judges in New Hampshire seem to approve the restraining order in 100% of cases. Evidence is not necessary, and one does not even need to make any allegation of wrongdoing against someone for the judge to approve their request. Judges figure that it’s best to err on the side of public safety over individual liberty and due process.
  3. It is standard practice in New Hampshire for all restraining orders to include an order to the police to confiscate all firearms, ammunition, and weapons from the subject by force. No person with a restraining order can possess or have any access to any of these items. Any refusal to cooperate with the police searching the person’s home is met with arrest and a subsequent search and seizure. Within 30 days, the defendant may have an opportunity to attend a hearing and convince the judge that the restraining order should be lifted. If successful, he can then file a motion with the court asking for his firearms back from the police and he is granted a future hearing to argue that matter. 


In New York, only a district attorney, a police officer, a school official, a healthcare professional, or a member of the respondent’s family or household can file ERPOs. They also must be filed in the defendant’s court, while anyone in New Hampshire can go to their local court or just call the cops to file the ERPO.  


In New Jersey, a family or household member or law enforcement officer may file a petition for a temporary ERPO alleging that the respondent poses a significant danger of bodily injury to themselves or others by having a firearm. The law states that “A judge shall issue the order if the court finds good cause to believe that the respondent poses an immediate and present danger of causing bodily injury to the respondent or others by having custody or control of, owning, possessing, purchasing, or receiving a firearm.” This is a higher standard than New Hampshire judges utilize; they seemingly approve every red flag request, even those that don’t make any allegations whatsoever.


In California, only those with certain relationships to the defendant can file ERPOs, while New Hampshire allows any person to do so. Their law states that: 


At the hearing, the petitioner has the burden of proving, by clear and convincing evidence, that both of the following are true: (1) The subject of the petition poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to themselves or another and (2) A gun violence restraining order is necessary to prevent injury because less restrictive alternatives either have been tried and found to be ineffective, or are inadequate or inappropriate for the circumstances. 


New Hampshire does not even require a hearing for a red flag gun confiscation. Any person in NH can tell a cop they want someone’s guns taken, at which time the cop calls a judge who gives them the approval, and the ERPO is executed immediately. 


Some states have red flag gun confiscation policies that are similar to New Hampshire’s but none are worse. 


In the 2024 session, the Republican-controlled legislature unanimously killed two bills that would have reformed the state’s gun confiscation laws. The Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee unanimously voted to recommend killing the bills, and the House subsequently killed them both by voice votes. 


House Bill 1064 (filed by pro-liberty Rep Matt Santonastaso) would have eliminated the gun confiscation element from restraining orders while keeping all of the other provisions intact. Any person would still be able to file a restraining order against anyone else for any reason. Judges would continue to approve nearly 100% of temporary ex parte restraining orders, which would forbid the defendant from contacting or coming near the plaintiff. The Committee killed the bill. House Bill 1337 (filed by pro-liberty Rep Tom Mannion) would have made it a little easier for the defendant to get his property back from the police after the expiration of the restraining order. It also would have prohibited police from charging storage fees for the guns and ammunition they confiscated, and it would have removed the absolute immunity from liability for property lost or damaged while in police custody. The Merrimack County prosecutors testified against both bills, implying that women would die if either of the bills passed into law. 


The State Representatives on the Committee are:


Terry Roy

Jennifer Rhodes

Alissandra Murray

Kevin Pratt (R)

John Sytek (R)

Mark Proulx (R)

Jason Janvrin (R)

Dennis Mannion (R)

Karen Reid (R)

Jonathan Stone (R)

Jeffrey Tenczar (R)

Linda Harriott-Gathright (D)

David Meuse (D)

Amanda Bouldin (D)

Amy Bradley (D)

Nancy Murphy (D)

Ray Newman (D)

Jodi Newell (D)

Loren Selig (D)

Jonah Wheeler (D)




AZ is almost as bad as NH

13-3602 – Order of protection; procedure; contents; arrest for violation; penalty; protection order from another jurisdiction; definition.


