Position |
Bill |
Title |
Committee |
Day |
Time |
Room |
State Analysis |
Support |
HB748 |
establishing a local education freedom account program. |
Education Policy and Administration |
Mon 3/3 |
9:30 AM |
LOB Room 205-207 |
This bill allows school districts to adopt a program for local education freedom accounts for a parent of an eligible student to receive a grant from a scholarship organization for qualifying educational expenses at a public school, chartered public school, nonpublic school, or program approved by the department of education. |
Support |
HB231 |
prohibiting school district personnel from transporting students to medical procedures without parental consent. |
Education Policy and Administration |
Mon 3/3 |
3:00 PM |
LOB Room 205-207 |
This bill requires school districts to create a policy prohibiting school district personnel from transporting any student who is a minor for any medical or health-related procedures or appointments without knowledge and approval of a parent or guardian unless he or she is following a published school district emergency health or medical protocol or policy. |
Support |
HB413 |
relative to subdivision regulations on the completion of improvements and the regulation of building permits. |
Municipal and County Government |
Mon 3/3 |
9:40 AM |
LOB Room 301-303 |
This bill: I. Extends the existing 5-year exemption for subdivision plats to 7 years and increases the preliminary step from 2 years to 3 years. II. Changes the building code and fire code appeals process, limiting the jurisdiction of the local building code board of appeals to hearing decisions made under local amendments to those codes. III. Provides that decisions of the building code review board regarding decisions of the fire marshal and local building code board of appeals may be appealed to superior court or the housing appeals board. |
Of Interest |
HB266 |
relative to structural changes to the department of energy. |
Science, Technology and Energy |
Mon 3/3 |
9:00 AM |
LOB Room 302-304 |
This bill: I. Ensures the department’s full party status in proceedings before the public utilities commission. II. Requires the department to support the public utilities commission, site evaluation committee, office of the consumer advocate, and any related entities. III. Allow the department to demand documents and specific answers from public utilities or related entities. This bill is at the request of the department of energy. |
Oppose |
HB493 |
requiring education on child abuse and neglect for certain healthcare providers as a condition for licensure. |
Children and Family Law |
Tue 3/4 |
10:00 AM |
LOB Room 206-208 |
This bill requires education on child abuse and neglect for certain healthcare providers as a condition for licensure. |
Support |
SB90 |
allowing high-density residential development on land zoned for commercial use. |
Commerce |
Tue 3/4 |
10:00 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill authorizes high-density residential development on commercially zoned land. |
Support |
SB175 |
relative to the use of covenants by municipalities. |
Commerce |
Tue 3/4 |
10:30 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill grants municipalities the authority to enforce private covenants while prohibiting municipalities and state government from requiring or encouraging covenants as a condition of zoning or land use approval, with exceptions made for workforce housing developments. |
Support |
SB281 |
prohibiting municipalities from denying building or occupancy permits for property adjacent to class VI roads under certain circumstances. |
Commerce |
Tue 3/4 |
10:45 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill changes the requirements that allow a building to be constructed on a lot adjacent to a class VI roadway. |
Support |
SB283 |
relative to the calculation of floor-area-ratios under local building ordinances. |
Commerce |
Tue 3/4 |
11:00 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill requires municipalities to exclude below-grade areas from floor-area-ratio (FAR) calculations and review and adjust height limitations as needed to maximize capacity and height potential for new construction. |
Support |
SB163 |
prohibiting local moratoria and limitations on building permits. |
Commerce |
Tue 3/4 |
11:30 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill prohibits municipalities from adopting new ordinances, regulations, or policies that establish moratoria or limitations on building permits or approvals for subdivisions and site plans, and repeals existing authority for temporary moratoria or limitations. |
Support |
HB463 |
relative to the composition of the board of recount in elections for the select board and for the school board. |
Election Law |
Tue 3/4 |
10:00 AM |
LOB Room 306-308 |
This bill prohibits candidates for the select board and the school board from sitting on a board of recount in an election where such candidate is on the ballot. |
Oppose |
SB214 |
enabling no-excuse absentee registration and voting. |
Election Law and Municipal Affairs |
Tue 3/4 |
9:15 AM |
LOB Room 103 |
This bill allows for no-excuse absentee registration and voting. |
Support |
SB231 |
relative to road frontage requirements and setbacks for wetlands. |
Energy and Natural Resources |
Tue 3/4 |
9:00 AM |
SH Room 103 |
This bill adopts limits on road frontage requirements and setbacks for wetlands and lot lines to improve housing density, ensuring these requirements do not exceed 50 feet and are consistent with existing shoreland protection and environmental standards. |
Oppose |
SB235 |
enabling funds from the Pitman-Robertson Act to be spent by the fish and game department on threatened and endangered species in New Hampshire. |
Energy and Natural Resources |
Tue 3/4 |
9:40 AM |
SH Room 103 |
This bill enables funds from the Pitman-Robertson Act to be spent by the fish and game department on threatened and endangered species in New Hampshire. |
Support |
HB616 |
relative to the confiscation of animals from persons suspected of or charged with abuse of animals. |
Environment and Agriculture |
Tue 3/4 |
1:30 PM |
LOB Room 301-303 |
This bill prohibits the confiscation of animals from persons suspected of abuse of animals unless such person is charged with cruelty to animals or the animals require temporary protective custody. This bill also requires the state veterinarian or their designee to accompany an investigating officer when livestock are the subject of a cruelty case in order to set probable cause criteria for the taking of the animal. |
Support |
SB270 |
relative to allowing owners to gather items necessary for work from impounded vehicles. |
Judiciary |
Tue 3/4 |
1:00 PM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill allows individuals to retrieve personal and work-related items from an impounded vehicle so long as the individual is accompanied by the vehicle’s owner. |
Oppose |
SB259 |
creating an exception to physical attendance and quorum requirements under the right-to-know law for individuals with disabilities. |
Judiciary |
Tue 3/4 |
1:10 PM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill creates an exception to physical attendance and quorum requirements under the right-to-know law for individuals with disabilities. |
Oppose |
SB263 |
criminalizing and creating a private right of action for the facilitation, encouragement, offer, solicitation, or recommendation of certain acts or actions through a responsive generative communication to a child. |
Judiciary |
Tue 3/4 |
1:40 PM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill criminalizes and creates a private right of action for the facilitation, encouragement, offer, solicitation, or recommendation of certain acts or actions through a responsive generative communication to a child. |
Oppose |
HB660 |
requiring historic horse racing facilities to compensate their host communities with a percentage of the revenue generated from their historic horse racing machines. |
Ways and Means |
Tue 3/4 |
10:00 AM |
LOB Room 202-204 |
This bill requires historic horse racing facilities to transfer 10 percent of revenue generated, after breakage and payment of winnings, to host municipalities. |
Support |
HB529 |
relative to the liquor commission. |
Commerce and Consumer Affairs |
Wed 3/5 |
1:15 PM |
LOB Room 302-304 |
This bill: I. Extends the hours of sales of alcoholic beverages. II. Allows on-premises licensees to deliver liquor to customers who order a meal for home delivery. III. Allows on-premises licensees to sell beer in refillable containers and refill such containers with beer. |
Support |
HB695 |
relative to school districts and medically-related grants. |
Education Policy and Administration |
Wed 3/5 |
2:00 PM |
LOB Room 205-207 |
This bill directs the department of education to require school districts to adopt a policy prohibiting schools from seeking grants for medical products or services or accepting grant-provided medical products or services, or funds therefor, unless the citizens of the municipality vote in favor of such action. |
Oppose |
HB250 |
enabling local governing bodies to regulate the muzzling of dogs. |
Environment and Agriculture |
Wed 3/5 |
10:00 AM |
LOB Room 301-303 |
This bill enables local governing bodies to regulate the muzzling of dogs. |
Oppose |
SB302 |
requiring background checks for solid waste facility owners. |
Executive Departments and Administration |
Wed 3/5 |
9:15 AM |
SH Room 103 |
This bill requires background checks for solid waste facility owners including partners and managers. |
Support |
HB559 |
relative to staffing requirements in emergency medical transport vehicles. |
Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs |
Wed 3/5 |
9:30 AM |
LOB Room 201 |
This bill provides that not more than one emergency medical care provider shall be required to provide care to a patient during transport in an ambulance or other emergency medical service vehicle. |
Support |
HB357 |
relative to the department of health and human services’ rulemaking authority regarding immunization requirements. |
Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs |
Wed 3/5 |
10:30 AM |
LOB Room 201 |
This bill limits childhood immunization requirements to diseases identified in statute. The bill removes the authority of the commissioner of health and human services to adopt rules requiring immunization for additional childhood diseases. |
Support |
HB358 |
relative to exemption from immunization requirements on the basis of religious belief. |
Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs |
Wed 3/5 |
11:30 AM |
LOB Room 201 |
This bill provides that a parent or legal guardian may claim an exemption from childhood immunization requirements on the basis of religious belief by providing a signed statement to that effect. The bill removes the statutory reference to a form used for such purpose. |
Support |
HB701 |
relative to a health care patient’s right to try certain emergency health care treatment options. |
Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs |
Wed 3/5 |
1:00 PM |
LOB Room 201 |
This bill expands a health care patient’s right to try emerging health care treatment options. |
Support |
HB522 |
relative to the expectation of privacy in personal information maintained by the state. |
Judiciary |
Wed 3/5 |
11:00 AM |
LOB Room 206-208 |
This bill establishes an expectation of privacy in personal information maintained by the state. |