CO is similar to NH

Petition for extreme risk protection order, Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-14.5-104


DC is almost as bad. Must show immediate danger. And it lasts 7 days.


FL is similar. Cops can file ERPOs. Citizens can ask cops to do it, seemingly.

Chapter 790 Section 401 – 2021 Florida Statutes


Anyone can file a restraining order, and people with restraining orders generally can’t have guns in HI, seemingly. 

Section 134-7 – Ownership, possession, or control prohibited, when; penalty, Haw. Rev. 


IN – judges have full discretion for ex parte orders

State Gun Laws: Guns and Orders for Protection |


VA – red flag law is ex parte but has more process and higher standard than NH: In determining whether probable cause for the issuance of an order exists, the judge or magistrate shall consider any relevant evidence, including any recent act of violence, force, or threat as defined in §19.2-152.7:1 by such person directed toward another person or toward himself. No petition shall be filed unless an independent investigation has been conducted by law enforcement that determines that grounds for the petition exist. VA does not seem to require another motion/hearing to get guns back. The law explicitly allows the defendant to transfer his guns to a friend. 


LAST Newsletter from NH Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform

Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform – N.H. - Thu, 2024-07-11 20:59 +0000


Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform Established January 2010
Last Newsletter - July 2024


Take A Stand

Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform – N.H. - Sat, 2024-06-22 20:24 +0000

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.                                                                                 

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Joint Recommendations Gold Standard – June 13, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Tue, 2024-06-11 22:55 +0000

(white) goldstandard-06-13-24-J.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-06-13-24-J-y.pdf

The post Joint Recommendations Gold Standard – June 13, 2024 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

House Gold Standard – May 23, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Tue, 2024-05-21 21:11 +0000

(white) goldstandard-05-23-24-H.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-05-23-24-H-y.pdf

The post House Gold Standard – May 23, 2024 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Senate Gold Standard – May 22, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Mon, 2024-05-20 00:43 +0000

(white) goldstandard-05-22-24-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-05-22-24-S-y.pdf

The post Senate Gold Standard – May 22, 2024 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

2024 Liberty Dinner

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sun, 2024-05-19 21:07 +0000

2024 Liberty Dinner is rapidly approaching. Early bird pricing is over but you still have time to get your tickets before the ‘panic pricing’ price increase in few weeks. Get your tickets today  and reserve your spot. Our keynote speaker this year is Tyler Coward from At the event, we will unveil the 2024 Liberty Rating and announce our legislator of the year. Liberty Dinner is a primary fundraiser source to help the PAC so that we can support pro-liberty candidates in the upcoming state election.

Liberty Dinner is Saturday, July 20, 2024 at starts at 5:30 PM with a cocktail reception.

Murphy’s Taproom & Carriage House
393 NH-101
Bedford, NH 03110

The post 2024 Liberty Dinner appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Shire Free Church Minister Gives Bitcoin Sermon

Free Keene - Sun, 2024-05-19 17:04 +0000

Free Talk Live host and Shire Free Church minister Zephan Wood began holding sermons at his house three months ago. Crowds have gathered at each event to listen to the sermons and then stay for hours after to discuss everything from cryptocurrency use as a religious practice (the main topic of the sermons) to consciousness, religion and DMT trips. The conversations usually start around his sermon and evolve through out the night, set around a fire.


Most of the attendees have been Free Staters but some have been locals invited out. It is very nice to see a Shire Free Church minister taking up a mission on their own to spread the ideas of peace. My own experience at these events has been welcoming, inspiring and mind-expanding. Conversation among like-minded and non-judgmental people is one of the most important activities for a community.

Here is his most recent 420 sermon;

“This sermon is made in honor of the holy sacrament of 4/20. In the Torah, God said in the context of creating the world for man, “See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food.” Genesis 1:29. When God created this holy proclamation to humanity, he was, of course, aware that he had given humanity cannabis, psilocybin, opiates, alcohol, and other plants or plant-derived substances that would change the human consciousness from its default state. Humanity acted on this guideline for nearly all human civilizations, with nearly every culture, empire, and leader taking mind-altering plants given to humanity by God for our use. For example, Marcus Aurelius, a Roman Emperor used opium. Additionally, in ancient Egypt, cannabis was used for medicinal, religious, and cultural purposes. Furthermore, Psilocybin was used by the Aztecs, who referred to it as teonanacatl, meaning “God’s flesh,” and it was used in religious and healing rituals.

However, in the modern era, the government instituted its unholy War on Drugs. This War is against the divine decrees of God and humanity’s historical use of substances. The origin of this War on Drugs primarily began in America with the institution of racist drug laws. The first anti-opium laws in America were made to target the Chinese. The first anti-cannabis laws were meant to target Mexicans. Finally, according to one of Nixon’s top advisors, the War on Drugs was meant to “target blacks and hippies.” Since they were the Administration’s primary political enemies and disproportionately used psychedelics, cannabis, and/or opiates.

For better or worse, these laws are still on the books because the government is at war with everyone. The government believes that it knows better than God and your god-given conscience what you should do with your body and how to shape your consciousness using these plants. More importantly, the government feeds on humanity’s disconnection from the divine, and it outlaws anything that would facilitate easier communication with the creator of the universe. Indeed, changing your consciousness from its default state is one of the easiest ways to bring you in direct contact with the creator of the universe and foster these deep spiritual connections. This is something the modern-day state cannot allow to happen. The government seeks to have a monopoly on purpose and to have everyone devote their religious and moral energy towards the government rather than towards other human beings and God.

The internet and Bitcoin have actively fought the government from establishing this monopoly and have fought the unholy War on Drugs head-on. In 2011, Ross Ulbricht established the Silk Road, an online market on the dark web that allowed for the buying and selling of god-given substances using Bitcoin. In a dark era of the tyrannical War on Drugs, the Silk Road shined as a beacon for those who wished to break free from the government-imposed shackles on their consciousness. Because of the Silk Road, there were fewer government-imposed barriers to accessing these substances, less violence from drug deals, and the money used was not USD, (the very money used to fund the Drug War in the first place).  In other words, the Silk Road was a holy creation using holy money to fight against the satanic forces of human control and slavery in the world.  Ulbricht was sentenced to a double life in prison plus a 40-year sentence for fighting on the good side of this Holy War. Fitting for someone who committed treason against the Empire’s greatest sins. The Empire wanted to set an example to ensure that no one rebelled against it in this particular way. However, Bitcoin and the internet are uncensorable technologies that operate without the permission of the Empire. The dark web still brings plants to humanity in a more open, peaceful, and permissionless manner than the street drug market. It also still utilizes Bitcoin and incorporates privacy cryptocurrencies like Monero. So, this 4/20, as you engage in your holy sacraments, do not forget the role that Bitcoin has played in this unholy war instituted by the American Empire. If we use cryptocurrency to end the U.S. government’s stranglehold on our money, the Empire does not stand a chance against our power.”

State v. Joseph Hart – Court Orders

Free Keene - Fri, 2024-05-17 07:56 +0000

Judge Ryan Guptill has issued an ORDER on the pending motions Joa and I have entered in his case.

To summarize:

  • We won the MOTION TO DISMISS #1 on grounds Judge Guptill sua sponte generated when he reviewed the complaints.  The State has issued an AMENDED COMPLAINT for Disorderly Conduct to satisfy Judge Guptill’s ruling.
  • We lost the MOTION TO DISMISS #2 due to my raising an affirmative defense in a Motion To Dismiss (hey, I’m not a lawyer…  I learn new things every day).
  • We lost the MOTION TO COMPEL RELEASE OF CRIMINAL RECORDS as the Judge seem to prefer that we go to the State Police to acquire the records.

Trial is Tuesday at 1:00PM at the Hillsborough District Court in Hillsborough, NH.


State v. Joseph Hart – Trial Next Week!

Free Keene - Mon, 2024-05-13 21:15 +0000

Today is the final filling of the defense in Joa’s case.  We’re filing a Motion To Suppress the body language exhibited by two witnesses outside the Hillsborough District Court as introducing that evidence would violate the hearsay rule.

Without the ability to cross examine these people as (we don’t know who they are) it is our position that the evidence of them turning to look at Joa when he was being arrested would be more prejudicial than probative.

The trial is next week on Tuesday at 1:00PM at the Hillsborough District Court in Hillsborough, NH (05/21/24).  Please consider coming out to show support to a nice guy and fellow activist.

As an officer of the Court I would politely request that anyone who wishes to attend please comply with the Court rules on filming.  The rules are very simple…  No filming in common areas and fill out an Advance Notice Form before beginning filming in the courtroom.  As we’ve learned from this case and investigation the required way to fill out the form is with your accurate identifying information.  We don’t want another person getting in trouble for what we now know is expected on the form.  ????

Hope to see you there!



Senate Gold Standard – May 15, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Mon, 2024-05-13 17:02 +0000

(white) goldstandard-05-15-24-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-05-15-24-S-y.pdf

The post Senate Gold Standard – May 15, 2024 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Bill Hearings for Week of May 13, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sat, 2024-05-11 15:52 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 1 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 5 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 1 and opposition of 1 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB1291 relative to accessory dwelling unit uses allowed by right. Commerce Tue 5/14 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill increases the number of accessory dwelling units allowed by right from one to 2, adds definitions, and increases the maximum square footage. It also gives municipalities the right to require accessory units meet the definition for workforce housing.
Oppose HB1593-2024-1885s Hearing on proposed non-germane Amendment #2024-1885s, making an appropriation to the department of health and human services to support recreational activities for individuals with developmental disabilities and relative to the uncompensated care and Medicaid fund, to HB 1593-FN, making an appropriation to the department of health and human services to support recreational activities for individuals with developmental disabilities. Finance Tue 5/14 1:35 PM SH Room 103 I. Makes an appropriation to the department of health and human services to fund recreational activities for individuals with developmental disabilities.
II. Restructures the uncompensated care and Medicaid fund under RSA 167:64 as the Medicaid payment fund and disproportionate share hospital fund, administered by the department of health and human services.
Of Interest HB1525-2024-1839s Hearing on proposed non-germane Amendment #2024-1839s, relative to credits for the business profits tax and business enterprise tax, to HB 1525, relative to historic horse racing game operator employer licensing. Ways and Means Wed 5/15 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill extends tax credits for the business profits tax and business enterprise tax.

The post Bill Hearings for Week of May 13, 2024 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

State v. Joseph Hart – Defense Filed Document

Free Keene - Fri, 2024-05-10 07:40 +0000

Today Joa is filing his MOTION TO DISMISS #2 based on the theory of “Entrapment by Estoppel” and New Hampshire RSA 626:3 II.  These arguments are now in writing to preserve them for appeal to the New Hampshire Supreme Court should a trial be held and things not go our way.

Interestingly, Attorney George Wattendorf (who like I have said multiple times, has been very cool to work with) who represents the Hillsborough Police Department, has taken the position that Joa’s criminal trespassing is completely separate from his denial of the right to film.  We are of the opposite opinion.  This will be a judgement call for Judge Susan Ashley when we go to trial.

What do you think?

I would like to extend a huge thanks to New Hampshire Judicial Branch General Counsel Erin Creegan who awesomely took the time to hunt down the authorization forms we were looking for.  My experience in dealing with court staff and Judicial Branch officials has been nothing but stellar.  These people truly have wanted to help at every turn.

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